
In One Piece as a Soul Reaper

James's life was boring, routine. All that changed one day when after the craziest day of his life, he finds himself on a stage in front of a crowd of gods, being told he is the new contestant on their gameshow where he will be reincarnated into a fictional world for their amusement. Unknown to James there is a twist waiting for him that will throw off everything. ________________________________________________________________ This is my first time writing anything so any constructive criticism is more than welcome. I'm writing this because I'm bored and thought it might be fun to write something so don't expect a consistent release schedule or anything. I don't own any of the characters or works written about except for my OCs. The cover isn't mine, just googled Toshiro Hitsugaya fanart. If the artist wants me to change it just contact me.

Sham_Pain · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

The Fall

Our story starts on a normal day….NOT.

James felt there was something off about the day but couldn't quite put his finger on what. Everything seemed normal, he woke up, ate breakfast, watched the newest episode of One Piece, and was now on his way to school. All this stacked up to be a normal morning, but something in his gut told him otherwise, something was coming.

As James was walking to school lost in thought he heard a scream come from a nearby alleyway.


Running to the alley, James sees a girl wearing his school's uniform with a knife to her throat and pinned against a wall by an ugly overweight man.

"Stop struggling you bitch, I'll be sure to make you feel good in a minute!"

The man licks his lips and reaches to rip the girl's shirt off. Seeing this the girl cried out, "N-No! P-Please s-stop it!"

Normally, in a situation like this, a person would call the police. But seeing this scene, something in James snapped. Without thinking, James charged the man with a knife.


Tackling the man to the ground, he punched him in the face a few times, knocking him out, before turning to the girl and yelling, "Mia! Are you Ok?! Are you hurt anywhere?"

"N-no, thank you, James. I-If you hadn't helped me, I-I don't know what would have happened."

The reason James jumped in to save the girl without thinking was that he recognized her. It was his childhood friend Mia. They had been neighbors and friends for years, and James had started to have a crush on her when they entered middle school. Mia was a beauty with deep crimson hair, large breasts, a narrow waist, and plump thighs and ass. Her blue eyes trembled slightly and widened when she saw his arm.

"Your arm! Oh my god, are you ok?!"

A deep cut had appeared on James' arm, presumably from when he tackled the would-be rapist to the ground. Wincing slightly, he said, "Ya, this is nothing, I can just get some bandages from the school nurse later, I'm just happy your all right."

Hearing James, Mia blushed lightly and looked away as not to let him see.

"W-well, we should get going, I don't want to stay here any longer."

"Sure, give me a second to call the police."

After calling the police and telling them what happened, James and Mia made their way to school. Arriving at the gates, a girl approached them and called out to James while blushing.

"J-James, are you free at lunch?"

"Hm? Sure, I'll see you them."

Seeing this scene, Mia's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Great! I can't wait!" the girl said before dashing off.

"Who was that?" asked Mia while glaring at the girl running away.

"Oh, that's a girl from one of my classes. I've only talked to her a few times. Wonder what she wants?"

'Maybe she's going to confess' he thought, 'Nah, no way that's going to happen.'

James was by no means ugly, in fact, he was probably the most handsome guy at school. With snow-white hair, sharp features, and piercing teal eyes, many of the girls at school had a crush on him, but did James know? No, he had no idea, after all, no one had ever confessed to him even with his good looks.

A weird glint flashed through Mia's eyes before she turned to him, "I don't know, but will you meet me on the rooftop after school?"

"Ok, I've got my club after school, but I can meet you after that."

Nodding, Mia said "Then I'll see you then" before turning and walking off to her class.

The rest of the morning was uneventful, classes as usual. When the lunch bell rang, James stood up and made his way to lunch to meet the girl from the morning. Arriving at the cafeteria, James looked around before spotting the girl walking towards him.

"H-Hi, will you come with me?" The girl asked blushing heavily.

James just smiled before replying "Sure, lead the way."

Seeing his smile, the girl was caught in a daze for a few seconds before snapping out of it and blushing even more than before. "T-This way then," she said while leading him outside to the school's courtyard.

After managing to find a spot alone, the girl turned to James before stammering, "J-James, I've liked you for a long time, since we started high school, w-will you go out with me!"

Caught off guard, James was silent for a few seconds allowing his brain to reboot. Coming back to his senses, James looked at the girl before saying, "I really appreciate your feelings, but I'm sorry, I already like someone."

Hearing his response, the girl looked heartbroken, "N-no, it's ok, I-I should have known" before turning around and running away.

'Shit, my first confession didn't go exactly like I was imagining.' James thought to himself before returning to the cafeteria to eat his lunch. 'I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but I'd feel even worse if I faked it and played with her feelings' he thought.

Finishing his lunch, James made his way to his way back to his classroom. The rest of the school day went by uneventfully until the bell signaling the end of the school day rang. Standing up, James walked to his club room. Opening the door, James went in before being approached by a couple of boys.

"Heard the prince finally had his first confession." Said the first boy.

"Ya, thought you were going to remain forever single. Finally interested in getting a girlfriend?" asked the second boy.

Looking at the duo, James sighed, "I've never not been interested, I've just never been confessed to, plus I already like someone."

The pair of boys' eyes widened when they heard that. "EH?! You actually like someone? I thought you were going to be a priest at the rate you were going!" The first boy cried out in surprise.

James just groaned when he heard his friend. "Oh fuck you, Chris, of course I like someone, though I'm not saying who. Don't tell me you thought the same thing Connor?" he said before looking to the second boy.

"Well, considering you're the most popular guy at school and yet have never even been on a date with a girl we just kind of thought you weren't interested in dating." Conner shrugged.

James shook his head, "Well every girl I talk to ends up running away." He sighed in dejection.

"Don't worry about it man, it'll work out eventually" Chris said before mumbling "It doesn't help that you have that crazy guard dog chasing them away."

"Hm? What did you say?" James asked, not hearing the last part.

"N-nothing," Chris said, slightly stiffening at James' question. Connor glared at Chris before elbowing him in the side before turning back to James, "Anyways, let's get started with our club activities, I've got something to do after this so let's get going."

James and Chris nodded before busying themselves in the club room. After 45 minutes, James said goodbye to his two friends and then started making his way up to the roof to meet with Mia.

Opening the door to the roof, James looked around before realizing that Mia wasn't there yet, so he walked over to the railing of the roof and pulled out his phone, and started playing on it while waiting for Mia. After about 10 minutes, the sun started to set, and James heard the door to the roof open. Looking up, James saw Mia walk out. With the setting sun in the background, Mia looks stunning. Walking over to him, Mia smiled before asking "So how was your day?"

James, still stunned by her beauty, took a couple of seconds to respond. "Pretty good, not much happened."

"Aw come on, something interesting had to have happened" Mia pouted.

'C-cute' James thought to himself. Wanting to tease her a bit, James said smugly "Well the girl from this morning did confess at lunch."

Hearing that, Mia went silent and looked down. "W-What did you say?" Mia asked with a slight tremble in her voice. Not catching that, James continued "Well of course I accepted, I mean I've never been confessed to, and plus she was pretty cute."

When James finished, something in Mia's eyes changed, but unfortunately, because she was looking down James didn't see it. Step by step, Mia slowly approached James before wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"W-What are you doing Mia," James asked flushed feeling her breasts pressed against him.

"…mine. You are supposed to be mine, no one else's, all mine." Mia mumbles. James, hearing that started to freak out a little. "W-what are you saying Mia, what do you mean 'mine'?"

"You are supposed to be mine! MINE! I loved you since we were kids! You were all I thought about, my everything, my world! I kept those thieving bitches away from you ever since we started high school. Your mine! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE…." She yelled.

James was taken aback, on one hand, he was happy that she liked him back, but on the other hand, he was freaking the fuck out at what she was saying. "W-wait a second Mia, w-what are you saying. You're freaking me out." James stammered, trying to pry her arms off him.

"NO, THAT BITCH CAN'T HAVE YOU, YOU BELONG TO ME, YOU MINE!!!" Mia yelled, gripping James tighter and tighter.

Mia then went silent before looking up at James with a strange light in her eyes. "That's it! If I can't have you no one can!" She cried out before putting all her weight against him. James, still leaning against the roof top's railing realized what was happening too late. As the feeling of weightlessness overtook him, James felt Mia's arms still wrapped around him and could hear, "We'll be together forever nothing can separate us."

As they plummeted towards the ground, James, not knowing why after what had just happened wrapped his arms around Mia to try and cushion the fall. Even if she went crazy, she was still the girl he liked for his whole life and he didn't want her to die. While millions of thoughts raced through his mind, time seemed to slow down as the ground drew closer. 'Is this it? Is this where I die?' James thought. Only a few feet from the ground, James heard something that confused him. Thunder. 'How is there thunder, there isn't a cloud in the sky' thought James as he looked up to the sky before –


A blinding light flooded the world before disappearing just as fast as it had appeared. People looked around but no one could find where the flash had come from. As people looked for the source of the light, no one seemed to notice the 2 missing people that were mere inches away from death.