
In Naruto World with Raphael

"In Naruto World with Raphael" tells the story of a young assassin journey after he's reincarnated into the Naruto universe as Sasuke Uchiha, accompanied by Raphael. Together, they embark on an adventure filled with discovery, friendship, and the pursuit of Sasuke's true potential in the ninja world. New author here but a long time reader of fanfic, I'm just trying out please support. Thanks Buy me a coffee @ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/drKsaMa

drK_saMa · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


As Sasuke made his way to the academy, the lively atmosphere of the Hidden Leaf Village greeted him warmly. As soon as he reach the classroom, he encountered his classmates, each with their own distinct personalities and quirks.

Naruto Uzumaki, with his bright orange jumpsuit and mischievous grin, bounded up to Sasuke with unbridled enthusiasm. "I'll beat you today, Sasuke, dattebayo!" he exclaimed, his excitement infectious.

Sasuke offered a nod in response, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. Stunning everyone thinking is this the real Sasuke. 

Nearby, Sakura Haruno approached with a shy smile, her emerald eyes sparkling with determination. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun, are you fine" she asked softly with concern, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.

"Morning, Sakura, i'm fine now" Sasuke replied, returning her smile with a polite nod. The entire classroom would freeze for a moment, their collective jaws dropping in disbelief. At this Sakura was over the top thinking "Did Sasuke just… greet me? "

" Dattebayo! Sasuke actually spoke! " Naruto thought

He caught sight of the iconic trio of Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi, who will be the future Ino-Sika-Cho Trio.

Ino, with her cascading blonde hair, exuded a sense of poise and determination. As the heiress of the Yamanaka clan, she will possess formidable skills in mind-based jutsu, often using her abilities to outmaneuver opponents both on and off the battlefield now she is fan of Sasuke but not over like Sakura.

Sitting alongside Ino was Shikamaru, sleeping in the desk with an air of nonchalance. Despite his laid-back demeanor, Shikamaru was a tactical genius, capable of devising intricate strategies with ease—a talent that earned him both admiration and respect among his peers and eventually becoming the advisor to 7th Hokage in the anime.

And then there was Choji eating a chip, his sturdy frame and jovial expression a testament to his love of food and hearty appetite. Though he may have appeared carefree at first glance, Choji possessed a fierce loyalty to his friends and a hidden strength that belied his gentle nature.

He saw Hinata, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka in the class they are the future Konoha 11 alongside Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee.

While he is thinking about this the class started with basic ninja history and tactics of ninja class. 

Sikamaru who is always sharp think that Sasuke is weird today and not like himself. He feels like Sasuke is changed but didn't think much.

Nothing much happen in the academy, as he is always a topper and excel in Taijutsu, Sirukenjutsu and Ninjutsu. Naruto will always yell "Sasuke-teme," whenever he met him. To which he will be smiling and taunting "Come beat me if you can! " . And Sakura always annoying him with her "Sasuke-kun".

Just normal Sasuke, sasuke-ing to put a facade. 

Every day, he run inside Uchiha compound complete the One Punch Man Training. He now started tree climbing chakra training, although his skill Chakra Mastery passively increase his chakra control, he needs to actively train to get more proficient quickly. He goes to library everyday while Raphael takes every knowledge he reads and to aid in skill creation and understanding of chakra. Most of the justsu scroll are not allowed for academy student so he started learning medical books where he learns poison and antidote, chakra scalpel, healing jutsu which Raphael derive an extra skill Self-Regeneration which include chakra regeneration and physical regeneration.

While he was training he was murmuring to himself from whom to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu as in the academy only Clone Jutsu was taught. 

"Report," Raphael's voice interjected, breaking through Sasuke's contemplation with its characteristic promptness. "Body Double is a viable alternative to the Shadow Clone Jutsu, given your unique abilities and our combined efforts."

Sasuke blinked in surprise, his gaze shifting towards Raphael with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "Body Double? But isn't that..."

Raphael intervenes, anticipating Sasuke's question before he could finish. "Report! Yes, it has its drawbacks, but with your skills and my assistance, we can overcome them. Thought acceleration will allow you to control multiple bodies simultaneously, while I can provide guidance to ensure their effectiveness. Also we can evolve the technique after learning Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Sasuke couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement "Why didn't you mention this earlier?" he asked, a hint of reproach in his tone.

Raphael's response was simple yet poignant. "Report! You didn't ask."

With a wry smile, Sasuke realized the truth in Raphael's words.

Meanwhile in the somber confines of the Hokage Tower, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat with an air of quiet authority, his gaze piercing as he regarded the man who stood before him: Danzo Shimura, the enigmatic leader of the clandestine organization known as Root.

"Danzo," Hiruzen began, his voice steady but tinged with a note of warning, "you tread on dangerous ground by suggesting such a course of action."

Danzo met Hiruzen's gaze with a steely resolve, unfazed by the Hokage's veiled threat. "I merely seek to ensure the security of our village, Hiruzen," he countered, his tone cool and composed. "We cannot afford to ignore the potential risks posed by the Uchiha clan, especially in light of recent events."

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, his expression hardening with resolve. "Do not forget the sacrifices made by Itachi Uchiha for the sake of this village," he warned, his voice carrying the weight of years of wisdom and experience. "His actions, though shrouded in secrecy, were done out of loyalty to Konoha."

Danzo's lips curled into a sardonic smile, his gaze unwavering as he met Hiruzen's stern gaze. "And yet, Hiruzen, we cannot ignore the shadow that lingers over the Uchiha name," he countered, his words laden with implications. "Itachi's deeds may have saved us in the past, but can we truly trust that his brother shares the same convictions?"

Hiruzen's voice remained firm, unwavering in the face of Danzo's demands. "You cannot take him over to Root and this is final"

Danzo's eyes flashed with a barely contained fury, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain his anger he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "Have you forgotten the loyalty I have shown to this village, the sacrifices I have made for its safety?"

Hiruzen's gaze remained steady, his resolve unshaken by Danzo's outburst. "Your loyalty is not in question, Danzo," he replied evenly. "But I cannot sacrifice the well-being of one of our own for the sake of expediency. Sasuke deserves a chance to forge his own path, free from the shadows that have haunted his family."

With a frustrated growl, Danzo turned on his heel, his cloak billowing behind him as he stormed out of the Hokage Tower. Hiruzen watched him go, a heavy weight settling in his chest as he contemplated the ramifications of their exchange.

How do you like the pace of the story so far, thinking about making a bit faster? Comment it and let me know.

drK_saMacreators' thoughts