
In Naruto World With Julius Novachrono's Magic

A young boy tragically lost his life during the pandemic, but his story doesn't end there. Unexpectedly, he finds himself granted a unique opportunity to enter the world of Naruto with Julius Novachrono's time-stealing magic. Transported to the shinobi world, where wars, killings, acts of betrayal are normal Tuesdays, he will try to live his life to the fullest, where he'll make new quirky friends, participate in a war, and try to save the world but the most important of all he will become strong with a cheat ability of his own. _________________________________________________ Disclaimer He will not be an Overpowered character from the start, he will develop slowly. I haven’t decided if it will be a harem or not let the story progress first then we’ll see. English is not my first language. Also, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. _________________________________________________ Naruto does not belong to me except for the OC characters, support the original content. The cover photo is not mine. Original creators: Line art by hot_monkey and Coloring by Iluvluvnutella _________________________________________________ Please do leave a proper review.

Kyoso_Sensei · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

Close call

Okita was running towards the main camp using acceleration constantly that's when he sensed enemies chasing him, he avoided fighting them and focused on running. The Mist ninja soon closed on him and started throwing kunais and shurikens at Okita, he dodged them but, in the end, one mist shinobi caught up to him and attacked Okita which he barely dodged.

Okita stopped running and faced the enemy 'I have to finish this fight as soon as possible'

With the kunai in his hand, he lunged at the Mist shinobi with a series of attacks but the enemy easily parried his moves 'The way he is fighting and keeping up with me he is definitely a Jonin' he thought.

Suddenly three more figures appeared on the battlefield all of them were wearing the standard Mist shinobis attire "Captain why didn't you defeat this kid already?"

"Don't underestimate this kid, he is far stronger than you chunins" said the previous guy who was fighting Okita in just one exchange with Okita he understood that Okita was not some simple chunin he may be at the level of tokubetsu Jonin

"What seriously?! is this kid that strong?"

"Yeah, so brat what's with that scroll on your back is it something important?"

Okita flinched at those words but didn't give a response to him

"From your reaction that must be something important well no matter what, we'll know the information in that scroll after killing you" he said with a grin on his face

'So, they are a four-man team which means that this blabbermouth is Captain and a Jonin and the rest of the guys are chunin, first I'll take out the weaklings and then fight the Jonin' Okita was forming a plan in his mind to fight them but deep down he was scared that he may lose this fight that's why he kept a lot of Paper bombs hidden on him if he gets cornered and defeated at that time, he will activate the paper bombs and blast himself along with the scroll.

"I am going to die anyways so why don't you guys tell me did you already knew about our location" Okita asked

"What? We didn't know about your location we were tasked to just go and destroy some Konoha posts you just came in our way"

'So, we were unlucky to come across them and here I thought that a certain someone leaked our team's location' Okita thought

"You guys surround him I'll finish him off quickly and then we will return to join the main forces" the captain of the mist team said

As the chunins surrounded him and the Jonin Captain rushed straight towards him, Okita accelerated himself and waved a series of hand seals at a fast rate 'Katon: Hoheki [Fire Release: Flame Wall]' a big wall of flame was summoned between Okita and the Jonin after that he pushed the flame wall at the enemy, everyone got distracted for a while due to the fire, so taking advantage of the distraction, he rushed at the chunins.

Still accelerating himself Okita closed the gap between him and the chunins he slashed the neck of the first guy. The second guy tried to fight him but couldn't keep up with the speed and was taken out by Okita too.

Okita then turned to the third Chunin he was a little further from him till then the Mist Jonin took care of the flame wall but when he looked around he was stunned it just took 2-3 secs for him to take care of the fire and Okita killed two of his team members in such a less time, that's how Okita's fighting style was with his Taijutsu style and Kekkai Genkai it granted him to strike his enemy fatally at a very high speed so if the enemy gets distracted even for a second he can turn the tables on the battlefield.

Anger is what the Mist Jonin was feeling seeing two of his team members die "I'll f*ck*ng kill you!!" he rushed to save the third Chunin that Okita was going to kill, hearing the shout of the Jonin, Okita knew he has to kill the last chunin as soon as possible or else the Jonin will interfere so he used shunshin, it is still hard to control himself using shunshin and acceleration at the same time as his speed increases by several times for a short while.

Using the shunshin he appeared near the chunin who was running for his life just as he was about to kill the chunin "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu [Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique]" the Mist Jounin shouted and a huge dragon made of water rushed at Okita to strike him down but he didn't retreat, he killed the last chunin and tanked the incoming water dragon, as a result, he was sent flying far away hitting many trees he came to halt. Coughing some blood Okita sat up straight, suddenly his body started cracking as if a shield was breaking around his body looking closely his body was covered in rock armor, before the fight he had used 'Doton: Iwa no Yoroi (Earth Release: Shield of Stone)' a shield of rock and clay are formed around the body and it can tank a B-rank jutsu or below. As he got up, he saw a sword sung at him at a fast rate he dodged the attack.

"You bastard" the Mist jonin was mad in rage after seeing all his team members getting killed by Okita.

"Why are you shouting? It was your fault for attacking me alone even though you are a Jonin you should never underestimate your opponent…dumbass" Okita said, hearing this the jonin shouted and attacked Okita.

Okita was dodging and parrying the attacks but the Jonin was slowly overwhelming him even though Okita was accelerating, he tried to use distraction or Jutsus but the mist shinobi was not taking the bait, he was attacking Okita like a mad beast.

He once again parried the sword attack but a sudden kick pushed him to the ground following that the jonin attacked him Okita tried to move backward but he was not fast enough and the sword was inches away from his neck suddenly, he disappeared and appeared a few meters away from his previous position. Okita was surprised as he was pretty sure that the sword was going to cut him, but the next moment he was in a different place. At that moment a series of information flashed through Okita's mind, a new technique that he used just now where he shifts the temporal phase ahead in time due to this it seems as if he is skipping over the moment but in reality, he skips the time that's how he dodged the incoming attack from the jonin just now, 'It's the same ability like Hit in Dragonballs but I can skip even more time I think' Okita thought

"What the hell was that?" the mist jonin was confused about Okita's sudden movement

"Nothing that you should know but still thanks for pushing me so far" Okita said and moved forward to attack the jonin, he tried to block the attack but Okita used the same ability.

The mist jonin coughed some blood he was in shock, he thought he blocked the attack but looking down he saw a kunai stabbed in his heart.

"Took you by surprise just like your teammates" Okita said

"You…." As the mist jonin died Okita didn't stop and started moving toward the main base to call for reinforcements.

Reaching the main base, he rushed to the commander of the base he gave him the scroll and informed him of everything that happened, listening to Okita the commander didn't waste any time and sent the reinforcements to rescue Katashi and the others. Okita didn't wait any longer he went ahead of the reinforcement forces at the location where his teammates were fighting.

Okita was anxious he had a bad feeling from the start he didn't want to leave them but the mission was important and he had to follow his captain's order, now as he was getting closer to the location all sorts of negative thoughts were coming to the mind he tried not to think much and focus on rescuing them.