
In Naruto with the Arc of Embodiment

Due to an early death our protagonist is given a few wishes will he be able to live as he pleases? Find out next time on D… Oh yeah I don't own any character except my OC and the pic also isn't mine, ill probably draw one in the future

Orithium · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

Life has been interesting these few months to say the least, as much as I enjoyed gaming and watching the shows from my memory nothing beat physical interaction with normal people.

I continued my escapades as the caped crusader the nightmare of criminals, the creature of the night, Batman. I hunted down ninjas with bounties and made money in the process you would think it would get boring just killing them, but I always gave them a chance to impress me with their unique Justus and escape tactics.

Their weird and unique thoughts and jutsu always gave me new ideas on new abilities I could make or things I could do to add more entertainment to my life.

I acquired the DNA of all the descendants of the sage of six paths and I also collected Kaguya's blood and every advantage over a normal human was copied and applied to myself without changing my normal form, Byakugan, Rinnegan, Tenseigan whatever they could come up with I had them all! and without changing the looks of my eyes.

My Sharingan abilities were unique my left eye allowed me to reject an event or something from reality kind of like Orihime's healing ability from bleach, I can reject injuries, death, age etc. If someone else had gotten my left eye ability they would be limited to injury and probably age but they would go blind quickly, and the amount of chakra required for it is astronomical, but to me it is but a drop in an ocean, the greatest thing is I can also reject someone's existence but it would make me an enemy of the world, I had rejected a tree and I received some sort of backlash from the world but I was barely harmed due to my strength and while I am confident enough to survive anything the world throws at me I don't want to be seen as a pest to the world so I won't be rejecting a person anytime soon.

My right eye ability allows me to warp reality in a given area, I can only see it as a sign that I was born to be a ruler of reality, I also receive a backlash for altering reality I mean you would think since I am using abilities that were created using something from the Naruto world there should be no problem, I mean I did strengthen the DNA quite a bit and removed all restrictions the world had on them but I don't see the problem, as for the rinnegan ability well we will talk about it later its not really relevant.

The best thing that happened to me was the discovery of Karin Uzumaki and her mother. They were living in Kusagakure as explained in the anime, her mother's vitality was incredibly low and while I say low, I mean for an Uzumaki, her daughter and Naruto have lots of vitality so despite how low it is she has more vitality than normal people.

I naturally wasn't going to allow them to continue suffering, so I naturally helped them leave the village hidden in the grass. I decided to allow them to know I am basically a God, while it is nice to be the hidden final boss, I would like someone to talk to that knows me for who I am, a badass overpowered being that can wipe out half of the universe with a snap of my fingers.

<2 months ago>

-3rd person POV-

In a worn-out house there were five individuals, two of the individuals had bright red hair as you expected they were Karin Uzumaki, her mother, Mayuri Uzumaki and some ninjas of the hidden grass.

One of the ninjas was biting on the arm of the mature Uzumaki woman, if you paid close attention, you could see the ninja had wounds on his body that were recovering incredibly fast until there were no more injuries on his body and while the ninja was recovering the older Uzumaki woman was getting visibly tired and weaker.

"As expected of the property of our village, the efficiency in healing injuries is very effective" the ninja that just finished healing didn't forget to leave a derogatory remark before leaving with his companions.

After making sure there was no one close to them using the mind's eye of the kagura the younger Uzumaki ran toward her mother.

"Mom are you okay?"

"I am fine Karin I am just a little tired, I will be alright after resting for a bit"

"Why do you allow them to continue to do this? They treat us badly and you are always hurting when it happens"

"You are too young to understand I need to continue so you can be safe, if I decide to stop, they will take you from me and use you to heal themselves and our treatment will be worse than it already is"

"Well, that's a shitty way to live"

The older Uzumaki woman went on alert and was incredibly scared because she was unable to sense anyone despite using the eye of the kagura, from the entrance of the house a young child with black hair and golden eyes emerged with a smile on his face

-Kaname POV-

In front of me were the two Uzumaki women, the child my age was clearly Karin and the older one her mother, there was nothing much mentioned about her in the anime, so I know nothing about her other than she loves her daughter.

"I must say the Uzumaki clan has truly fallen to such a horrible state, your vitality is incredibly low I can tell that in 5 years you will definitely die if you continue to heal people at your current rate faster if you increase the amount of people you heal."

"Who are you? How did you get here I have never seen you in the village before" she asked wearily as she was basically oozing off fear, naturally I had to be show how much of a gentle man I was

"Where are my manners, my name is Kaname as for how I got here I walked?"

She clearly didn't not like my answer as she was even more alert and was backing away while trying to protect Karin

"You clearly aren't one to appreciate a joke, and to think I went so far as to try and lighten the mood, you must me worried since you can't sense me with your eyes of the kagura right? Yikes I can hear your heartbeat intensify, the people of Kusagakure must not know about that ability then"

I was getting nowhere with the conversation, so I changed her emotions, I released a pheromone that allows people to feel comfortable and safe around me and within seconds they started to calm down

"Do you feel less scared now? I can tell you are still scared because I can change how you feel about me?"

"Why do I feel comfortable around you? What did you do to me"

"Relax I just made you less scared of me you act like I'm going to eat you, well I'm too young to do that either way so we can talk about it when I'm older hehe. You can basically call me a god I was passing by and saw some Uzumaki clan members suffering and was reminded of another Uzumaki I know so I decided to lend a hand especially after seeing the future and knowing the girl my age would end up in the same situation as her mother once she has passed away"

I allowed my words sink in; no parent would want their child to suffer so they would take any chance they can get to keep them safe

"If you are a god, why did you allow us suffer!" Karin shouted at me, which was beyond my expectations, where do these five-year-old girls get these small bursts of courage from, first Hinata now her.

"Sorry to burst your bubbles but gods are not obligated to make your lives easy, I am the same age as you, but I lost my parents a long time ago, never got to talk to them. I've always had to struggle and couldn't stand it any longer, so I decided I wasn't going to let that keep happening, so I made myself powerful now no one controls my life but myself"

"I am not going to give you some speech about how you can become as powerful as me if you keep training of some fairy tale like that, I will offer you the chance to leave this village, I will erase your existence from the memories of the people in this village and take you to mine and no one has to know you are an Uzumaki I can change the color of your hair while I am at it"

"There is no way you are offering this for free, even though you look like the same age as Karin there are transformation techniques, so you could be deceiving us and if what you are saying is true there has to be a catch"

I began to applaud her for her observation, while it was nothing special of an observation, I was still impressed she was able to think rationally despite me offering her the chance for a better life, most people won't think twice and sell their souls off, I guess this is the wisdom that comes with age or maybe living in such a dangerous world doesn't give her the luxury of being naïve

"How smart, it naturally isn't free; I don't require anything much other than you belonging to me. I plan on having a poke… cough cough a harem and your daughter will be one of them and maybe you depending on how I feel in the future, all you have to do is help me kill my boredom and listen to my orders and in exchange I heal you and you get to watch your daughter grow in a safe environment what is there to not like"

"You wish to keep us as prizes? that makes you no different from the people here we would be going from one prison to another it doesn't exactly sound better no matter how you word it"

"tsk tsk tsk, you won't be prizes you will be my women and there is a huge difference over here you live like slaves and with me you are basically my maids that will give their master benefits and you get to show off to my future wives that you were the first women of a great god"

"You call yourself a god but if you can do what you want why are you negotiating with us and you mentioned the death of your parents, but you never said anything about bringing them back"

"I can indeed just make you do what ever I want, heck you could live in a genjutsu all your life and wouldn't know it but I don't want such a fake relationship between us, I want people I can trust around me right now because I know in the future there will be people trying to get with me because of my power as for why I have yet to revive my parents, it's because I see no need to do so yet"

"I will revive them in the future once I am older maybe when I become a parent myself but for now, I have no attachment to them since we never spoke, there are orphans that would give anything to meet their family, but I am not like other children, never have been and never will be."

"We have been beating along the bush for too long tell me your decision, will you follow me and live a life with a bright future ahead of you or stay here and lead yourself as well as your daughter towards a dark and miserable end?"

"We will go with you, but know even if you are a god like you say I will do everything in my power to kill you if you ever harm my daughter"

Yikes, I guess you don't mess around with a mother protecting her child

I snapped my fingers and the bitemarks all over Karins mother healed instantly and her vitality was restored to its peak and all memories of their existence was erased and as a bonus anyone that she healed begrudgingly had their wounds restored to the way they were before she healed them.

"Well, you are now healed, and nobody remembers you and as a bonus everyone that made you heal them has had their wounds go back to the way they were before, let us proceed to leave the village uhhh now that I think about it you never introduced yourselves, I know your daughter's name is Karin since you mentioned it earlier, but you never gave your own name, quite rude don't you think? Especially after going as far as to introduce myself"

"That was indeed rude of me, my name is Mayuri, Uzumaki Mayuri. Please take care of me and my daughter from now on"

She introduced herself and she didn't forget to add some venom to her words when asking me to look after them, yikes this is going to be interesting I thought without noticing the smile on my face.


Hey, I set up a pa-treon, for those that want to support me and want to give ideas for where the story should go and read ahead of webnovel, I'll might dump a whole lot of chapters and thought I'd let everyone know for now. www.pa-treon.com/orithium

Oh yeah please give me spirit stones, it would help a lot.
