Mc reincarnates in the Naruto world as Itachi with Saitama's power. Think about what would happen if Mc has the brain of Itachi and the power of Saitama, it's the fusion between Itachi and Saitama. The novel will be overpowered, if you want to have growth from weak to strong then this is not your novel. I am okay with any good criticism of the novel so provide good feedback for the novel.
Before I could hear God's answer the timer was just a second away from 0. At that moment the god gave just a smile instead of answering my question and at the same moment, I failed to notice that a portal just opened under my feet and I was dropped down.
The moment I came to realize that I am falling I had fallen quite a height from the sky now I am in between the clouds and now also I am falling at a quite high speed, ah it's okay you are still in the clouds you may think and have quite a distance between the ground but you are forgetting that I don't have any parachutes or other things to slow down my fall, ah am l going to die again by the mistake of God, no I don't want to die again, this time I have even got the power of Saitama.
"💡why don't I use the power I have got, to slow down myself" by thinking this I punch towards the ground but nothing happens, there is no high wind pressure generating from my hands to slow down my fall, and there is no need to mention any wind pressure the punch now I punched was just like any normal punched by a normal person, there was no power of Saitama's punch in it.
Aha God must have cheated me and from the start, he wanted to kill me, for that reason the portal was opened under me so that I can die by falling to death. These thoughts were coming to my mind when a voice calls me in my head just like telepathy, I immediately remember that this is the same voice of the god to whom I was just talking a few moments ago.
"The power of Saitama which I have bestowed to you can only be used when you have a physical body and it can not be used in the soul form in which you are present now. Oh and I have tinkered with the power somewhat so that you may have other new things to have from the extra 11,098KP " said the god through telepathy.
As soon as the god says what he wanted to say he cancels the connection between himself and the soul not letting the soul say anything.
"You should have explained it first before sending me away and what have you done to the power " yells the soul towards the sky, by this time the soul had descended quite close to the ground he was able to see the buildings, and he was not panicking now because he knew that he won't get hurt by falling in his soul form.
He was about to enjoy the scenery from a high altitude but his fall gets accelerated by even higher speed than before and in no time he was just above the roof of the house from which he passes through and enters inside a room where a lady was sitting, he was not even able to see the face of Lady before he enters into her womb where an embryo was present and he enters into the embryo and comes to rest.
The consciousness of the soul fades and he enters into a deep slumber inside the embryo.
After 9 months.
Inside the Uchiha Fugaku residence, the good news is to be celebrated for the first childbirth of Uchiha Mikoto.
"Fugaku-san it is a boy congratulation," said one of the medical staff coming from inside the room.
Fugaku immediately goes inside and sees that his newborn son is peacefully sleeping in the embrace of his mother.
"See how cute is he, I wonder how many girl's hearts will he steal when he grows up," said Uchiha Mikoto.
By the voice of footsteps and the voice of his mother, the baby wakes up.
Seeing his small baby son open his eyes Fugaku comes toward his son and speaks gently for the first time " from now on you will be Uchiha Itachi son of Uchiha Fugaku". And a smile appears on their stern and stubborn face of Fugaku.
Hearing the name spoken by Fugaku the child gets shocked. Thinking about whether he is a lucky fellow or unlucky. The child was happy and sad at the same time thinking he has reincarnated as Uchiha Itachi.
Because being able to be reborn as Uchiha Itachi, there are good and bad things such as, the good thing is that without having to use any KP he was able to have additional power, and talent of Itachi which is a good thing but the bad thing you might think that he is naive enough to believe the thought of Danzo and Hiruzen to massacre his clan, well that might be somewhat bad but it can be changed now as I know what will the future holds for, I can change it to my way how I want the future to unfold but the biggest problem is Sasuke the reincarnation of Indra the son of Hagaromo.
To Sasuke, Itachi is just like his clan symbol a paper fan, to fan the flame named Sasuke so that he becomes hotter and stronger, even in the end, Itachi dies at the flames of Sasuke to make his flame stronger and hotter than before.
What I am saying is that at first Itachi make sure that Sasuke has enough hatred for him so that he grows up strong and seeks power himself so Sasuke can kill Itachi and at the end of their fight, even in his sick condition Itachi fights with Sasuke and removes Orochimaru from the body of Sasuke and even implants Amaterasu into the eye of Sasuke so that Obito is not able to manipulate Sasuke and tell him the truth of Itachi.
Itachi was an existence who was meant to support and make Sasuke strong enough so that he can receive Rinnegan from Rikudo Sennin.
In this life, I am not going to live and die like the original Itachi but would live the life as I want, the life of the original Itachi is too much tragic and tear-jerking.
After thinking this much the baby Itachi was not able to hold his consciousness and drifts into a peaceful sleep again in the embrace of Uchiha Mikoto.
1year passed away.
The baby Itachi had grown 1 year old and was able to walk some distance without the help of anyone and was able to talk small words like 'dada' and 'mama', Itachi would feel embarrassed all the time because a grown-up man was not able to speak a clear word this was his embarrassing moments.
Another 3 years passed away.
Now Itachi was 4 years old boy and at this point, the 3rd shinobi world war has came to end. To show the life of a shinobi and the war of shinobi Fugaku takes Itachi with him to the nearest battlefield, even though the war has ended does not mean that an officially cease fire is signed, there are still small skirmishes here and there so that the countries can have a better deal at the cease-fire signing.
This battlefront was between the Konoha and Iwagakure. The fight was between Konoha and iwa and both sides had retreated to their camp. Now on the battlefront, only dead shinobi or critically injured shinobi who are not able to be saved are left on the battlefront.
At one corner of the battlefront, there were some stragglers left behind, they were from the village of Iwagakure. They had created a pit and covered it with bushes and dead bodies and inside the pit, they were resting.
Inside the pit sat men from Iwagakure their group was meant to stall the knoha force till the rest of iwa shinobi retreated, after stalling the Konoha force only 7 people were left injured and fatigued and they were resting in the pit.
Out of 7 iwa shinobi, 3 are jounin, 2 are chunin and the rest of the 2 are genin. 5 people were resting and the other 2 are looking out for any enemy coming toward them.
One of the 2 lookouts saw 2 people coming towards the battlefield, he waits for a few moments and see that one is shinobi and the other one is a child, he calls the other one and asks him if know the shinobi accompanying the child, the other lookout who is looking in another direction comes towards the first one and get petrified for a second there and he immediately alerts the jounins and other shinobi sitting in the side of the pit.
" Hey, immediately get up 'wicked eye Fugaku is coming here with some child with him," said the chunin on the lookout.
"In how much time would they come here," asked one of the jounin.
"It won't seem that they will come here soon, they are strolling around the battlefield," said the chunin.
"What the f**k, is it a garden to stroll around, see clearly what they are doing here," said another jounin who seemed to have injuries here and there on his body, some are light injuries but the one on his shoulder is a significant burnt wound.
"Wicked eye is speaking something with the child," said the chunin on the lookout.
"Can you hear what are they talking" asked the first jounin.
"From this distance, I am not able to hear their voices but by the action of Wicked Eye, it seems he is teaching the child how to kill someone, in front of them lies an injured Iwa shinobi, Wicked Eye is telling the child to kill him," said the chunin.
"How dare they are making our Iwa shinobi a practice tool for a child," said the jounin who had a burnt injury.
"It's okay that they are relieving the pain of our brothers but it is not okay to make them their practice tool, let's go we will kill them, they are only 2 in number, and one of them is just a child, and we are 7 in numbers it's just a matter of killing Wicked Eye, there is no need to concern with the child," said the youngest jounin.