
In naruto with karma seal

If you like this book please check out my other one it’s called “in demon slayer”

Peter_uzumaki · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


I groggily shout out,"Stop banging on my door!"after being startled awake by a loud banging on my door.

When I answer my door, it's Naruto who says,"Hey Onara, you said you'd teach me a jutsu!"

As Naruto enters my home, I rub the back of my head sheepishly and say,"Oh yeah, I forgot."Naruto glances at me with frustration in his eyes.

"What is your elemental affinity?"I continue.

"I don't know," Naruto says, shrugging his shoulders.

I look for an elemental paper and present it to Naruto, knowing that he has a strong affinity for the wind.

"Can you tell me how to use these?"Naruto claims

"All you have to do is put your chakra in it."

Naruto nods, and the paper splits in half, indicating that he has a wind affinity.

"That was anticlimactic," comments a dissatisfied Naruto.

"You have a wind affinity, Naruto"I say, pausing before continuing, "so what kind of jutsu do you want?"

"I want to learn an attack type jutsu since they're so flashy!" Naruto says he's even more hyped up now.

"Now look into my eyes, Naruto" I say, activating my Hangan.

"What did you do?" Naruto asks after 4 minutes of complete stillness.

"In your brain, I placed a jutsu.Because I know you prefer flashy jutsu, I gave you a jutsu called Wind Release: Wind Dragon, which is exactly what it says in the name"I state flatly.

Naruto's eyes brightened and he hugged me, saying, "Thank you"

"You're welcome"I say, patting his back with a smile.

"Wait, naruto, don't you have training today?" I say, my voice perplexed.

"Shoot, you're right," says Naruto in a panic

——————————————————————45 MIN LATER—————————————

Because my mentor is in the hospital, I'm considering a new genjutsu called mirror dimension, which I  got inspiration from Doctor Strange, specifically the ancient one, but I don't have anyone to try it on, oh wait, I'm in the Anbu.

I get ready by wearing my Anbu uniform, which consists of black and gray armor with arm guards to conceal my identity. I take a black cloak and set out for the hokage's office.

When I arrive, I see the receptionist. Nitomi Raiwara, I think her name was. She had silver shoulder-length hair that hung gently over a fine, lively face. Blue eyes that are expressive.

I walk to the desk and say"Hello ms. Raiwara I am here to meet the hokage"in a polite manner

She nods her head"the hokage wanted to see you you can see him now"

I stroll in to see the hokage puffing away some tobacco. [I should probably invent the cigarette] I think

However, it appears like Hiruzen has read my mind because he pulls out three masks: one is white with red swirls that looks like a rat; another is white with purple swirls that looks like a bird; and the third is black with blue swirls that looks like a cat.

I then say "that one" while pointing to the cat mask. Hiruzen nods and hands me the mask.

Then Hiruzen says, "Your name will be..." "Makkuro," hiruzen rubs his chin.

I nod, wear the mask, and remove the robe to reveal my anbu costume.

Hiruzen speaks "For your first mission it's a solo one it's to assassinate a bandit camp that's has terrorized our merchants"

I set out and began traveling in the northwest after gathering further information.

I soon come to a stop atop a tree and observe a sizeable camp with two guards posted in front of it.

Under the red, shaggy hair of the first one is a thin, dull face. Boringly observing are amber eyes that have been almost half closed.

The other Ginger's short hair just enough to show off her sculpted, happy face. Observing with darting blue eyes.

I rapidly sharpen my nails, step in front of them, slice their throats, and they both bleed to death. Their stunned faces quickly go blank as they fall to the ground and grab their throats.

We both turn as I create a duplicate.When we walk in I see 20 huts and one huge hut which is probably where the chief is

I approach the closest constructed hut I can find, crawl inside, and as soon as I spot a bandit asleep, I draw my sword and stab his heart.

As I proceed, I make my approach to the house. When I open the door, I am greeted by a tall, angular bandit. His cheekbones are prominent. He has gray, almond-shaped eyes. He wears a regular ninja gear and his soot-black hair is styled to seem like a raging fire.

To stab him, I creep up behind him, but as I do so, I sense a presence. I hardened my back When I hear a blade break, I spin around just in time to see the same bandit. "What the fuck are you made out of," he yells.

I blitz the bandit by using my hangan and body flicker:constant. He follows me as I make a downward cut and gestures before firing a fireball at me. I quickly defend myself, chopping through the fire missile with my chakra-coated blade.

I soon follow up and charge at him while continuing to use body flicker: constant and launch a series of assaults; the bandit is unable to keep up and has his leg severed; he then starts chanting something that I have no idea what it is.

"Torii style: Starlight technique," the bandit then yells. Then a dark gate appears, followed by a dazzling light, and the world stops abruptly.










3 pov

We see two young men

The first one,his big face is framed by a short jumble of fluffy, dark-green hair that sticks up at unusual angles around his head and casts notably black shadows into itself. He is fairly short for his age almost round eyes with green irises that match the color of his hair.The other one is a big, muscular young man with a broad frame, The right side of his head is neatly divided in the middle, and he has short, dark blue hair that is flat on top and somewhat square eyes.

They are arguing right now in front of a hospital. The blue-haired boy lifts his balled-up fist in the midst of a heated dispute, and a young boy wearing armor emerges from a dazzling light wearing a black cat mask. The mask has blue lines all over it.

The blue-haired boy exclaims, "Who the hell is that?"

What the hell happened, Onara pov

As I remove my mask, I ponder.

Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Ida are the two people I most unexpected.

I say, pointing at myself, "Oh me."

Ida nods

"Takumo Onara is my name" I declare.

"And I believe I can help with your injuries,"

I point at the bandaged arms and say.

Izuku approaches me holding out his arms while I use a self-healing technique. As I get proficient at it and can use it on other people, I start using it on his bones to repair the fractures and the scars.

I say, "Done."

Midoriya is startled as he removes the bandages and swings his arms around.

"I feel better now, thank you!"

Midoriya remarks as he makes several bows.

"No issue," I reply.

Ida is shocked and perplexed that Midoriya was simply healed by an unknown man who appeared out of nowhere.

"What's your quirk," Ida asks

Then I think, "My quirk is Chakra." trying very hard not to say too much

I say, "I'm hurrying to get to Camino ward, so I'll see you guys later."

I walk over to a shop named "more 4 less," where I choose a belted pair of blue slacks and a black top.

And after putting the guy in genjutsu, I exit the building and make my way to the infamous McJonald's.

"Seems like I still have my chakra"

When I go through Musutafu, I see how different and less advanced the world of Naruto is, which is kind of obvious.

But how did I travel to the My Hero Universe? I had never heard of such jutsu before, and it may have been caused by the infamous Butterfly Effect. Also, why was such a potent kekegenkai not shown in the show? Izuku and Lida are both in front of the hospital, so it appears that this is part of the "Hideout raid" arc.

It takes me some time, but I eventually locate McJonald's. I go in, put my order, and whilst I wait for my food, I eat there.

Then, a young woman, perhaps 15 or 14, appears at my table.

"Uh, I thought you were incredibly cute and I wanted to know whether you'd go out with me"The girls says

"Sure give me your number"I say in a neutral tone

I then remembered I don't have a phone

"Can you write it down I forgot my phone"I say slightly embarrassed

Following that, I make my way to a store named Quince that sells Apple-style phones. I use a transformation jutsu to simply pick up the most recent model, put the other person in a genjutsu, and then leave just as I did with the other guy.

[Let's move toward Camino ward now that I'm ready. I can easily reach the Camino ward with my new phone]

I changed into my anbu attire and put on my mask when I hear a slight explosion that is loud enough for me to identify as coming from the bar where Bakugo is being held.

Bakugo POV

I attack the Hand freak and blow up his ass in his face as soon as these scumbags let me go.

"I like to win but I want to win like All Might and that will never change!" On defense, I state

I then switch to the television and notice the extra ask Aizawa that they are brainwashing me!

"Katsuki's behavior is a result of his ardent drive to be the best hero," Aizawa responds.

Then a grin spreads over my face since it seems like they understand me more than I had anticipated.

Onara POV

Knowing what will happen, I run over there and see the explosion as I jump from buildings to see the heroes catch the heroes and spot Mount Lady in the distance.

The best Jeanist is on the ground and uses his clothing to create spikes that he hurls at All for one. Everything is destroyed with debris all over the area.

And as anticipated Spikes are destroyed by All for One, who also throws an air-pressured punch.

Here's where I step in and use my sword to deflect the air-pressured attack.

"Ho,Who is this young man?"One for all insults

I point to him and say, "Your worst fear All for one." With bloodlust

"Hmm let's see"he says

He fires a lot of red spikes in my direction, and as I'm dodging them, I turn on my karma seal, hangan, and create a clone to heal the best jeanist.

I then launched a fire bullet to All for One, but he blocked it with his arm, obstructing his eyesight. During that time, I sent a clone his way using Head Hunter, descending underground. When I plummeted, the connection to my clone vanished, so I sprung out of the dirt and punched him with a chakra-infused punch.

All for one grunts

However, I failed to consider how All for One could recover. He then fires a red spike at my chest, striking me.

Best jeanist shouts in regret.

Izuku 5 min earlier:

"Boom" I only hear that before the absolute evils leave, and as they leave, I feel as though I am dying over and over again like a broken tape. However, there is a glimmer of hope when I see the man, whose name was, oddly enough, Onara, who is defending Best Jeanist from the Absolute Evil called All for One.

They talk, and I feel the same wave again, but twice as strong. How is this even possible?

Todiroki returns us to our strategy. I activated ofa (One for all) as Kirashima used his quirk to break through the wall as I, Lida, and Kirashima prepared ourselves. As we burst through the wall at incredible speed, I could feel everyone's gazes penetrating me.

Kirashima screams to Bakugo to come on as we launch off of Todoroki's created iceberg, and Bakugo races toward us and then clutches Kirashima's hand.

I turn around and see something I didn't want to see. Pure fear is carved into me as the scarlet spikes puncture Onara.

pov Onara

All Might emerges behind all for one and strikes him in the back of the head, knocking him aside, just in time, softening my stomach as the spike passes through me. All Might then turns to face me with a fierce glance, but his eyes soften.

All might worryfully question, "Are you alright, young man?"

I said, "I'm alright, see," and I showed him by lifting my clothes.

All might asks, "Please leave this to me."