

"Oh, I see," Luna nodded, understanding the situation.

A frown appeared in her eyes. 'Maybe he wants a relationship with Theos?' Luna thought boldly, part of her paranoia letting itself shine through.

But she quickly brushed those thoughts away. At least, for now, what I observe from Camila is that she doesn't like Theos romantically.

Although when she looks at him there is admiration and respect in Camila's eyes, there is just that, admiration and respect. However, she knew more than anyone else that those feelings of respect and admiration could turn into infatuation.

"Ahh," she sighed, pushing these thoughts out of her head.

What was the point of worrying? She couldn't do much; Camila was much more powerful than her.

The only thing she could do was just one thing...

"Theos, make sure you beat the crap out of her," Luna declared with glowing eyes.