
You and I * Short film * romance, mystery, fantasy, physical, horror * Author: Morn kunthea

* Speaking of the mysteries that are unfolding around us, it is impossible for us to know when it started and where it really comes from with all the stories, such as superstitions, souls, aliens, etc., that the scientists cannot interpret. According to each country, they have their own traditional religion, with all the important humans, Heaven, Hell. There are mysterious religions different from the common religion. None of these unanswered stories can be attributed because the scientist could not research the entire universe and the entire mysteries of the earth or the entire space. Therefore, the true or the false depends on the scope of the thought of the person who created all these stories. And you can decide what kind of legend, travel, science, or superstition is right for you and how happy you are to accept it. And many people are trying to find a map of the deep mysteries of their bodies, believing that deep down in the world lies the world that gives them the answer to a special mystery that can awaken natural power. Specialize something on their own and find the parts they have lost. And some are born with supernatural powers and intuition that can appear from invisible objects. the invisible person whose whisperings and always calling them to notice them may be you, coming from the deepest place called the Abyss inside your body.

* There is a girl, she always likes to be alone. Since her childhood, she hasn't had many friends like everyone else. She always expresses strange ideas and feelings that many people cannot understand. Several times her parents wondered who she was talking to. And it's also a difficult question to understand why their daughters always tell them dream stories and they all come true. They often blame themselves for their daughter's lack of attention and the use of violence that emotionally hurts her daughter, which is why their daughter gets weird like this. On the other hand, because they were under pressure from the family generation and had problems with family finances, they could not find a solution to help their daughter. But for her, there are misconceptions about her parents. Because she doesn't know how to explain to them that it wasn't their fault. They seemed to have someone in control of their mind when they couldn't control their anger and hurt theirs' daughter body. Expect the scars left on her body. They have always forgotten the words of the bully and always wonder why they cannot control the violence to which they are subjected. She already seemed to know that before her parents planned and used violence against her, she had already counted the time, because she had heard someone in her head say it was going to happen. But she knows it's not very dangerous, no matter how badly her body is injured, it will heal incredibly quickly. Her body is still in pain, because someone is still mistreating her inside her body, wanting her to be free, she always hurts when she sleeps. After her grandmother fell ill and returned to her hometown, they moved to a strange house on the second floor, a symbol of the French style when the country under French colonization, The village has a strange like the region of Spirit Away anime that she watched. The ceiling of his house was covered with animal blood. Sometimes found like the corpse of a cat and sometimes like a rat, sometimes with nothing at all, still blood flowing. She really wonders about the young members of the village who often leave the village one after the other. They always play holes, ghosts, etc. Adults are not always interested in children. And this village is also inhabited by different ethnic groups. Sometimes she becomes a stubborn and spoiled child. but she knows that after an illness, another person will come to replace her. she remembered that the strange man always came to her parents as if to return her daughter. then her parents told her not to listen to an older conversation. when they lived with grandma, she was kidnapped by a group of children who were steal her jewels and took her away from her home until her uncle found her. she had some rough crashes but she will be fine like the zombies. Her father before her grandmother's death, he was never bad with her. he told her to be patient and forgive her mother. he always told his strange legendary secret sign he was a place of travel, taught him geography, science, drawing, music, study Chinese language and always told him to study Japanese. In front of her mother, she would always tell him about weird things, violent stories and ghosts and watch videos of serous criminals or horror movies. her mother is serous in her study. she felt like she had learned a lot from her parents. she remembered her father's last word before he got into the business, he said maybe the last time I was with you. they will catch up with me. she doesn't understand what he meant and never wrote it down. His father behaves completely like his mother after returning from business. Her father always told her not to believe in superstitions. In general, the two are a really different thought. her dad loves her when she becomes a stronger and smarter person. Reward, her mother seems to want her to live like a normal, high-class girl. when she quickly transforms into a strong girl, her mother scares her. her mother still believed strange predictor said she had another soul in her daughter. then she always tries to celebrate anything with the predator's words. She fell ill and threw up after celebrating. her grandmother before dying, she seems to know something of her secret like her father. She had heard her mother tell her that when she was born she was so ill that she had no hope of survival. Even though she was often ill until her teenage years. And her mother told her that after she was born her mother aborted several times.

* Like sometimes her mother would say weird things and show her a video from a Chinese movie, a ghost story about a woman who had an abortion, and she said she was so sorry to do such a thing to her siblings. And the children who leave the village also told her strange words : "we must wait until we come back to help you and not forget us." But she had already forgotten that before leaving the place she had had a serious head injury.She also became the woman as her mother wanted, sometimes she changes her behavior when she wakes up from a serious accident or serious illness.

* When she has strong behaviors, she feels that dogs don't like her. She doesn't like it either. She was still bitten by a dog near her home. Unlike when she becomes a gentle woman, all of these dogs love to be with her. And she loves all these dogs too. When his character turns around like that. Makes her so hard to bear, even her memories are shattered. But when the accident happened again, her body was covered with its strongest parts. but she doesn't come as usual, she learned and came cunningly to disturb all the people she comes up with on her, she has a lot of play stuff like she was in the village. she loves the sexy dress, makeup and the night out with her classmate and good to drink. but she is still innocent, young and brimming with purity. she loves the cat more than the dogs and adopts the cat. it looked like when another party was sleeping it would step into another animal or control another to speak to it like a mirror. Sometimes she felt why the people she was related with always changed their appearance. and some of them said strange words to her. And she acted like she knew everything and told her to do something or wait until she felt her soul can make devices when their bodies can no longer be injured. The strong part of it and it seems like she interacted with a lot of people and also formed a lot of special groups when she gets into someone's body or something. And she doesn't seem like an ordinary soul, as she can travel the time to tell anyone about it or come and protect her soft body. It seems that she is still in space or in an electronic device. And can really control the owner of the body in achieving her dreams, and so much has been created that many people follow her plans. Not only does she jump into a mystery like this, but she can also combine her souls when she fulfills her dream. Nd she woke up again said welcome home i love you so much.

* the deepest of us who cannot see as enlightenment and the mystery cannot explain. Sometimes she could be her twin, her sister who can't be born and replace when her accident, her past life or her future data that wants her to transform to live happy and come out hateful. it's also a living abyss deep inside what everyone super natural wants out of control. Find the answer and receive something as they believe in books of legends, treasures or history that have written in the past. but we need to know that you need to use something special that has happened to you to protect yourself from someone whose experience is afraid of bullying. Learning to love and break free is the key word that doesn't fail you under another light-control mind or your own enlightenment. sometimes the gods are still chasing us and creating puzzles, so keep on surviving you will see what will change. Negativity or positive, you are the only one in control of your destiny.

* End scene

* Whatever your situation, you need to learn to think, listen to yourself, and try to ask yourself what it is you really need to do to be free. And live happily with the people around you because time is of the essence. And you must think that not everything has an answer for you. Sometimes the object you are looking for is the closest to you. That you never pay attention to looking at and ignoring the context that is thought to be under pressure in the society you live in and you will only thought that you are living under control of someone's fate. If you come across such a thing, you have to remember that it is not a bad thing at all. And this is also a time when they want to tell you to change and love yourself more, you will see in a beautiful world with many people who have the same vision for change as you.