
In MHA With a Dimensional Trading Quirk

In a new life a few years before the crisis, a young man finds himself with nothing to face it but a trading system.

blazuki · Tranh châm biếm
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85 Chs

Chapter 72

Bob, the police man, stared at the couple of guys causing havoc around, using their laser-like ability and turning their bodies into metal to cause public damage, frightening the good citizens who had been doing their jobs.

Bob would usually reach for his gun and shout something meaningless about how he'd shoot them if they didn't stop.

In most cases, the guys would use their quirks to shoot at him first. And in many cases, the gunshot wouldn't work, like in the case of the metal guy.

The police would have to wait for heroes to come and deal with them.

As a quirkless guy, he had been frustrated most of his life, being looked down upon and even bullied.

He had joined the police to fight back. But the odds had never been in his favor.

For the first time in his life, he had the power to fight back.

Bob and a couple of other policemen took a large leap at the villains, moving at a speed that exceeded the peak of human ability.

They surrounded the two, and they pinned them down.

Bob smiled, looking at his body.

The super man shot he had taken had proved useful, increasing his speed and power to exceed most of the useless quirks people had around.

It totally was worth signing a contract to work for the police for 15 more years.

With these shots invading the market, the crime rate would drop drastically. That is, as long as some corrupt politician doesn't sell some of the extra shots on the black market.

"Man, it feels good to be able to beat them down," laughed his fellow policeman number 1.

"Yeah, I didn't even need help to shackle the metal guy," added policeman number two.

If you ever thought about it, policemen were superior to most of the villains who had gotten power from birth, given their training. Most of the crimes were caused by people relying on their quirks and didn't have any real battle experience. That's what gave the heroes an advantage most of the time.


Rin was at her office, legs on the table, looking at the screen.

The stocks of her company were rising.

The phones from many departments, foreign countries were coming nonstop.

After the first 100 Superman shots were distributed to the policemen and firefighters, the demands had skyrocketed.

Those countries, especially the oil third-world countries, were offering billions and billions to get a few shots. And that didn't exclude the rich countries as well.

She smiled, thinking that Ken would praise her.

She knew it's not normal to be obsessed with someone.

But to her, he was someone who gave her life meaning.

Seeing his smile made her happy. Seeing his frown made her worried. And hearing him scold her made her cry.

It's in her instinct. And for so long, she had been happy.

Wasn't that the purpose of life, the thing the drama characters chase on the TV and never find?

"It's not bad to be alive. But it feels lonely," she exhaled in frustration. "Maybe if I go home now, I'll be able to deliver the news to him."

The only thing she regretted was not seeing the new future, his reaction to the happy news.

"I miss Daddy," she flapped her lips. Feeling bored, she picked up her phone and opened some app to watch drama.

The drama was about a love story between a cold-hearted clone girl and a young master of a rich family.

Rin observed how the male lead turned his head away from staring at the female lead, thinking that it'd be wrong to look at her like that and use her.

"No. It's not wrong! She likes you, idiot!" she commented, tears filling her eyes. And then, the female lead stared at him back. Rin gritted her teeth. "Tell him how you feel!"

She didn't know why, but she was hooked on this 3-star-rated cheap drama.


I was at the villa, at night, sitting on the sofa in the backyard. Since it was big and had a natural taste to it with all the trees and grass around, it felt like a good place to relax, or celebrate me getting my first hero license.

I had invited Nejire to come. But since it was night and later, her mom didn't let her leave.

It seemed that I had to use the law and marry her. I'm sure that I'd not get rejected if I bought her mom and dad a mansion.

Now on another thought, I was no longer just an average-looking guy.

Wow, I grew up so much in the span of a year.

All Might opened another beer can and started drinking.

"You have to enjoy life sometimes," he said, gulping the whole drink in one go.

"Must have been tough to live without a stomach for a long time?" I inquired.

"Don't remind me. I used to chew my food hundreds. No, thousands of times. Drinking alcohol would have been lethal to me, and it would have made my health worse," he grumbled, before smiling widely. "Meeting you and Eri feels like a dream. That little girl, helping me like an angel."

"Yeah," I replied, opening a can of beer, breaking my word to All Might about not drinking alcohol. Well, a little taste won't harm.

But he seemed to be immersed in his drinking not to point that out. Very soon, another woman entered. Rin came and sat next to me.

"Having a celebration without me already?" she grimaced. "We worked so hard to get to this point, and you are casting me away—"

I interrupted her misunderstanding with a pat on her back.

"It's not a celebration about the project. I just got my hero license," I assured her.

Ever since watching drama to learn about how people act, she became dramatic.

"Oh, so that's

 why." She smiled as she picked up a beer can, before sipping. She sounded genuinely happy for me. Somehow, I liked having this atmosphere. It made me feel like I had a home to get back to by the end of the day.

All Might looked at Rin. He then rubbed his eyes. "This beer is good. I'm seeing Night Eye already."

"Oh, come on. Night Eye isn't as thick as her," I said, wrapping my arm around Rin. I had slowed her metabolism genetically on purpose. Albeit a bit shorter than Night Eye, she had a sore on him in the weight department.

"No. I meant like his sister. The hair color and eye color. Surely, there is a slight difference as her face is feminine and not all boney," All Might said. "If I didn't know he was a lonely child, I would have thought she is his sister."

Little did All Might know, she was biologically Night Eye's sister.

"Come on," Rin raised an eyebrow and pointed at herself. "I'm pretty."

"I'm pretty certain he'd think the same," All Might grinned. Pause. This is my goddaughter. Don't even dare to razz her.

Yanagi got back to his drink.

"By the way, how's the product doing?" I asked Rin, changing my pose, laying on the sofa. My head naturally landed on Rin's full thighs. They were good.

Rin put her hand on my forehead and beamed. "We're making history. The demand price is like $10 million, and it's still increasing for military applicants."

Although most of the world was at peace, nations knew that military strength was absolute. No one knew when the world was going to change, and buying weapons was necessary to keep the peace. Staying weak would only provoke the stronger to cause trouble.

"Good girl," I praised.

She smiled, making eye contact with me. Ah, damn it. She's seeing my future now, wasn't she?

"Please, just tell me," she urged, not seeming to be happy with my praise.

"Tell you what? You've seen the whole thing," I said. She'd seen the future, so there was no point in telling her what I'm about to make.

"The whole thing I saw was you telling me that I've already known it," she pouted. "It's quite frustrating."

As long as she didn't mention the words future and so, we're good to talk like this.

"Well, if you're insisting. I'm thinking of opening the project to clone quirks," I said, not minding that All Might was hearing that. "It's nothing big. But if we clone healing quirks and gave them to quirkless people, the hospitals would have less burden. In times where villains are active, healing people should be the aim."

"Kenshiro shonen," All Might sniffed as if he sobbed. "I thought you're just a man making an honest living. But you're helping people more with your inventions."

Was he sobbing? Damn. Not having a drink in a long time could do this to a man.

"It's not my invention," I replied to him. "I just happened to have a good team."

"I see. But you deserve the credit for being the leader who made it happen," he smiled.

"But please, keep what you heard a secret," I asked him for this favor.

"Sure," All Might replied, finishing the last can.

If I counted how much he drank, it would be around 100 cans.

I had to admit. That man was a beast when it came to drinking.

Well, he was a beast in every aspect.

"Anyway. It was good to have a drink with you. But people still need me." After saying that, I squatted and jumped, leaving a deep crack in the ground.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel upset about the repair cost.

Talking about repairs, I remembered giving Overhaul DNA to Orochimaru.

I should check on him and see how things had gone.

Maybe, I could start using a few of the 10 requests I had on him.

I needed Aizawa's quirk, and so Kai's as well.

But let's check on him first.

I closed my eyes, activating the system, and enjoying the lap pillow.

[Chat request has been sent.]

[Chat request has been accepted.]