
Chapter 61 I need my dad

Christy was having a hard time keeping Paul’s daughter calm, is like she talks too much like his father and she doesn’t behave like she is three years old even though she has not started school because Christy didn’t have the money to send her to school.

She is so smart, she can read and write a little because Christy always teaches her how to read and write.

Paul got to work the next day and after so much work he decide to take a stroll and then he remembered the little  girl from yesterday.

“Who is she? Maybe her mom came to log in the hotel, she is a smart kid, I will like my kids to be smart like her” he thought.

He decide to go down again.

Getting there he finds her picking flowers.

“Wow she is here again” Paul walked up to her.

“Heyy.. little angel how are you today?.”

“Dad…” she ran and hug Paul.

“Wow… I wasn’t expecting that” Paul said.

“Did you see my dad?” She ask Paul.

“Nope, but you just called me dad.”

She smile, “I thought you are my dad.”

“Ok, sorry for that” Paul said

Paul sat with her in one of the flower pot and listen to all her stories, some of them making sense while some don’t. 

He just keep nodding and laughing.

“What class are you?”

“I don’t go to school, my mommy say I will go to school next time”.

“Where is your mom?

“There” she pointed and Paul took her there but Christy was not there.

“She work there” the girl pointed to another direction but still Christy was not there.

“Ok I have to go little one, thanks for your time” Paul told her and she smile as if she knows what Paul is talking about.

He brought out money to give it to her  but she refuse.


“My mommy will beat me.”

“No she won’t beat you, just tell her am the one who gave you the money.”

“No, my mommy will beat me.”

Paul makes his face as if to cry and she took the money from Paul.

“There you go, see you later bye.”

“Bye dad”, she said waving at him as he walks away and Paul just shakes his head.

“She really needs a dad”, he said and walk back to his office.

Christy came back later and the little girl quickly throws the money away but Christy saw her on time.

“What is this?” The little girl just keeps her face as if to cry.

Christy walk to where she throw the money and picked it.

“For heaven sake where are you bringing all this money from?”

“Come, am going to see who is doing this whenever I leave you here”.

She took her to the gate man.

“Sir, please I asked you to look after my daughter for me but each time I come back she is with money, not just money big money.”

“What? She was just playing around here, I didn’t see anyone gave her money.”

Christy ask around but no one has seen the person giving her daughter money.

“I will leave you at home next time before someone use you for money ritual” Christy yells at her and she starts crying.

“Will you stop crying? I’ve not touched you yet you are crying.”

“Mommy please don’t leave me at home.”

“Why? So you can collect money again?”

“No,” she shakes her head

“If I come back here next time and find you with money you will stay at home do you hear me?”

“Yes,” she nods while still crying.

Bridget came back for the fifth day without finding a job.

“I think I have to go back, I can’t take this anymore.”

She has ran out of money again and her debt with Paul is paling up.

“I can’t just keep borrowing money from Paul, he will get tired of me and kick me out of his house.”

“Welcome,” almost adding sir to the greeting, she greeted Paul so humbly making Paul to understand that she needs something.

“Yes, how are you today?”

“Am not fine”

“I see, so are you sick?”

“Paul I want to go back, I can’t find a job”

“Really? That means you are not qualify” 

“Is that an insult?”

“No, is a compliment” Paul said and walks to his room.

“I don’t blame you, you don’t have to look for a job, mommy’s boy,” Bridget murmured.

Back home, Christy keeps telling her daughter that her father travel and the plane which he traveled with has not come back.

“Mommy I saw my dad, the plane is back.”

“Where did you see him.?”

“Up there, she pointed at the sky”

Christy look up and saw a plane passing, “hmmm, how I wish he is in that plane” she murmured.

“Mommy is my dad coming? I want to see my dad.”

“Can you please leave me alone? I told you your dad will come back but not now.”

Christy wondered how long she is going to put up with this.

She keeps thinking of taking her back to her father, she can no longer keep her with her, she always cry  looking at her daughter who could not go to school.

Her father has money, Paul will not be happy if he finds out that his daughter didn’t go to school, I will take her back to his father this month end.

“Mommy are you crying?” 

“No, am not”, she wipe the tears.

“But you are crying.”

“No, I have something in my eyes”.

“Sorry mommy”.

“Thank you my sweetheart.” She hug her daughter and pet her to sleep.

At the end of the month Christy took her daughter to Paul’s house back home, but she was told that Paul left town by the gateman and that he will not be coming back.

When Christy ask if is true that Paul got married the gateman said is true.

“Ok, thank you, I will be going now.”

“Ok bye”

She thought of visiting home  but no, “I don’t think they will like to see me”, so she went back to the city.

Now that you want to go back what will you be doing?” Paul ask Bridget

“I don’t know, I guess I will just go job hunting again”

“wow.. you what? Just wait for few days let me see what I can do to help”

“Thank you very much”

“Don’t thank me yet”


Bridget start working with Paul as a  secretary and she was so happy every passing day.

Paul keep going back to that spot but the little girl no longer comes there.

Where could she have gone?, Maybe she finally starts school.” Paul thought.

Then one day Just ask he was about to leave the spot the girl came running towards him.

“We went to look for my dad”

“Really?” Paul carried her up.

“Did you see your dad then?”

“No, my mommy said he is not back”

“Ohh.. sorry dear, don’t worry you will get to see him one day”

“Ok, do you want to see my mommy?”

“Yes, I will love to, where is she?”

“There,” she pointed at the direction that Christy went and Paul followed her.

She took Paul to the restroom where Christy use to work, she is the one in charge of cleaning all the toilet of the down floor.

“Where is she?” Paul ask.

“In there” she pointed.

“Ok, stay here let me check”

He put her down and went to look for her mother.

“Hello.. is anybody in here?”

“Yes, who is it?”

“Is me, your daughter told me where to find you”

Christy rushed out once she heard the word daughter.

“What??.. Paul.. what are you doing here?”

“Christy!! OMG.. Paul ran and hug Christy..

“Is that your daughter?”

“Yes.. what are you doing here?”

“You.. what are you doing here?”

“Am working, cleaning”

“Come here” he hugged her so tightly, he almost cried.

“I have be looking for you everywhere and you are here right under my nose?”

Christy was just too surprise to speak, she just Stood there dumbfounded.

“Heyy… look at you” He turned her around to examine her.

“Come let’s go.”

“Wait, am not done with work.”

“No, leave that work alone is my work and you just quit now, come let’s go and where is my daughter?”

He rushed her out of that place and to where his daughter was standing.

“My sweet heart come” Paul carried both of them straight to his house.

“What are you doing Paul?” Christy ask.

“This is my house and your house too”, he turned and looked at his daughter.

“She’s not yours Paul, am sorry” she got up to go.

“What? No, she’s mine, look at her eyes, she looks like me, please Christy don’t do this to me”

“Am sorry Paul” 

She took the girl and walk out with the little girl turning to look at her father, she wants to cry but Christy carried her and hurried out of the house.