
Chapter 59 The Big City

Bridget and Paul hit the road to the big city in Paul’s car.

Bridget could not give Paul a moment of silence, she keeps talking and talking but Paul was thankful for having company on his journey.

  “So how did you get the offer for the job?” Paul ask Bridget

“Oh. I search it on the internet.”

“That’s great”

“What about you, how did you get your offer.”

“I don’t know it just came”

“Are you serious? You are one lucky guy, you are just offered a job you didn’t apply for?” Bridget has never  heard of something like that before.

“I heard you got married, but I thought Sharon was your sister Christy said so”

“Sharon is not my sister and I don’t know if we’re married”

“Are you serious? Is that why you are not wearing your ring?”

“Will you stop talking about me?”

“I thought you loved Christy why do you married Sharon?”

“Look is kind of complicated you know”

“I see, I just pity Christy where ever she is”

“ I told you not to get her pregnant, if not Christy would have still been here”

“So what are you saying? I thought you said she got pregnant for another man and ran away with him”

“What do you want me to say? That is what my mother told me, I was away in school I didn’t know what to believe. But the Christy I know would not date another man” Bridget said and Paul almost hit something before taking the car back on the road.

“Why do you always do that? Please drive carefully we have a long way to the city” Bridget warns.

“Am sorry, but are you saying she might be carrying my baby?”

“Yes, what do you think? Am I the one that slept with her? You should know better than ask”

“Yes, I know the baby is mine, I  just wanted to be sure, and I know I will find them one day.

  “So where are you staying in the city?” Bridget ask to know if there is any hope for her.

“In my house where else do you want me to stay”

“You have a house in the city?

“Is my parents house, am staying there because of work”

“Can I stay there too, like one or two days before I settle down”?

“What? No way,”


“I don’t want you disturbing me”

“I promise not to disturb you, if you are coming this way I will be going that way”



“Just stop begging is not going to work, do you even have any job offer?”

“Yes I did”

“What kind of job are you going to do there, they should give you an accommodation”

“Emm.. designing job”

“What do you design?”


“Come are you sure you even got any offer?”

“No, but am going to the city to look for  a job”

“Bridget when will you stop lying?”

“Look am not lying, I ask my mom to give me money for accommodation and transport fee but she didn’t have it and then luckily  you called you see”

“So what are you planning to do when you get there?”

“Look for a job I guess”

“And where will you stay?”

“And did you think am here with you by accident? It has been written that you will be my helper in this big city”.

Paul wanted to laugh, but no, he didn’t want to give Bridget the impression of thinking that she is making any sense.

“Look I will just drop you off at the park then you can find your way.”

“What? I don’t know anywhere in this city.” Bridget cried.

“And you came here?”

“Look am looking for greener pastures can’t you just help your in-law?” Bridget keeps blabbing.

“What did you say?”

“Yea, we are in-laws and I promise to help you look for Christy here in the city”

“Who told you she is here?

“She might be, who knows”

Paul thought for a second, the house is very big and he will be alone in that big house is not a bad idea to have someone around but Bridget? She will just make life hell on earth for him, with all her hugging and talking.

“Paul what are you saying?”

“Am dropping you off at the park when we get there”.

“That’s not fair, I might get lost or maybe someone might just kidnap  me you know.”

Paul laughed for a long time.

“Kidnap you? I don’t think so, You can always find your way I know you”

Bridget’s mom keeps worrying about her daughter, now she knows what it means to loss a child, she wants her daughters back, she misses them so much, she thought about the little child that Christy will give birth to, she thought about where they could be by now and she pray silently for God to keep and protect them, she began to regret all her actions towards her.

Christy mom has been her best friend back in those days, but a man came between them and they became worst of enemies.

When Christy’s mother died she has come pretending to be a good friend and end up marrying the man who later died, maybe both of them were meant to be so he joined his wife in death.

She has maltreated Christy from childhood till now and then she regrets everything she has ever done to her, She wants all her children back. But they are grown now, they have to go I guess.


Sharon came back home that day and was so disappointed in her choice of man, she knows how she used to roll, she was the queen of the night, every man wants her, even the girls, she was high, she knew what she wanted back then.

But now everything has changed, she couldn’t get a hold of her life anymore. She is supposed to be happy, she has everything she ever want but why is she not happy, why is she not feeling it?

“My daughter are you back?” Sharon heard the voice but didn’t notice who owns the voice.

She was deep in thought.

“Is anything the problem?”

“No,” she answered when she finally came back to her senses.

“You are deep in thought, is about him right?”

Sharon nods

“You can always visit him, the house is big”

“No..no.. am fine” Sharon didn’t want to go there for Paul to disgrace her.

“You should eat something”

“Ok” Sharon took her food and went back to their bedroom, she cry all night and then set for work in the morning.

“Now that you are here, you must follow this simple rules. one, don’t come close to my room, two, don’t hug me, and three, don’t touch my stuffs. Paul told Bridget”

“Ok, so where will I sleep”

You can take any room apart from this one is for my parents, any other one is free.

Ok, thanks” Bridget took her bag into the room and came out to ask Paul where she will take her bath but Paul was no where in sight.

“Wow.. this house is so big, these people really have money, my sisterrrr… where are youuuu? Come and take your rightful place Bridget whispers.

I must look for Christy, she needs to marry him so we can enjoy all this things.

“Oh… there you are, where are you going?” Bridget ask Paul seeing he is about to leave the house.

“Am going out, I need to eat”

“Oh… that”, she wanted to ask if she could follow him but she really needs this house, so she needs to keep the rules.

“Ok, you can go”

Paul makes to go but Bridget’s stomach gave her out.

“Are you hungry?” Paul ask hearing the sound her stomach made.

“No.. am fine, you can go”

“Are you sure?”

“No..yes.. am sure”

“Fine, come let’s go, but you have to be in front, do you have money in your pocket?”

Bridget turn to look at Paul and just smile.

“Yea, I thought as much, you need to work for your food you know”

“Yes I know, and that is why tomorrow morning am going to look for job”

“You better hurry up” Paul said.

Getting to the restaurant, Paul was waiting for Bridget to start ordering the way she use to do but no, she is not ordering”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“Are you not eating?”

“Am eating, what should I take?”

“I don’t know take anything you want” Paul Wonder if something is wrong with her, this is not the Bridget I use to know.”

After they finish eating Paul told Bridget to go home.

“Where are you going?”

“Just go home, I will be late”

“Is he going to a club?” But she dare not ask .

“Ok, thanks for the food.”

“Just know you are owning me” Paul said and walk away.

“Of course, I will pay him when I have a job.”

Bridget went home and for the first time, she has to thank God for what she’s got. She never knew that miracles can happen.

How would her mother been able to provide her with the money she needs to move to the big city?.

She was so happy and had great expectations for herself in this big city.

[Author’s Note]

Dear beautiful readers I hope you are enjoying yourselves?

Two chapters updated today.

Merry Christmas in advance.

Don’t enjoy alone share this story with your friends and loved ones.

And you can hangout with me on my YouTube channel (cup of co tv) don’t forget to subscribe to follow me there.

Stay bless.