
Chapter 58 Leaving

   “Mom I don’t get you, why will you do a thing like that? People almost insult me in this hospital, I constantly live in fear of loosing  my job if not for fineface who is always assisting me I would have stopped working.”

   “Hahaha, fineface knew everything dear, in fact he is your assistance. He is a good doctor, knows what he is doing so I hope you  will work with him from now on.

Do you have any problems with him? Her mother ask seeing Sharon staring in space.

    “I’ve heard you mom, thanks anyways but I don’t like it.”

  “Don’t be angry with me, I was just afraid that you won’t get married if you knew earlier that you own this hospital.”

“Why will you think that?”

“Seeing the way you lived, one is sure to be scared, if you are a mother”


“Yes, I was afraid for you, I didn’t know you could be this responsible. Thanks to Paul”

“Why will she think is Paul?” But anyways it was for Paul she decided to turn a new leaf.

“ Thank you mom”

  “You are welcome, but dear how is your husband? Did he like the car I bought for him?”

Sharon just smile at her mom, “yea, I think he likes it”

“But he has not called me to thank me, are you sure he likes it?”

“I think so mom, maybe he is busy”

“Ok, say me hi to him when you get home, and don’t forget am waiting for my grandchild” hahaha she laughed and Sharon just roll her eyes.

Getting home Sharon was so cross with Paul.

“Why haven’t you call to thank my mom for the car she bought for you?”

She ask standing in front of Paul.

“I didn’t mean to sound rude but I didn’t ask for a car”

“Really? I’ve heard enough of this your insult, if you want to insult me fine, but don’t you ever in your life insult my mother”, Sharon yells at Paul and got ready to fight him.

“Am not insulting your mother, in fact I was planning on returning the car but that will be so insulting if you ask me, so I decided to let it be the way it is”

“You are an idiot” Sharon shouted at Paul.

“I don’t have your time, and don’t even expect me to lay my hands on you” he walked away.

“Where are you going, come back you idiot, you are not even a man always running away from your bedroom” Sharon keeps shouting and then she started crying.

Paul went to sleep in his car.

“Knock..knock, Paul open this car.”

“Dad, your back? How was your trip?”

“My trip was fine, did you sleep in your car?”



“I feel comfortable here”

“Hmmm, what is this? Why are you making this thing hard for you? Sharon is not that bad if you ask me”

“Am not saying she is bad, I don’t love her”

“So what do you want? Tell me and I will do it for you,” his father offer to help because he can’t stand his son suffering like this. He himself did not suffer the way his little boy is suffering.

“Dad I want to leave town, I want to go to the big city and manage the hotel there.”

“But we already have managers there.”

“Transfer them and send me there, let me go there and clear my head then I will think about if I really want to marry Sharon.”

“That’s a good one, but how will your mother and wife take it?”

“They have to take it if not this marriage will not work”

“So how long are you going to stay there?” Sharon and his mother ask.

“One year or so”

“What!” Both shouted simultaneously.

“A whole year?” Sharon ask

“Which do you prefer? Never married or give me time to think?” Paul ask.

“What else do you want to think?” his mother ask

“About Sharon, I have not really understand if we are married or not, so give me time to accept her”

“Fine, you will go there and manage that hotel for a year, and then you will come back and accept your wife Sharon” his father said.

“Yes dad”

“Do you hate me that much that you have to run away with the pretense of managing a hotel?” Sharon ask Paul once they got inside their room.

“Yes, I need to clear my head, is all messed up”

“I see, but I will wait for you and after one more year then I will make my own decision.”

“Why do you need to wait for one year?” Paul murmured.

Bridget on the other hand is having a hard time staying with her mother, she is done with schooling but no job, she needs to go look for job but she wants to stay far away from her mom. She is planning on going to the big city, she has heard that jobs are many in the big city and they pay very well too.

“Mom I need to go to the big city to look for job, I heard they pay very well”

“Really? What about jobs in our city what happened to them?”

“Mom they don’t pay well and besides am planning on getting a good job so I can come and take you to the city.”

“That will be nice, so when are you planning on leaving?”

“That is the problem mom”

“Problem like what?”

“Money, no money to pay for rent and food too”

“But I thought you said they will pay well”

“Yes mom but not immediately, I have to work for one to two months before they will pay me, and I need somewhere to stay before then”

“I see, and I don’t have money here with me, you have to wait a little let me sell my goods for two weeks then I can raise money for you.”

“Ok mom thanks anyways” she walk away sad and wishing that Christy was here, she would have ask her to get the money from Paul.

But what if I just call Paul at once? No, he will not give me, Paul don’t like me that much to give me money.

Just then Paul calls to make sure that Christy hasn’t come back before he will leave for the big city.

“Wow… talk of the devil, he called.”

“Hello Paul, I have been meaning to call you.”

“Ok is Christy back?”

Bridget pull the phone away from her ear and looked at it before replying. No..

“Ok, I was just calling to make sure because am leaving so if she comes back please tell her to call me”

“Where are you leaving to?”

“The big city, I have a job offer so am leaving tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Wait…wait…wait.. am coming with you”


“Yes, I have a job offer too, but I don’t have transportation”

“Really? That’s a sad one, ok I can help you, am going with my car”

“Oh.. thanks, you are a life saver.”

“Ok, I will pick you up by 8am”

“Ok thanks”, Bridget didn’t know when she said “God bless you.”

“What? When did she know God? She must really be in need to know God” Paul murmured.

“Mom you don’t need to worry yourself again, am leaving tomorrow by 8, luck has found me” she said so excited.

“Really? Thank God, who is helping you?”

“Is Paul mom, he too got a job offer and is moving to the big city tomorrow so he offers to give be a ride.”

“But what about the house rent, where will you stay?”

“Mom don’t worry about that, I can always find my way”

“You have to be very careful, I heard that Paul was married don’t go there to course trouble”

“Mom am not coursing any trouble he is  only giving me a ride besides Paul is not like that”

“Ok if you say so, be careful out there and if you see your sister ask her to come back home, tell her I have forgiven her and that she should bring home the baby.”

“Hmmm mom you miss her?  Me I miss her too”

“She is your father’s daughter, I was only angry at her mother not her”

“Is ok mom, I just pray I see her”

The next day Paul is ready to leave and Sharon stood there with tears in her eyes

“Look, am going for just one year, is not as if am going there to die, so why are you crying?” Paul ask.

“Are you sure?”

“Am sure”

“Can I hug you?” Sharon ask Paul.

Paul took seconds to say “sure, you can hug me”

Sharon rushed to hug Paul and stated crying.

“Please stop, there is no need to cry, I will come back and then we can talk things out ok.”

Sharon nods still crying

And Paul got into his car and drove off while Sharon keeps waving at him.

Paul felt sorry for her for the first time.