
Chapter 179

“Forget it, just give me money let me go home, and sure to give me enough that will take me through out the whole month”. Bianca said but on a second thought she remembered the designers bags, shoes and all the things she has bragged to her friends. “No, I can't go back to them and tell them that my husband refused me to work in our company. No, I'm going to take the cleaning job. After all who is going to tell them that I’m cleaning”. She turned and face Paul.

“Fine, I'll do the cleaning job, so when do I start”.

“Now of course” Paul didn’t want her talking of following him home, so he better do what he has to do to keep Bianca busy.

“Follow me” Paul took her back and hand her over to the leader.

“She will be cleaning With you guys, so just show her what to do”. He told the leader but her was about saying something when Paul cut him off “ Don’t worry, see me in my office later, we can talk there” he said and walk away.

“Yes sir” the man said and turn to Bianca, he was wondering what the wife of the boss will be doing here cleaning alongside them.

And who is going to pay her, because his agency will not be responsible for her. Anyway it is none of his business.

“You're welcome to our team”. He said to Bianca, here we give our best to make sure that every where is sparkling clean, you can’t afford to be lazy, we do not accept any form if laziness in our team.”. He went on to lecture Bianca on every aspect of cleaning. But she was just looking at him and after he finish. “Take this” Bianca hand him money. “Take this and get me food, am so hungry and my husband won't allow me to just enter into the kitchen and eat.

 I don’t want to cause trouble that is why I'm giving you money if not I would have ended up in that kitchen and eat anything I see there”

 “Excuse me, madam you want me to go and do what; order food for you?”

“of course, at least am older than you, I have the right to send you in and arrant”. He shook his head and walk away.

“ I’m talking to him and he’s walking away, anyways I’m going to sack him.”

 She turned and look at the rest, they all look away quickly.

“Hey… you,” she pointed at one of the girl.

“Come here”. She walk towards her.

“ I think I like you, and when I sack everyone here I'm going to retain you. Now take this money go downstairs and order food for me quick”

“ Yes ma”. the girl took the money and hurried downstairs to order for food.

“What!, she actually did that?” the other cleaners gather round the girl and they start whispering and murmuring amongst themselves. their leader came in and they all went to the different post.