
Chapter 119 I can't feel it

“What are you girls still doing in my house?” he yell at them and put off the music.

“What is wrong with your man?”

“Just leave him alone, let’s go out, I promise to paint the town red.”

“Yeaaa… let’s go…let go.”

They hurried out of the house to the car.

“You mean to tell us that your mother in-law bought this car for you?”

“Am telling you the truth”

“Wow..she must really love you, but why is your husband not happy with you?”

“Don’t mind that one, he is forming donjazzy because of one little girl like that”

“Wait..what? Another woman? Your husband is going after another woman and you are here doing nothing?” one of her friend ask her.

“No…you wouldn’t understand”

“Then make us to understand, we are here for you, if any girl wants to corner side your husband just say it and we will drill her fu*k up”

“Calm down girls, calm down, that’s not why we are here, we are here to enjoy the moment”

“Yeaaa.. let’s go…let’s go” they all enter the car shouting as they go.

“What is all this?” Paul ask while cleaning up the mess they left at the sitting room.


“Hey…sweet heart you are back, come to daddy” Sharon ran to her dad and he pick her up while she keeps laughing.

“Daddy put me down”

“Ok, here you go”

“Dad please take me to my mother again, I want to be with her”

“Amm..you see, I can’t go there right now, but I promise to take you to her when am chance”

“You promise?”

“Yes, I promise”

“Ok dad” she said and walk to her room sad.

Paul thought of visiting Christy but no, I need to get the car first before going there.

“Wowwww… this is so beautiful, thank you Paul”

“Anything for you”

“Let’s go for a ride” she told Paul and “ok” they both hit the road smiling as she drives the car.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Christy ask Paul because he has been looking at her for some minutes without taking off his eyes.

“Am just wondering if is the same Christy I know, how did it happen? When did you learn to drive? And how come you are becoming so beautiful everyday?”

“Is that a compliment?”

“Am just asking”

“Well lucky taught me how to drive and as of me been beautiful I don’t know about that, am I beautiful?”

“Hahaha, you make me laugh, so you don’t know you are beautiful?”

“I never thought of it”

“Is a good thing you are not thinking about it, been beautiful can get into your head and you start misbehaving”

“Really?, I never thought about it”

“So where are you taking me?”

“Nowhere, just driving round town”

“No.. you can’t just be driving round town, let’s go somewhere, I will take over the driving so stop the car”

“Really?, Am I not a good driver?” Christy ask.

“I didn’t say that, I just want to drive my queen”

“Ok” she stopped the car and went out.

Paul took over the driver’s sit.

“Can I get a kiss?”


“Then am not moving the car, we are going to stay here”

“What are you doing? Move the car we are in the middle of nowhere”

“You don’t have to be scared, am here with you”

“Ok Paul just move the car”

“I need a kiss first”

“hmm, there you have it, can we go”



“I…I… because I didn’t feel it”

“O my goodness me, but I just kissed you”

“I didn’t feel it”

“Ok, I will do this one more time”

She took a long look at him and breath in before kissing him but he took her and start kissing her all over.

“Paul what are you doing?, we are in the middle of nowhere please stop”

“Is ok, nothing will happen, I just need you” he said and resume his kissing work.

“Paul please wait”..

“Don’t stop me ok, I need you here”

“In the car?”


“Oh.. shit…shit…” Christy curse under her breath.

“We can go home then I will do anything you want me to do” she try’s to convince him.

“My home?”

“Emm… No, but we can go to a hotel just like last time.” She said hoping that Paul let her go.

“Please I can’t take it anymore, I love you Christy with all my heart. Come back home with me, I need you at home”

“What about the women in your house?”

“She will go, I promise you she wouldn’t be a problem to you”

“Ok if that’s what you want then let’s go to your house”

“Right now?”

“Yes right now” Christy agreed because anything that will stop Paul from having her in the car on the middle of the road is a life saver.

“Yes! Thank you” he starts the car and zoom off to the house not minding if Bianca will accept this or not.

Getting to the house Bianca is not back, “she’s out with her friends” the maid said.

“Ok, you can go”

“Heyy… welcome home” Paul went to hold Christy who just stood there looking round the house. But Paul didn’t know exactly what she was looking for.

“I have something to show you” Paul said.

“Ok, I will love to see it”

“Come with me” he took Christy to their bedroom and brought out their wedding pictures and the picture they took together long ago.

“Really? This is me, so is true I am your wife”

“Yes you are..but…but…don’t worry if you don’t remember anything am cool with you, just you”

“Am sorry Paul for putting you through all the stress, am truly sorry”

“Is ok… you don’t have to be sorry is not your fault”

“So where is my daughter?”

“She’s with the maid”

“Ok let me go and see her” she make to leave but Paul stopped her.

“Emm… you see…, you will get to see her later ok, like… you know…” he keeps blabbing and pointing down there.

“Are you ok Paul?”

“Yes, am ok but you see… something came up”  he said still pointing down there trying to make her understand that he needs her so badly.

“I still don’t understand what you mean, are you sick? Why are you behaving strange?”

“Look Christy, give me your hand” he took Christy’s hand down there and she felt it so hard like a rock.

“What! Paul…”

“Yes… please”

“You don’t mean it”

“I do”

“Ok, I will do this just one more time with you and then is final”

“What!, Final?”

“Yea, until I finally move into your house you will never get it again.”

Paul took her and they had it in every corner of the room. When they were done they both were breathless.

“Thank you Christy” Paul turned to face her.

“And you too, thank you, I never had it this way” hahaha they both laugh.

Bianca walked in to a messy room.

“What happened here?, Am I not asking someone? What the fu*k happened here”

Christy rush to Paul’s back to hid.

“And who the hell are you? What are you doing in my bedroom and my husband?”

“ Bianca look,  can we talk in the sitting room like civilized people?” Paul pleaded.

“Really? Civilized people you say, by the time I design her face you will know how uncivilized I can be”

“Look, I don’t want to hurt you ok, so please don’t  touch Christy, she is my lawfully wedded wife”

“Is that how you put it? So what about me?”

“Well, we have to talk to my mom”

“No, I have nothing to do with your mother, you are the one I got married to and I won’t be here and another woman take over my husband”

“Please I didn’t do anything to you so let me go” Christy said still standing behind Paul.

“Will you shut up? You come to my home, slept with my husband and you still have the guts to talk?” Bianca rush to hit Christy but Paul pushed her away.

“Please stop, I don’t want to hurt you, please for the sake of the baby you are carrying please stop” Paul begged Bianca.

“Paul you are very wicked, how could you do something like that to me? Seeing am carrying your child”

“What child!” Christy ask.

“Yes, didn’t he tell you that am pregnant for him?” of course he won’t tell you because he is so much in a hurry to sleep with you”

“Bianca stop it” Paul yell and both Bianca and Christy felt the vibration from his voice.

“Don’t push me Bianca, you need to step aside for Christy to pass, and I mean now”

Bianca has no choice but to step aside because the Paul she is seeing right now is not the one she use to know.

Christy ran out of the room into her car followed by Paul.

“Where are you going with that prostitute? You are not leaving this house” Bianca stood at the door blocking him not to go to Christy.