
Chapter 116 You broke me

“You actually spent the night there?” Bianca ask Paul immediately he step foot in the house.

“Yes, and it was lovely” he said smiling at her.

“Hmm, this is bullshit” Bianca murmured as she stood there watching Paul smiling like he just won the lottery.

“Are you not going to ask me how I am doing?, I mean you left me all alone in this house last night not minding that am pregnant to God only knows where and you come back this morning smiling like that” she shouted at him.

“What did you just say? Your pregnant?”

“Yes, am pregnant for you Paul” she said smiling.

“But your not supposed to be pregnant” Paul yells at her without knowing what he was doing.

“What? Why?, I mean am your wife”

“Oh… sorry, sorry, I mean congratulations…. Am so happy, come here” he hug her shaking.

“Are you ok?” Bianca ask pulling away from Paul.

“Yes am fine”

“So why are you shaking like that?”

“Oh… am just happy for you, I have been thinking about it lately and here you are pregnant thank you…” he hug her again not knowing if to cry or yell, but all he knows right now is that this…. Is all bullshit.

“ Oh no, what do I do right now? Christy is going to kill me, she wouldn’t agree to come back if she knows that Bianca is pregnant” Paul keeps thinking while still hugging Bianca.

“Is ok.. is ok… you, you’ve been hugging me for some minutes now, let go already.” She pulled away from Paul.

“Are you that happy?”

“Yes of course” he put on a fake smile but Bianca notice that he was lying to her.

“Hmmm, you can go in now, you need to change and go to work.

“Oh.. ok, but am not working today”


“I have to stay with you, seeing that you are pregnant” he smile but something is telling him to cry instead. “I will be in my room” he said and walk away.

“Are you serious? What is wrong with him?, Anyways I don’t have his time, but all I know is that he is not going to bring in another woman in my house nonsense”

Paul walk into his bedroom feeling like the world has come to an end.

“What is all this? Now that I got my Christy back this happen? No, I need to do something about this, but what can I do? Kill her? No Paul you can’t kill her, then Christy will run away again, ok let me call James and see if he has a solution to this”

“Hello James”

“Paul, am still on my honeymoon man, why are you disturbing me this early morning? I hope all is well?”

“All is not well bro, all is not well”

“What is happening?” James sat up from his hotel room bed.

“Is Bridget there with you?”

“No she went out to get something”

“Ok, am in trouble right now”

“What happened?”

“Man.. Bianca is pregnant”

“Really? That’s good news”

“You don’t understand do you?”

“No, tell me”

“I and Christy are back together, and am trying to bring her home and now this!..”

“You are confusing me Paul, which Christy? How? When?”

‘Well, when you were busy getting married to Bridget, I was busy making out with Christy”

“Bad guy…bad guy… you are the badest guy ever” James keep hailing him over the phone.

“Will you bring your voice down? Someone might hear you” Paul whispers over the phone.

“Wow… now I see but you know what?”


“Guy, you are in for a hot mess”

“Please don’t hang up, help a brother” he pleaded with James.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Advice me on what to do” Paul said.

“Hmmm bro, right now am not in the right frame of mind to give you legal advice,  because am in the middle of something, you understand?”

“Yes…yes.. I do, sorry to bother you”

“Ok, but I will advice that you wait for me to come back, don’t do or say anything that will be use against you in the court of law”

“My friend get out and enjoy yourself bye”

James hang up and keep smiling at his phone “badest guy ever”

“Who is that? and why are you smiling at your phone? Who is she?” Bridget start giving him chargers.

“No one honey”

“Don’t honey me, who is she?”

“She is Paul” James showed her the phone.

“Hmmm, what did he want, can’t he see that we are on our honeymoon?”

“Hey.. don’t get jealous”

“Am not jealous, I don’t want anything to distract you because you have a lot of work to do”

“Yea…. Your right so let’s get down to business”

“Wait, what did Paul want?”

“You won’t believe that Christy and Paul are back”

“Really? When?”

“I don’t know, maybe at our wedding night”

“OMG… that Christy is something else, but she made me believe she didn’t want Paul again.”

“Did you get to talk to her?”

“Yes, I ask her to talk to Paul I guess she did.. oh thanks to me” she said so happy.

“And why are you that happy about other people when you have me to take care off?”

“Oh honey, am so sorry and happy at the same time, don’t worry I will make you forget your name hahaha” she laugh and James could only roll his eyes. “Whatever”

Paul hang up the phone but feels so restless. “What will I do now? I guess I will just wait for James to come back.”

Just then his phone rang and is Christy.

“Hello sweetie are you at home now?” Christy ask.

“Yes my love, am home”

“Ok, am missing you already” she said and Paul feels like running to her.

“Me too, should I come to your house?”

“No..no.. I will be going to work, I have some clients to attend to”

“Ok, I will be at home today, you really broke me last night thank you, I have never feel this relax for a very long time hahaha”

“I love every moment we had together” Christy said and Paul was so happy to hear that from her.

Bianca stood at the door with tears in her eyes listening to Paul’s conversation with Christy she was so heartbroken that she can’t find her legs anymore, she try’s to move but is as if her legs where heavy under her.

Paul thought he heard someone so he quickly hang up the call.

“I will talk with you later, bye I love you with everything in me” he told Christy.

“I love you too” she hang up smiling at her phone.  

He opens the door only to see Bianca walking back to the sitting room.

“Are you ok?” he ask Bianca but she didn’t answer.

“He rush to her, “are you ok? Why are you walking like that?”

“What do you care?” she said and bust out crying.

“O my…. What happened?” he ask as if he didn’t know what he did.

“How could you Paul, how could you do this to me? You left me alone in this house only to be sleeping with that woman”

“Is not what you think, I can explain”

“Explain what? That you enjoy sleeping with her?, No tell me” she cry so bitterly.

“Look am so sorry ok, I just couldn’t say no to her, besides she’s my wife”

“Cut the bullshit” she yell at Paul, she’s my wife, she’s  my  wife that’s all I hear in this house, why is she not here with you?”

“Your right, she is planning to come back home”

“Over my dead body, she won’t step foot in this house, this is my house” she yells and walk away making Paul realize that he just walk into the lion’s den.

“What?” Paul wipes his face with both hands.

“What just happened?, Did Bianca just caught me red handed? No am done for, my mother… she will be here by tomorrow bringing hell with her, oh no, Bianca mustn’t tell her” he rushed out to met her crying in the sitting room.

“What do I have to do for you to forgive me” he ask Bianca and she raise her head to face him.

“Stop seeing her, that is all am asking”

“But you know that’s not going to be easy”

“Why? I know she was your wife but not anymore, so why wouldn’t it be easy except you are telling me that you want to keep cheating on me with her”

“Look, am not cheating on you, James can testify to that, our marriage certificate is still intact, we are still married.”

“So what do you want to do now?” Bianca ask afraid to loss her place in this house.

“You don’t have to worry and you don’t have to tell my mother anything, we can live together in peace”

“Really? So you want to get married to two women?”

“Am already married to two women what’s the difference?”

“But she can’t stay here” Bianca said looking round the house.

“Hmm, don’t worry I will think of something.”