
Chapter 113 She's Back

Bianca looked from Paul to Christy and thought. “ That’s the Christy, yes, she looks like the women in that picture, but I must confess she is beautiful, but am sorry he is now my husband and there is nothing you can do about that” she said to herself.

“Hello welcome” she smiles at Bianca. “Please come this wa….. she paused as she saw Paul with Bianca dressing like a couple.

“Hi Christy” Paul greeted her but she was too shock to respond to him.

“Let’s go” Bianca hurried Paul away.

“What was that?” Bianca questioned Paul as soon as they had their sit.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you have to stare at her like that?”

“Oh.. that? I was only saying hi”

“That doesn’t look like just a hi to me”

“So what do you mean?”

“Oh please don’t just make me angry, am here to enjoy the moment”

“And the moment you will enjoy, stop been paranoid” he smiles at her and she calm down a bit.

“Am not paranoid, am just be concerned”

“You shouldn’t be”

Christy walked back to what she was doing, she is so busy that she didn’t have time to think about Paul and his wife, she didn’t care anyways.

“Christy I hope everything is going out fine?” Bridget ask her once she entered the room.

“Yes, everything is fine, don’t bother yourself so much you will ruin your make-up”

“Ok, have you seen mom?”

“No, I think she will be here soon”

“Alright, what about Paul, have you seen him?”

“I… yes, I saw him and his wife”

“Wife! What wife?” Bridget ask surprised, she didn’t know Paul is already married and James didn’t say anything to her”

“Don’t worry yourself about that, today is your day just focus” Christy told her but Bridget was worried about Christy.

She is going to lose Paul, Bridget doesn’t like that lucky guy for Christy, he is just there because Christy has money and the contract was also a scam because lucky didn’t have the money for the supply so he shifted it to Christy.

“Look Christy please find Paul and talk to him” Bridget told her as she was about leaving the room.

“And why will I do that? What are we going to talk about?”

“Just do as I say”

“No, thank you but no”

She went out and start thinking. “Even though I feel something for him that won’t work again because he is married already”

“Hi” Paul wave at her. And she turned to see Paul and her heart sink.

“Hi” Christy wave back at him so tense.

“I...I... I Was just passing and I just want to say hi.” Paul said a little tense.

“Oh…ok.. I .I…thanks” Christy said facing down and playing with her feet.

“You are working really hard, nice decoration” Paul looked round the place and back to Christy.

“Thank you” she said still not looking at him.

“I like your nails” he move closer to take her hand.

“Oh.. thanks” she moves back a little.

“Are you afraid of me?”

“No am not, Why should I be?”

“Then stop moving” he keeps walking towards her.

“What do you want?” Christy ask.

“I want you, you are the only one I want, I have gone through a lot because of you, please don’t let me suffer anymore”

“Stop it, what are you saying”

“Am saying that I love you” he grabs her and pull her to himself plating a deep kiss on her lips that leaves Christy breathless.

She struggles to get her freedom but Paul wouldn’t let her.

“Please let go of me, someone might see us and tell your wife” Christy begged.

“No, you are my wife and I love you so much”

“Ok, but what about her?”

“She’s my mother’s wife, but you! am not letting you go” he pull her into one of the rooms and start kissing her.

“ Paul Please stop”

“No, don’t stop me Christy am starving ” he placed Christy’s hand on his chest and she feels his heart beating fast.

“Do you feel that?”

“Huh…What do you mean?”  she whispers into his ear. and her voice sound like the voice of an angel.

“I want you here and now, please don’t say no”

“Huh…” Christy opens her mouth but no sound was coming out.

“Sheee…. Don’t say anything, I wouldn’t hurt you because I love you”

She only nods and Paul took her to the bed.

“Don’t you think this is wrong?” Christy ask.

“No, we are not doing anything wrong because the last time I checked you are still my wife”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, am very sure, all the documents of our wedding is still there, I will show you if you want, just let me kiss you”

Christy nods again and it made Paul want to eat her whole, his Christy is back and he will give anything to have her.

They made love for about 30 minutes while Paul keeps making her laugh.

While everyone was busy looking for Christy she was busy making out with Paul.

“Where is Christy?” one of the decorating lady ask pat.

“I don’t know, maybe she went out to buy something”

“But she ask me to bring this, where will I put it?”

“Just put it there let me go and look for her”

“Ok, please hurry because they are going to start soon.”

“Alright” pat left and start scanning for Christy “ where could she be!, ah.. look at lucky maybe she went out with him.

“Hi lucky welcome”

“Yea, thank you”

“Where is Christy? Everyone is looking for her, must you always take her away? Look today is her sister’s wedding so you must give her a break”

“What do you mean? She’s not with me, I haven’t seen her since morning”

“Oh.. so where could she be?”

“I don’t know, am looking for her too”

“Paul  I have to go, they might be looking for me now”

“I know, but please stay with me a little longer, let’s say 20 more minutes”

“What! Are you  insane?, I am the chief decorator of this wedding” She said putting on her clothes and arranging her hair and make-up while Paul just sat there looking at her.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I don’t want you to go”

“That will be a dead wish you know”

“Yes I know, and am willing to die if only you will stay by my side when I die” he said smiling.

“You are crazy you know?”

“More than crazy” Paul said smiling at her and bites his lower lips.

“Will you stop doing that?”

“Is it affecting you? Then you have to stay with me”

“Look you have to wait here when I leave, we can’t both come out together ok” she told Paul but instead he keeps smiling at her.

“What are you smiling at? Am serious Paul, people can’t find out we are together”

“Really? Are you ashamed of me?”

“No am not but please do this for me”

“Ok, I will stay here you go first”

“Thank you”

“Anything for my love”

She opens the door gently and close it again.

“Look at you, what are you doing sneaking around like that?” pat ask her seeing the way she close the door as if she didn’t want anyone to hear her.

“Oh.. am sorry, let’s go back I have a lot to do”

“Really?” pat ask looking back at the door she was coming out from.

“Are you sure you are not doing something?” pat ask Christy.

“Something like what? Just stop your nonsense and help me out”

“Ok, let’s go. Have you seen lucky?” pat ask her as they walk fast to the arena.

“What! Lucky where?” she ask panicking a little.

“Is everything ok Christy?” pat ask because she is behaving kind of strange.

“Yea, am fine where is lucky?”

“He should be somewhere.. looking for you”

“What!, Looking for me?, I have to find him, please help me check those deco if is ok, I will be right back”

“Ok” pat answered her but instead she went back to where they were coming from, she opened the door and went inside.

“OMG… am sorry, am sorry” pat keeps saying while looking at Paul as he was putting on his clothes.

“Is ok.. you can leave” Paul told her because it seems she didn’t want to go out of the room.

“Yea, am so sorry” she hurried out of the room.

“What the f**k” Paul yells in a low tone, “what did she want here?”

“O.M.G” pat shouted in shock once out of the door. “What is Christy thinking? Is that not the same guy who is bringing down the sky because of her? Wow… Christy you are something else.” She hurried back to her and finds her talking to lucky.

“Hmmm, you are really too much Christy, I wouldn’t allow you to treat lucky like this” she murmured looking at her with a scorn.

“Heyy… pat please come help me” Christy call but she refuse to come.