
In Love with the preacher

Vanessa Jordan, who had faced every horrible thing the universe could throw at her. From being chased by a perverted stalker, to losing a job she finally got for something she didn't do. And as if that wasn't enough, she found out a horrifying secret about her long-time boyfriend. Losing her parents at a very young age had made her given up on God, to her he didn't exist, and if he did he just didn't care about her. And now she's giving up on love too. But everything changes when she meets THE PREACHER... A man who had also had his fair share of sorrows and pains from the past, together with his lovely daughter, they will teach Vanessa what it means to trust once again, and most importantly, how to love again. But the question remains, can Vanessa who hates God more than anything learn to love a preacher... Excerpt In the next minute, Vanessa found herself tumbling into the well. "Miss, MISS! Are you okay??" The all too familiar voice called out to her, striking panic through her whole body. Why did he always ask her that question? Why was she not always okay when he saw her? He always met her at her lowest point. And this is the lowest of the lowest. "YES!! I MEAN NO. NO I'm not okay... Don't come any closer." She shouted at the top of her lungs. "Don't worry miss, I'll get you out of there..." He assured. "NO!!!" She screamed. "Don't look into the well please." "Lady what are you saying? I'll get you out of there! Or do you want to drown in a well??" He said almost angrily. "NO. Please don't_ I'm... I'm naked." She said out loud. "I'm completely naked, I'm not wearing anything, my towel got caught up as I fell, now I am bollock naked so don't come any closer." PS. The Preacher doesn't come into full view until chapter 27... So hold on to your phones and tabs, cause it's gonna be a crazy read.

_Queen_A · Thành phố
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162 Chs

19. Meeting Grace...

Jenny.. was going crazy with worry.., it was already 10pm and Vanessa was nowhere to be found.. She never stayed out late without calling.. Jenny had tried calling her phone a hundred times., but it was always the same story.. Switched off..

She recalled what Jason had said when he came that afternoon. Something about punishing a bad girl... "oh dear lord., I commit Vanessa into your hands., save her from the clutches of that monster.. Let nothing bad happen to her.. I beg you Lord please protect her".... Jenny desperately prayed as she kept on dialing her number...

She thought of going to the police and reporting her missing.., but then she reasoned that it was no use.. What was she going to tell them.. 'that a high school senior probably kidnapped her best friend., or that he might have done something even worse to her... She had no proof against him., no proof that he had been stalking them both., no proof that the boy was a pure lunatic...

The police would not do anything for her., and besides even if she went to the station and declared Vanessa missing., they would day a person can only be declared missing after 24 hours.. Wasn't that pure foolishness.., what if something bad happens to the person before then.. Huh??...

She was completely scared.., she did not no what to do.. She just had to keep on dialing Vanessa's number and keep on praying she was okay...

She kept on trying and trying until eventually she slept off, with her phone and Bible at hand...


Her battery had died., and that was why Jenny could not reach her the whole night.. But it had been fully charged incase she had a family member that would be worried about her and was trying to reach her.. So it was placed beside her while she slept soundly..

Beep Beep Beep....

It was the sound of Vanessa's alarm clock... She jumped out of bed, she didn't want to be late for work.. She headed towards the bathroom and then it suddenly dawned on her..

She was jobless... She had been fired from her work.. She had tried committing suicide but had failed, someone stopped her..

A man whose face she could not clearly see, but his Grey eyes that sparkled in the dark of the night, and his deep alluring voice that sounded controlling and authoritative but at the same time sounded cool and calm was one to never forget...

She could not understand how her whole life had come down to this.. To someone who attempted suicide...

Even now she found it hard to believe that Mark had been cheating on her with his beautiful coworker Ashley... If she didn't see it for herself., and somebody told her., she would differently slap that person so hard in the face that the person would go deaf for a whole month...

But no one told her., she saw it with her own eyes.. And then she had lost her senses and even tried to kill herself... If not for the perfect stranger who helped her.. Whoever he was., she owed him her life... He had saved her from falling to her death., and then.., then.., her head went blank from this point..

She sees a mirror on the wall., and looks at herself in disgust..

'oh Vanessa what is happening to you.., what are you doing??.. Her eyes suddenly falls on what she was wearing.., it was a white robe.. A WHITE ROBE!!!... She did not own any white robe.., she did not own any robe at all..

Then her eyes and head suddenly started working properly...

Wrong bed.., wrong door., wrong mirror.., wrong wardrobe.., wrong bedside shelf.., wrong room.., WRONG EVERYTHING!!!...

Where was she., this was not her room., where in the world were her clothes.. And.. And..


She had suddenly forgotten her actual problems.., a new set of worry enveloped her... Who was that person last night.., I can barely remember his face.. All I remember are his eyes and voice.., who was he.., did he bring me here.., oh my God..,

Did he change my clothes??... Did he do anything else to me other than changing my clothes... She crossed her hands over her chest like she was shielding them from something...

A knock on the door made her jerk out of her thoughts... She was not sure whether she was supposed to answer the door.., or just stay silent., hold something heavy and stand behind the door., so as soon as whoever was at the door comes in., she would smash him in the head with it like they do in the movies., and run for her life...

Too much violent movies is bad for your brain.,Learn this lesson

The knock on the door sounded again., but this time someone spoke... It was the voice of a lady...

"Miss., are you awake now??.... Says the voice from behind the door., Vanessa thought about her options once more., and decided to follow common sense and answer...

" yes I am...

"well may I come in?.. The voice came again..

" uhh.. Yes sure...

The door opened slowly., and Vanessa was ready for whatever was coming in., she was ready to put up a good fight.. But then the person who worked in looked like she had no stress in the world., neither did she have any intention of practicing kung-fu with Vanessa..

She was a short and plump middle-aged lady., with lovely brown eyes.. Her smile was so big and soft that it could melt a frozen heart.. She definitely didn't look like she was here to hurt Vanessa..

She walked over to Vanessa like she had known her for ages., and places a hand on her forehead... And then her smile brightens up even more... Vanessa didn't think the woman's smile could go any wider., but it did... And she could not help but smile back... Even if she had no idea why they were smiling.

"I'm glad your fever is finally down... The woman said...

Fever!!.. What fever., she had fever??...

"uhmm...do you know me??... Vanessa asked timidly..

" well that's not what you say to someone who nursed you the whole night... The woman said making a fake angry face...

"nursed me all night??... Vanessa was really confused...

" well after you were brought in here., I could not leave you in your wet clothes., and you had a fever.. So I helped you out of your clothes and nursed your fever away"... The woman said still pretending to be angry..

Vanessa suddenly felt extremely stupid.. She was questioning her savior instead of showering her with thanks.. Real good Vanessa., real good..

"oh I'm so sorry.., I had no idea.., I'm very stupid.., thank you so much for taking care of me.., I really didn't mean to question you.. I just woke up and I was scared and I just started opening my big mouth... Oh my gosh I'm so sorry...

A pleasant laughter filled the room... The woman was clearly having fun..

"oh dear., don't mind me.. I'm just joking.., no need to be all worked up about it... Yes I took care of you the whole night.., but it was nothing. I quite enjoyed it. It's been long since I had to tend to someone... She looked really and sincerely happy... Oh and I'm Grace by the way... How about you., do you have a name?

"oh yes.. Yes I do.. Forgive my manners.. My name is Vanessa.. Vanessa Jordan.. She stretches her hand to Grace but instead is pulled into a hug.. It was surprising at first., but then it felt comforting.. Like she was secretly telling her everything was okay...

"it's nice to meet you Vanessa.., and now what would you like to eat.. The woman asked as she broke the hug.. Much to Vanessa's disappointment, who was just starting to enjoy it..

" oh no.. no please that would be too much.. I can't possibly bug you for a meal... I just need my clothes., and I would be out of here... She then looked around again... As soon as I know where here is...

" well Vanessa., first of all., I will not let you leave without feeding you... Secondly., this is the 50th floor of the BASIL building., and my personal space....

Oh that's just great., she was still close to Mark.. That slimy cheat...

And lastly., I was told to not let you go until someone you know personally comes and pick you up...

"excuse me, what??... Who told you that..?.. Vanessa asked really confused...

" well who else.. The one who brought you here of course... He said he didn't know what crazy thing you would do if you were left alone., so he told me to make sure someone you know comes and pick you up...

Vanessa did not know what she was feeling right now... Was she happy that a complete stranger was worried for her safety., or was she angry that it felt like he was meddling in her affairs.. Well you can't quite call it meddling., he did save your life.. So he has a right to see to your safety... She also felt like he was some kind of angel sent to rescue her., she could remember how it felt to rest on his strong but warm chest before she finally blacked out.. It felt really good...

Vanessa did not realize she was fantasizing about him until she heard her name... 'stupid girl.., you are fantasizing about a guy you just met., well maybe it's because it's been a while since she felt the strength of a man so close to her.. Maybe.. Yes that was it...

"Vanessa... Grace called out for the third time.. Her mind was somewhere else..

" uhh... Ahh... Sorry Grace.., but where is the person that brought me here.. I'd like to thank him properly for helping me...

More like you just want to see his face clearly so you can know if his looks are as beautiful as his eyes., and voice...

" well he left already.., and I have no idea when he will be back.. So I suggest you follow me now., and let's go and have breakfast.. I'm so exhausted.. I need food., and so do you... The woman obviously was not ready to here another No from the girl... She was obviously going to do whatever she wanted.. And right now she wanted to eat., and Vanessa had to come too...

And truth be told., Vanessa was starving.. Having a meal before leaving wasn't a bad idea...

"oh and don't forget to call whoever it is you need to., so they can come get you...

Oh My God.. Jenny... Oh my gosh I completely forgot about Jenny... Oh my gosh she would be so worried... She thought out loud as she ran to her phone...

Grace smiled as she left the room... Nathan had told her the girl tried to commit suicide so she was worried that Vanessa probably had nobody in the world... But it seems like she did.. She had this Jenny.. Who ever she was..

God bless her..

She seems to be a source of strength to this girl...

I personally think this novel just keeps on getting better..

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_Queen_Acreators' thoughts