
In Love With My Husband's Son

A very beautiful 20-year-old young woman who lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by a very poor woman. Stacy is an independent woman with good morals. She has the dream of being a superstar, but her beautiful world was shattered when she was forced to sign a contract with one Mr. Edward, a middle-aged man, to save her ailing mother.

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5 Chs

Chapter One

"Stacy, you should hurry. Don't you know that this is a one-time opportunity, and we might never get it again?" Anna shouted.

"Hold on, Anna. I will be out in a minute," her voice could be heard from the bathroom.

Anna gave a wry smile and started pressing her phone. Soon, Stacy was out of the bathroom, dressed fully in a beautiful blue gown. She was gorgeous even without any makeup.

Anna gave a thumbs up. "You still look as good as ever, Stacy," she commented.

"Thank you. Now, come on; let's go. There's no time," she urged.

Stacy was a bit more delighted than usual for this event. It was a more high-profile one than the other events she had danced in. If lucky, she might be noticed by some big names in the entertainment industry.

Stacy Williams was an orphan from a tender age. Both her parents died in a car accident, and none of her relatives agreed to take her in. She was later adopted by a poor, kind widow who had just lost her husband at that time.

She took Stacy in, trained and nurtured her. Now Stacy has grown to a twenty-year-old lady, full of life and very hardworking. All her life, she had dreams of being a music superstar; she loves singing and dancing.

She joined a dance group once she finished high school and had been performing at local events where they were paid to dance.

Stacy hurried with her friend as the two headed outside together. They boarded a cab that would take them to Will's clubhouse, where the event was held.

After a few minutes, the cab reached Will's club hall; they paid for the cab and hurried to the club hall using the backdoor.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and a formal suit was standing in a corridor, looking anxious and nervous. His face became lighter when he saw Stacy and Anna.

"You two! What took you so long? I had almost given up on you," he scolded.

"Now go inside and get changed; the dance is starting very soon," he ordered.

The two didn't argue and headed straight for the changing room. "Did you see Manager Ralph's face? He looked so angered," Anna giggled.

"You naughty girl, how dare you joke about your manager," Anna scolded.

"But I think he looks cute with his angry expression," she giggled. Stacy kicked her in the butt.

"You naughty girl, don't tell me you are into married men now," the two women giggled.

Soon, they were dressed for the stage. They were a group of six, with Stacy being the leader. After a glorious entrance to the stage, they started the performance. Stacy danced beautifully, showcasing her exquisite dance steps.

The audience was awed by her beauty and her very graceful dance steps. She became the focus of the audience. Among the audience, a middle-aged man, Mr. Edward, was captivated by her beauty.

She was wearing a very tight dancing costume accentuating her curvaceous body. Edward felt drawn to her. This was the first woman who had seriously drawn his attention after his wife's death ten years ago.

Throughout the dancing performance, his eyes were glued to her. After the performance, the audience all clapped and cheered for the dancers. Stacy was elated; this could be considered as the highest-profile event she had attended ever since she was born.

According to the rumors she had heard, the event was hosted by one Mr. Edward and was actually hosted for the opening of one of his new companies. Mr. Edward is a very famous billionaire in the country; he has lots of connections in the business circle and government.

Backstage, Stacy and her friend were inside the changing room.

"Wow! Today's performance was great, Stacy. When did your dance movements become that good? You must practice really hard. And you even stole the attention of the audience; you showed off."

Anna said jokingly. Stacy chuckled.

"You praise me a lot, Anna. I am not that good."

Anna rolled her eyes at Stacy. A knock came on the door. The girls all looked at the door. "Who is there?" Stacy called out.

The girls had already dressed up. There was nothing to be worried about anyway. "I would like to have a word with you once you are done, Miss Stacy." The manager's voice was heard outside the door.

Stacy wondered what could have made the manager look for her urgently. After some minutes, she came out and saw the manager waiting in the corridor.

"Why did you call me, Manager Ralph?" She asked, looking at the manager curiously. Manager Ralph smiled bitterly.

"Stacy, there is an important figure who wants to meet you. I don't know what he wants from you, but I have to remind you, this man is a real big shot. You have to watch what you say while talking with him."

Stacy looked at him in disbelief. Why would a big shot look for her? It's really surprising. She nodded at Manager Ralph in understanding. The manager gave a satisfied smile. "Now head to the guest room ahead. You will meet him there." Stacy nodded and did as she was asked to.

Inside the guest room, she saw a handsome middle-aged man, looking 45 with a very graceful appearance, standing there. From his demeanor, one could tell that he is someone used to wielding authority.

"Are you the one looking for me, sir?" She asked curiously. The man looked up at her and was delighted. His eyes moved through her body ravenously, and he seemed to be satisfied with what he saw as he nodded approvingly.

"I am Mr. Edward, CEO of Edward International Corporation, and also the host of this event." The man introduced himself. Stacy was delighted when she heard his identity. This is a real big shot. She was ecstatic as she shook his outstretched hand.

"Oh, Mr. Edward, I have heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you, sir."

The middle-aged man gave a pleased smile. Stacy retracted her hand. The man looked a little disappointed.

"But why would you look for me, sir?" She couldn't help but ask. Mr. Edward is clearly millions of times above her league. There was no reason for somebody as powerful as him to look for her.

Hi guys my English is not good. I hope you will bear with it for now I will try to improve

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