
In Love With My Husband's Son

A very beautiful 20-year-old young woman who lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by a very poor woman. Stacy is an independent woman with good morals. She has the dream of being a superstar, but her beautiful world was shattered when she was forced to sign a contract with one Mr. Edward, a middle-aged man, to save her ailing mother.

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5 Chs

Chapter Four

"I heard about your mother's sickness and the astronomical bill that you were supposed to pay," he paused for a while before continuing. "I know it's almost impossible for a girl like you to raise such a large amount. So I have a solution for you."

He grabbed a document from the table and threw it to her. She caught the document and looked at it curiously. After reading through the document, she looked at Mr. Edward shockingly.

Mr. Edward gave a small, confident smile. "Yes, you didn't see wrong," he said, as if to affirm what she just read, while toying with a piece of cheese on the table. "You only need to sign a marriage contract with me. Don't worry, it's only for one year, and you will be free to do whatever you want with your life." He looked up at her.

Stacy felt a countless swell of emotion. She didn't know what to do at that moment. According to the contract, she only needs to marry Mr. Edward for one year, and in return, he will pay her the sum of $1,000,000, of which $500,000 will be paid upfront.

That alone is already more than enough to pay her mom's hospital bill and give her a good life. Besides, the money is even enough for her to start her music career, even if it is on a small scale.

It was quite tempting, but at the same time, she couldn't wrap her mind around the fact she has to marry a man who is definitely older than her late father. Mr. Edward might look forty-five, but she is quite sure that he must be around fifty-something.

Yet, as much as she really wants to reject the contract and leave the scene, she is a very rational girl and has to weigh the current situation. It isn't as bad as she originally thought anyway. She only has to act as his wife for a year anyway.

After a while, she spoke up, "I will agree on one condition."

Mr. Edward looked at her with a triumphant expression and nodded for her to make her demands.

"We must never sleep as a couple or have any sexual interactions," she made her first demand.

Mr. Edward grunted but didn't refuse. He was quite confident that he would be able to completely woo her and have her surrender to him completely within the span of one year.

"And also," she continued, "I will really appreciate if you would allow me to pursue my music career."

Mr. Edward nodded approvingly. "Of course, who wouldn't want his wife to be hardworking. I will agree with your demands, but you must know this. You are not allowed to ever get intimate with another man."

"And I will also have to inform you. If you want to break out of the contract before the one year is over. You have to pay the sum of $10,000,000, so think carefully."

Stacy nodded. There was no reason to refuse. To her, her mother's life is more important than her ego. And besides, sacrificing one year to ensure her mother's survival is worth it.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Mr. Edward took it as a sign of her agreeing with him. He stood.

"Okay then. You have to follow me to the court now so we could change the clause and sign the contract."

Stacy nodded and followed them outside silently. Outside the restaurant, a Bentley Continental GT was parked neatly by the side; they all entered the car and zoomed off.

On reaching the court, the new clauses were added, and the contract signed. Mr. Edward was all smiles during the process. After they were done, the $500,000 was sent directly to her account. Stacy excused herself so she could go and pay her mother's hospital bill.

She took a cab and headed for the hospital. A few minutes later, the cab dropped her in front of the hospital. She paid the cab and headed to the doctor's office to settle the bills.

Once she was done with the bills, she went to see her mother in her ward and gave her the food and other items she bought for her.

Her mother advised her not to spend so much since she might need the money in the future.

"Stacy, my child. I don't want you to spend all your money on me. If you will hear me, just take me out of this hospital so I could die peacefully. I don't want you to spend all your money."

"Don't worry, Mum, I now have enough money to take care of your bills and give you a good life," she assured her.

"Where did you get the money from?" Her mother asked her, looking very suspicious.

Stacy didn't want to answer and brought up other topics before giving an excuse and hurriedly leaving the hospital. Yet she couldn't get her mom's final words on her way out off her mind, warning her never to do anything she is going to regret in the future for the sake of money.

Stacy wondered if she is really going to regret her decision now. It's only time that will tell. She flagged down a cab to take her back home, on reaching home she packed her bags, dumped it in the cab seat before entering the cab.

The car zoomed off, heading to her new home.

A few minutes later, she was standing before a very large magnificent gate. She pressed the doorbell in front of the gate. A few seconds later, a man wearing a uniform opened the door. He looked at her curiously.

"Are you Miss Stacy?" He asked.

"Yes," Stacy answered.

"Come in then, Sir Edward had been waiting for you," he ushered her in. Stacy was grateful that the security was already informed beforehand; if not, it would have taken her lots of explaining before she could get past this gate.

Past the gate, Stacy was shocked on seeing the magnificent mansion that stood before her. There was a garage nearby, and quite a good amount of very expensive cars were parked there.

Up ahead, she met Kindo, who took her to deeper down the mansion.