

(mature content) the room looked strange but she didn't get scared because he was with her...he moved his distinct knuckles up her body and Fred her bra....she kept moaning...moaning...and moaning enjoying the pleasure he gave her.....read to find more steamy episodes was the always high spirited fair girl.......while he was the cold profile handsome boy........she had a very bright side..... ......but too many secret was kept ......he had a very cold side chase uromme the cold and aloof young heir to the great uromme family........they said he was cold .......but to her he was just a soft husband.........they said he was blood thirsty........to her he was love thirsty.........they said he talks little but to her.......he talks a lot ................ LOVE is a feeling of unconditional understanding and trust

Imonikoko_Abies · Thanh xuân
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I reached home in a full spirit hummming when I heard a voice... crying,I followed the voice to my sister's room....REGINA

I opened the door to see her bawling on the floor ....

"I said no one should come in ge....."Regina turned to see miya

"get lost"Regina yelled again

"Gina why you're crying" I asked with obvious worry on my face she stode up and said "murder"with that she walked but I held her

"Regina...I know I'm the causeof Mama's death....she died while giving birth to me.....and she sacrificed her life for me... it's called mother's love...if you were in her shoes you would have done same"I said in one breath

yes.... sixteen year's ago.....a beautiful baby girl was born.....and the mother died while giving birth to her.... making her siblings hate,and blame her for their loss.....

" I don't have time for your lectures" gina said and yanked my hands off and walked away,I stared at her back and signed


a young man sitting on a black executive chair stared coldly outside in deep thoughts


" come in "a cold yet gentle voice of a dignified youth

"sir,the information"peter ... CHASE'S pa said coutiously

" say it" he said not removing his gaze from the high glass window

"miya tallman is sixteen year's old she has a father but no mother her mother died whilst birthing her....which gainer hatered from her siblings.....she..."peter was cut short by

"stop...you can go"he waved him off.

"this is gonna be fun"he muttered.