
In Love With A Ghost.

A lonely young woman lost her father during the accident, lost consciousness and went for a coma for 6 months. Once she went back to life and opened her eyes, she started seeing the unseen. The disaster ruin her life as she knew she w cursed until she met a handsome ghost man along with his story. The two of them experienced a lot more until they realize they are ment for each other

milliyfah · Thành thị
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2 Chs

The Accident

Tonight somewhere in Mami Florida a girl was sitting on her bags as she was done packing her clothes. She was w routing on the wall as s memory 'Hope' a man was passing by he was on the phone talking. That girl was staring at him, the man stood up still and looked himself in the mirror while botton his shirt.

That girl wwalked in front of him and started making his tie, the man hanged up the phone.

"Thank you my princess, how do I look?"

"You look fine, at least handsome enough to make mamy freeze once she sees you" That man smiled at her.

"Come on now Teresa you mother and I have nothing now, but at least we were able to get you and thats the blessing for both sides, I love you dewdrop" Teresa was smiling.

"Come on dad, we are getting late" Teresa was very excited to see her mother again as they were traveling going to Denver city in UK.

Sometimes later they were in a black Mercedes heading to Denver as they were passing by the bridge Teresa's father (Henry) was smiling as he was very happy escorting his daughter to her mother for holidays. Teresa was sitting at the back of the car, Henry decrease the volume and started talking with his daughter once again.

"How are you doing back there princess?" Teresa was playing with her tablets.

"Good dad, eyes in front stay focused am playing some games here"

"Tell me the first thing you gonna do once you see your mother again?"

"Kiss her ofcourse hug her so tight, spend some time with her and during my bed time story am going to tell her that you were talking about her the whole year and that you want the two of you to be together again"

"Stop being a liar, Teresa you have to say the truth"

"Bit it's the truth, dad i often hear you when you are sleeping calling out mother's name in your dreams" Henry increases the volume up.

"Someone is trying very hard to drop down the topic, do you still love your ex wife dad?"

Henry was quiet as he didn't want to answer the question Teresa stood up and started walking on the front seat, Henry was saving her a seat a car was approaching in front in speed Henry was dusting the seat for Teresa. The car in front was in speed as it turned on the full lights Teresa saw that.

"Dad watch out!!!!" Henry tried his best to control the car as he turned hard the wheel the cars hit each other very hard, Henry's car slipped and flew up as it bend upside down and hit the road very hard. Teresa was thrown away outside she went through the mirror and hit her head hardly on the road as she was barely bleeding. Henry was stabbed with mirrors on his throat as he was dying. The other car turned on its side there was also a Father and a son. The son hit himself with a mirror as his throat was slit and his head was far apart from his body. The father inside was hurt but he managed to stand up.

He was out of breath as he was calling out for his son but he was shocked once he turned over and saw his son's body without the head.

"No no!!! Mino" That man rolled over and went to the road as he finds his son's head lying on the road he was crying as he took the plastic bag and took his son's head and put it in. He walked to the other and saw a girl was hurt and bleeding on the head but she was alive as a she was barely breathing He took the phone and called 911. He went to the car and saw Henry dead he took him out of the car and placed him somewhere along with his dead son's body.

Medical team showed up as they took them all to the hospital That man was treated as he was asked questions in the lobby. Suddenly a woman enters the hospital pressuring.

"Where is my daughter? Where is my husband?" She was crying the man beside her was staring.

"Madam this is Mr Max he was the one who got in the accident too he rushed your daughter and your husband here"

"Are you by chance Ms. Nutaila?"

"Yes now where is my daughter"

"If you can please wait the doctor is examining your daughter he will be out soon, by mean time we want you to confirm your ex husband's body, if you come this way"

The doctor took both of them where they keep the dead bodies Nutaila saw Henry she was crying very loudly as she badly hurt and broke.

Max was kneeling staring at his son's body without the head Nutaila saw a Max's son she felt sorry for him too.

Sometimes later they were at the waiting ward

So quiet all the two of them.

"What happened, how did this occurred?"

Max explained everything to her, the doctor shows up to them.

"Doctor how is my daughter doing?"

"I did the best I could to stop the bleeding madam but she was hurt inside and bleeding inside. She has to go under operation I examined her the blood is flowing in her brain right now and this operation is very dangerous"

"What do you mean dangerous?"

"We don't have the qualified doctors wjo mastered the second brain operation yet in our hospital we only have first class, the doctors are from India we have to order one and it's very expensive"

"And how much can the girl hold in until the doctor gets here?"

"Sir she has only 47 hours until then if she can't get treated then she is dead, we have to make the appointment right now"

"How much it costs for hum to get here?"

"Appointment expensives, transport expensives, and operation expesnive about 1.98 billion" Nutaila was shocked.

"My God where do you think i can get that kind of money? Am only a woman who's seeking job"

"And is the operatin successful?" Max asked the doctor

"We have 76% percent of success but once the operation is done she will be in coma for a couple of month" Nutaila was shedding tears.

"Arrange everything and make the appointments too, tell the doctor to take the faster jet I will pay for everything"

"Okay sir on my way" Nutaila was shocked Max volunteered to help her daughter.

"Why are you helping my daughter?"

"I lost my son and you know that too, you lost your ex husband we are in the same pain the accident occurred with four people in it and only one of them managed to make it out alive, and the other one is lying on bed with full of dreams she needs to archive full of hopes, I can't take that away from her even though my son is dead, it doesn't mean that I can let her die too, If I can afford that kind of money then I have to help her so that my son will die in peace and proud"

Nutaila thanked him as she was about to kneel to him. Max held her

"No you dont have to do that Nutaila, it's okay I promise to help out as much as I can"