
In love with a demon king {BL}

Luke had it rough growing up with his mother who got divorced by his Dad. he tried his best to provide for his mom who is currently in the hospital. he got a job working for that Demon King and ever since his life changed.

Emma_Rose_8125 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 { The Kings POV}

It was an ordinary day in my Palace and as a Demon King it's my duty to rule my people with wisdom and compassion. Although being a Demon has a disadvantage for instant people are scared of me not because I'm their king but because I'm a Demon. Being a Demon isn't something I chose but instead what I was born to become....you see my father was a Demon King so when he passed away I had to claim the throne. I'm not the only child of my parents, I have a younger brother Zhang Wei who is quite the opposite of me.

Zhang Wei is kind and caring unlike me I'm so ruthless, heartless, cruel and evil....you wouldn't blame me, it all happened before my father died he offended a witch. So when My father died the witch came on the day of the funereal and she cursed me. She said that I would have a heart of ice, I would become a monster who would never find love. Then she cursed me with this sickness that made my hair turn white, she said it's only when I find true love that's when the spell would be broken. The funny thing is how am I suppose to find love when she cursed me saying I would never find true love.

Many years has passed and I've forgotten about my curse but not completely the only thing that reminds me of it it my white hair. When I was 19 I fell in love with a boy named Jang Liuer who happened to be a prince....but i should have known he was just using me to get to my weakness. He and his father planned to kill me, he personal stabbed me. he thought I was dead...you see as a Demon it's hard to die but me I'm special because before my Father died he gave me the blood of immortality. So when Jang Liuer stabbed me the wound healed immediately...I could have killed Jang Liuer but I..I just couldn't because I still loved him. From that day forward I decided to be the monster they want me to be. I became a cold blooded Demon

Wang lei {My Mom called me} I turned around to see Mom behind me. What are you thinking about? {Mom asked} Nothing {I replied} Well I've summoned all the beautiful young ladies in the kingdom...so go make your choice {Mom said} not again, haven't I told you to stop doing this Mom {I said } you're not getting any younger, you're a Demon King who's currently single....mean while Zhang Wei is engaged to a beautiful young lady were as you are single {Mom said} Mother I..I have someone I'm in love with {I said} really? What's her name? I wouldn't tell you what his name is {I said} A guy?..oh well it's better than nothing {Mom said} now if you'd excuse me I have urgent matters to attend to { I said}

I went to the throne room. Your Majesty {Someone said} DingXiang what is? {I asked} I'm sorry to disturb you your Majesty but I bring news from Emperor Mengyao {DingXiang said} I'm listening {I said} He said he would bring his daughter so you could discuss about the marriage proposal. Marriage proposal?...Who's getting married? {I asked} I'm afraid you your Majesty {He replied} What has a Demon King have to do avoid unnecessary attention {I asked myself} What would you like me to tell him?. Nothing...you may leave {I said} {DingXiang left} I sat on my throne thinking of a new strategy on how to end this madness, this marriage stuff is getting out of hand. Hmm...I really need to find a way.

This Evening I left the palace. I went to visit a witch who would be crowded Queen soon, her name is Willow. I got to America to see her. although she's suppose to be in her kingdom but for some reason she isn't. I got to her house, I knocked on the door. The door opened and Willow came out. Your...your Majesty...what are you doing here? {She asked} {Aren't you going to let me in?} I'm sorry....please c...come in {Willow said} I entered the house and Willow offered me a seat. What would you like to drink? {Willow asked}

Water {I replied} Willow went to get a glass of water while I observed the house. while I was observing the house I noticed there were pictures of a young guy, he looked quite handsome and from that moment on I knew this was the guy I want. Here you go your Majesty {Willow said while handing me a glass of water}What's the name you answer here? {I asked} Amy {Willow replied} Why aren't you in your kingdom {I asked} I have some important things to attend to your Majesty....your Majesty what brings you to America?. I came because I want you to do something for me. What could that be? {Willow asked} I want a human boy who would pretend to be my wife for a year {I said} I'm sorry your Majesty but I don't have any human boy.

What about that one? {I asked} I'm sorry your Majesty but I can't....he...he's not...um...I can't do that your Majesty...maybe I could get another human boy. I WANT HIM {I said with authority} your Majesty I..I can't do that this human is special to me I..I can't just marry him off to you {Willow said} I heard you're going to be crowded soon....so tell me which is more important, your people or the human? {i asked} Both. Willow are you trying to piss me off? Do you know the consequences for making me angry...you could wake up tomorrow to find out your people died in my hands. i can't do this to an innocent human being. Don't worry it's just for a year and after that he's free to go {I said} he would agree to it {Willow said} Make him agree to it or your people dies {I said then I left}