
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

David_555 · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

Haunted House 1

" Is everyone ready for the mission?" A dark spiky haired teen asked looking his three teammates in front of him with a smile.

" Ready!" The female member of the team spoke with a smile, before another youth with a scar spoke. He had a sheathed katana tied to his waist and a large smile.

The last member of the team was unresponsive but his clanched fists was more than enough to prove that he would try to give the mission his all.

" Okay, let's go." The team leader smiled and led his team mates into a car where they were transported to the mission site.


The four teammates appeared around the warehouse where the cursed spirit was located and got down.

There they saw countless police officers standing guard at the place and preventing anyone from entering.

" State your business!" As they arrived and tried to enter, they were instantly denied entry by a fierce looking police man.

" We are jujutsu Sorcerers. Here to help." The team leader, Kurama Zenin immediately smiled and showed the officer his badge before he allowed them entry into the place.

" Alright, the main purpose of the mission is to save the civilians and exorcise the curse spirit, but before we go, I want to get to know each other." Kurama spoke which caused Madara to raise his eyebrow.

" Knowing our strengths and weaknesses as a team is crucial for the mission." He added.

" My name is Kurama Zenin from the Zenin Clan, my cursed technique is the Ten Shadows Technique which allows me to utilize Shikigami. " Kurama smiled and spoke.

" I'm Isao Mai, my cursed technique allows me to manipulate wind energy, she smiled and waved her hand and summoned a gust of wind.

" I'm Hatake Ichigo. My Cursed Technique is the Ancestral Lightning Technique of the Hatake Clan, which allows me to harness the powers of lightning." Ichigo smiled.

" Uchiro Madara. No cursed technique." Madara spoke last, his expression cold and unfeeling.

" Okay, Ichigo, you and I are the main attackers. Mai, you'll assist and defend and uhh Madara, I'll leave the civilians to you ." Kurama smiled and immediately gave everyone a gist of their responsibilities.

Madara sighed. This was for the best. At least he could do something to help them and not be a burden.

" Ready team?!" Kurama asked, his eyes turning gleaming with incomparable sharpness. " Ready!!" Ichigo and Mai shouted while Madara only nodded his head.

" Let's go!!" Kicking the door open, all four team members rushed into the house in a burst of speed.

" This place gives me the creeps. " The moment they entered the house, the door shut itself tightly, as they found themselves in a dark environment.

" Devil Dog!" Kurama performed a hand seal, before a large wolf materialized in a burst of baleful aura.

" Lead the way boy." Kurama smiled and turned on a torch as he followed behind his devil dog shikigami.

" Stop!!" After several minutes of running, they came to a stop by Kurama's order. Madara face was full of sweat and his breath was a bit haggard from all the running. The others were depending on their cursed energy, but he was still on full physical juice.

The next instant, what they saw would forever be ingrained in their memories.

There were corpses of children and toddlers, some looked like they were less than 4 months old.

Their limbs were torn apart and eaten, their brain matter splashed all over the floor, their eyes gouged out and their hearts eaten.

Ichigo and Mai immediately emptied their stomachs at the scene, while Madara stood there in a daze, his brain still trying to comprehend the absurdity he had just witness.

After a few seconds, his body went limp and he fell to the floor on his knees.

" This is the cruelty of the world. No one is safe, not even the weakest and most vulnerable child. That's why we need strength. Strength to protect those we need to protect ." Kurama sighed and offered a prayer for the dead children.

" Shaaaaa!!" In that instant, Madara and the other lady heard a subtle sound as they turned around only to see nothing.

" Shaaaaa! Hehehehehe!!! " They heard the sound once more and this time it was accompanied by a crazy, bloodthirsty and deranged laughter that sounded like it came from pits of hell.

Immediately, all the bones and body parts of the dead children began to gather around.

" What is happening?!" Mai screamed in fear, as she immediately circulated her cursed energy. Ichigo grabbed unto the handle of his katana with his right hand, placed his left hand on the sheath and subtly flipped the guard with his left thumb.

Kurama immediately circulated his cursed energy, as his devil dog roared in anger and readied itself for battle.

The bones and flesh of the dead children then gathered into a large baby like monster whose body was wriggling with flesh. It looked extremely disgusting and troubling.

Madara stared at the abominable creature in front of him as he unconsciously took steps back. His responsibility here was to bring the innocent children and civilians to safety, but everyone was dead.

He didn't think for a second that he could go against the semi second grade cursed spirit in front of him. At most he could hold on for six minutes, and when his foresight couldn't be used anymore, he'd turn into food for the cursed spirit.

" Madara go hide somewhere safe!!!" Kurama turned around and shouted at him which him back to his senses.

" Ichigo! Mai! Are you ready!" Kurama gestured towards his devil dog which spat out a long black blade into his palm as he swung it with a smile.

" Ready!!!" Ichigo closed his eyes, as blue lightning began to stream across his body and his sword.

Mai waved her hand, before the billowing wind in the room immediately coalesced into several blades.

They both stood behind Kurama as they readied themselves for battle.

" Will I be strong like them?" Madara asked with clenched fists as he looked at his teammates readying themselves for battle.

A/N: Please be generous and shower this fic with more powerstones. Peace!