
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Thanh xuân
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Hurt

Yshianna's POV


The moment I woke up my father's call is what greeted me. He just said that I should take care of myself and my so called fiance and such. I didn't bother to open my eyes while he's talking but I was irritated by the light of my phone so I had no choice but to get up and look at my alarm clock. When I looked at the time---,

what the-----

It's just freakin 5:30 in the morning!

My dad always call me early in the morning when they left me in this house but I'm just too tired today but I guess I have no choice since I need to go to school as well. I went inside my bathroom or else I'll be late for class if I sleep again. After taking a shower I wore my school uniform, eat breakfast so that I won't have to see that guy's face early in the morning. Or else, goodbye great morning!

The moment I arrived at the lobby of our building I was shocked to see many students. Is there a miracle or something? They weren't early these past few months. Or is it just me? Am I late? They are surrounding someone so I went there and tried to see what was happening. I inserted myself to a bunch of people to see what was the commotion all about.

Oh yeah I forgot, today is the registration of clubs. We're all required to join at least one club every school year.

there are animation club, singing club, martial arts club, dancing club, homeroom club, library club, styling club, computer club

,genius club, chess club, sports club and many more.

I wanted to join the genius club but I'm not that genius to join so.... so sad for me. The genius club is responsible for the school academic competitions like quiz bowls, science experiments, math quiz bowls and many more.

"Excuse me miss, do you wanna join?" a girl asked me that's in the genius club stall.

"Uh sorry miss, I'll think about it" I answered

"Oh okay, miss you can have one of our fliers for you to choose your desired club" she said and gave me a flier about the advantages you'll get if you'd join their club.

I decided to go to the classroom since classes are about to start, even when the classes started my seatmate still isn't here. We already had our sitting arrangements and we did it by lot.

We're on the middle of the discussion when someone interupted

"Good morning Ms. I'm sorry I'm late" Anthony came in while panting.

"It's okay Mr. Martinez go sit beside Ms. Vinci" Mrs. Cortez said that made my jaw drop

What?! He's my seatmate?!

He sat down beside me quietly but despite being so quiet I could still hear the students chatting, especially girls.

"Ewww.. he is sitting beside the nerd" a girl said that thinks she's so beautiful but she's not!

"Poor Anthony, he has to sit with the nerdy loser" her seatmate said that is probably the most dumb student in the class. Wow as if I have a virus, is it wrong to sit beside me? If I wasn't patient enough I would probably run their faces on the ground that they won't need a lip tint because their lips are too sore and red because of the floorwax.


"Class dismissed" finally Mrs. Cortez' discussion is already done. I immediately got up before Anthony could even talk to me. While I was in my way to the cafeteria, two girls are headed to my direction. I looked away, as if it would help me not to get bullied. I mentally rolled my eyes because of that stupid thought.

"HEY NERD!" Here we go again. I planned on ignore and just walk past them but I guess destiny isn't just on my side. Probably not my day, oh yeah I forgot everyday isn't my day.

I was about to walk past then when the girl pulled my hair, the one that shouted HEY NERD. I immediately struggled to get away, I could almost feel my hair ripping apart from my scalp.

"I heard you're the new seatmate of Anthony?" their so called leader said, leader of the clowns dafuq.

"Yeah" I answered, hoping that they would let go of my hair.

"YOU SHOULD NOT FALL FOR HIM, DO YOU UNDERSTAND US?!" the girl beside her said while holding into her waist. Her lips looked like a squid's ink. And excuse me? Me? Fall in love with that guy?! Ha! That's insulting. Wow Yshianna, as if you're so pretty.

"Now bow down and get on your knees" the LOC (leader of clowns) said while forcing me to kneel

"Huh? Why?" I asked. Are they freakin serious?

"Don't you know who we are?!" the squid girl said

"No, why?" it's true that it's the first time I saw them in this planet, they looked like aliens to me.

"Well for you to know we're the incredible twins, we are one of the genius royalties here in the academy, and my twin sister is the queen bee of this academy" the squid girl said and laughed in a high pitched tone

"Well she's Rachelle Feliz, the queen bee and I'm Andy Feliz, so don't get anywhere near Anthony. UNDERSTAND?!" the squid girl said.

I'm sure I won't go near him, he's the one that keeps bugging me. Wow again Yshianna as if he would chase you? A dog would probably chase you, but a person? Oh just dream about it

"And don't mess with us because you won't like what will happen to you, now get down on your knees and say--"

"RACHELLE! ANDY!" a beautiful girl said, fast approaching us.

"You aren't the girlfriend of Anthony right?" she fiercely asked

"Well,well,well if it isn't Lianna Cruz the most talented student here in the academy" Rachelle said while smirking.

"Stop messing around with the newbies here!" She answered

"Rachelle, I heard I6 will perform something later" Andy said and their mouths dramatically dropped.

"Well, Andy I guess we have to get ready" Rachelle said

"Well, toodles" she flipped her hair and left with her twin. When they left I was wondering why this girl is still here.

"Are you okay?" She asked while searching for any wounds or bruises on my body. Well except for my hair that looks like a bird's nest, I'm still fine and breathing

I just nodded since we're not that close and maybe she'll also get bullied because she is treating me right, as if it's a sin.

"Don't be shy" she said and sweetly smiled. She looks like an angel when she smiles, I suddenly saw a ball of light surrounding her aura.

"Why did you helped me?" I curiously asked

"Simple, because I don't want to see someone getting bullied" she shrugged her shoulders.

I'm actually impressed, there is actually a true human in this school.

"Especially for the ones like you" she said. I nodded when I got what she meant

"Can we be friends?" I was shocked when I heard it but eventually smiled

"Okay" I really needed a friend anyways because of boredom

While we were on our way to the cafeteria she's being so talkative about what happens in this school.


We sat down in an empty table while she's still talking nonstop. Isn't her throat hurting?

"I heard you're rich---"

she wasn't able to finish what she said when I covered her mouth

"Shhh.. Don't say anything about it. Nobody knows a nerd like me is rich" I whispered and removed my hands when she nodded.

"Ohhh.. that's why, I thought you were a scholar" she whispered back

"You know what, you're pretty---"

"ohh...hi Miss, we've met before right?" the woman in the stall of the genius club moments ago said

"Oh..I guess you don't know me yet, I'm Natalia Gomez 3rd year high school" she said and we shook hands

"Hi,nice to meet you" I said

"Well can i sit here?" Natalia


"Yep" Lianna happily answered. She sat beside Lianna.

"Natalia, In what class do you belong? I haven't seen you before" Lianna


"Class A, how about the two of you?" she asked

"Genius Class, how about you Lianna?" I asked

"Class B"

"Wow you belong in the genius class?" Natalia asked with amusement in her eyes. I felt shy so I just nodded, I don't want to appear boastful. After eating we heard the announcement from the speakers of the cafeteris


"Announcement, there will be no classes this afternoon due to the seminars of the teachers, so you may now go home"

"Well,I guess we don't have anything to do. Bonding?" Natalia asked while wiggling her eyebrows, she looks like she has an evil plan

"Well,I do have time. How about you Ysh?" Lianna asked.

"You guys go ahead, I just need to get something in my locker" I answered. They nodded and got thei bags.

"Alright see ya in the field" Lianna said

"Okay" I answered before we parted ways. I am on my way to the lockers area when I received a text message



Ysh, please get the important papers in my office with Anthony later when your classes are done' -Tita Sophie

To: Tita Sophie

Okay Tita Sophie


I just got my AP book and Algebra book, I just carried them in my arms since they won't fit in my bag. I am on my way to the field when I saw Anthony and his friends in the gymnasium. Especially---

JUSTIN?! OH MY GOD! Yes I eventually had a crush on him because of his angelic face everytime I go to school. What do I do? I'm so ugly right now! Wow as if I was once pretty? But I still went inside the gym to inform him regarding on what Tita Sophie told us to do even though I'd surely pee by the time I see Justin closely

Gosh I look like a potato! Or more like a dead potato! Lord please help me

When I went inside I saw I6 look at me except Justin, well he didn't notice me even once. Doesn't he like exotic beauties?

When I looked at Anthony--- Oh God please give me holy water. He looks angry while looking at me

"U--uh Anthony... Tita sent me a message saying that we should go to her office and get some papers later" I said, conscious if my voice would sound bad when Justin hears it

He raised his eyebrow, if his friends aren't here I'd probably shave his eyebrows and make it look like Monalisa's!

"DO I KNOW YOU?" Anthony asked making my jaw drop. How dare he!

"Oh Anthony, she's that girl in the cafeteria" Hunter said and drank his water. They are in their jersey uniforms, looks like they just finished playing basketball.

"I don't know her, are you one of those girls that drool over me? Oh god please I'm tired. Leave." Anthony said. I got embarassed on what he said but it's an order from Tita Sophie

"You heard him right?!" Veronica said. Holding a face towel and wiping Anthony's sweat off. For your information you look like a slutty janitor!

"I told you leave!" Veronica shouted which echoed in the whole gymnasium.

"Babe, stop it she's useless" Anthony said. I suddenly felt my heart break.



Because of so much anger and irritation I walked out of the gym! "Babe stop it she's useless" I mimicked him and made a face while walking



At that moment I could feel my heart breaking and my tears suddenly fall without any reason...