
In Fantasy With Cheat Engine

The story is about a man who got the power of a cheat engine in another world. [ WARNING! The story is full of cliche and the MC is not a bad boy or a manipulating bastard, he an average man with a normal mindset so if that is NOT your cup of tea, PLEASE DO NOT READ. ]

fakhrurazi_hashim · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 02: Tutorial Part 1?

What was that just now? Did my mind play tricks on me because of fatigue from facing off against three wolves earlier? I swear I just saw a transparent screen that displays the word 'Level up' just pop up for just a second before it disappears. *gasp* Wait a minute, I remember reading a light novel that has a similar situation to me. Don't tell me that I just got transport to another world just like in that light novel?!

... Hah, Who am I kidding, there is no way something that convenient just happened to me. I bet I just dreaming about this. A lucid dream about me going to another world and killing two wolves ...without receiving any damage too, hah! Even with the hunting experience I got, that is just impossible for me to do on my own, if I stop and just think about it. Maybe I just really am tired after work.

When I am still busy with my rambling that I trying to run away from reality, a transparent screen appears in front of my view. I was startled a little bit by its sudden appearance "Whoa! What the heck?!" after I let out that pathetic scream I quickly composed myself and checked what was displayed on the transparent screen.





What? What did it mean by that? Did I do something to trigger this change? I read some of the light novels where it protagonist has been in the same situation as me, but I don't read it enough for me to understand anything advanced about that genre. The transparent screen-ah... it is too long I will call it 'The System' for now. Anyway, the system displays another message.




An unread mail? Does the System have a mail function? That is new to me, the light novel I read didn't have this function. Well, I better check what it is or more importantly WHO it is that sent me this mail. I didn't have any acquaintance in this world yet. Without much thought, I move my finger to the 'Yes' on the system screen, and another one pops up.


- Welcome to Arshen

"Hello, Mr. Tanaka Nakamura. We like to inform you that you have been transported to another world. After careful observation, we have determined that you have qualified for this process. If you have any further questions about the situation you are currently in, please use the program that we have provided with this email.

-The 'Earth' World Administrator"

...What? What with this formal-sounding letter? After leaving me confused with this mail, another System screen popped up.



Tutorial program? What that? Without much thought, I just moved my finger to the word 'Yes' and another system screen popped up that said...



Suddenly I felt a shock all over my body, it was just like I had been hit by a stun gun. "Ahgrr...!!" I let out a pained scream, the shock I felt almost made me want to lose consciousness but weirdly enough I didn't. After a few seconds, it stops. I collapsed on my knees and gasped for air. "what the heck was that for?!" I looked a the system screen, it already displayed a different message now.


- Tutorial part 1 has started. We apologize for the sudden 'light pain transfer' but we have to do it because our analysis shows that 84% of the probability that you will conclude that this situation you are in right now is a 'dream' and we have to show you that this is 'reality'. The most effective way to accomplish this is by inflicting pain on you directly.

What the heck is a 'light pain transfer' the pain I just feel almost makes me want to pass out! But thanks to that, I can't doubt it anymore, that this is reality and I have been transported to another world, I have to accept it. The other system window popped up, I immediately read what it said.


- Next, please say 'Status'. Your stats and skill window will appear in front of you. Please look at them carefully.

Stats and skill? I read about this in the light novel, most of the protagonist's abilities and strengths come from the system, and the system simplifies the power it bestows on the protagonist in the form of game-like experiences, so the protagonist can see how much he has grown. In the light novel I have read, the system can also show the protagonist how to grow stronger so much faster than anyone in that world. Thinking about it, it is just a cheat-like ability that can make the protagonist the strongest in the world. Everyone has to train as their life depends on it for hundreds of years to become strong, no matter how much they train themselves they will always be just a scrub to the protagonist who trains with the system in just one year.

After that entertaining thought, I followed the tutorial instructions and said the word "Status" and immediately a system window popped up again. I carefully read what was on the system window.




-STR: 13

-DEF: 8

-AGI: 10

-DEX: 14

-LUK: 20

SP: 10


- Universal Languages [SS]

(You can write and understand every language. When you speak )

- Inventory [SS]

(An infinite storage and can store anything in it, time will stop inside the storage)

- Inspector Eyes [SS]

(You can examine anything you wish by chanting the skill name in your mind)

So, this is my stats. Even if I read it carefully, I don't know what stats are affecting what. Is this strong or not? I have three skills and all of their effects are ridiculously good. Is this really okay? For me to have these ridiculously good skills from the start. I looked back at the tutorial program system window and it already said something different.


- [STR] affects your strength and weapon additional attack.

- [DEF] affects your defense and armor additional defense.

- [AGI] affects your speed, evasion, and motor reflexes.

- [DEX] affects your weapon handling and close combat techniques.

- [LUK] affects your survival chances in a dangerous situation and critical hit chances when attacking vital points.

- Level-up will happen when you kill enough monsters or complete enough quests to fulfill the corresponding EXP points in the status window. When you level up, you will get 5 Stats Points (SP) per level. You can assign the SP you get from level up to raise any stats you want. The average is 10 points in every stats for the average level 1 adult.

So my stats are just slightly above average, except for my DEF and LUK. Now I know why I was pretty much unscathed when I faced those wolves earlier, it is because of my high LUK. I wouldn't lie, but I got my hope up a little that I was pretty strong when I won fighting against those wolves. It turns out that it's just my stats doing their job.


- Tutorial part 1 has ended, please explore the rest of the status window by yourself later.

What? that it. Tutorial part 1 has ended? Are you serious? When I was confused about the tutorial's sudden end, another system window popped up after a few minutes of silence. I breathe a sigh of relief when I read what's on it.


- Tutorial part 2 has started. Please check your inventory, by chanting 'Inventory' in your mind, a new window will appear in front of you. Please take out the first item in the inventory slot and read it.

I immediately did what the system instructed me to do and chanted 'Inventory' in my mind. A new system window popped up in front of me. There are displays in a 5-row, 5-column square, there are number 'x1' beside each of the squares that have items in them, the rest of the squares are grey and I can see each of the items image that has items in them. I look at what is in my inventory and I find 4 items. The first one looks like a letter, and the second one looks like an identification card but it is made of a smooth white plank instead of hard plastic, there are my image on them but there are nothing else.

The third item looks like a worn-up hip strap, with a steel sword attached to it. The last item looks like a small box. I am curious about the rest of them, but I will follow the tutorial instructions and just take out the item in the first slot. I carefully examined the latter and noticed the word on the latter envelope that says...

'To, Mr. Tanaka Nakamura'.

Sorry if you guys don't understand the description I wrote, very much. English is not my first language so please tell me, if I need to improve the description or spelling in my writing. I will try my best to correct them and improve the quality of my writing.

fakhrurazi_hashimcreators' thoughts