
26. Do I have to bite you too?

"Any other questions?" Quentin stood up , leaving some distance between them.

Guen felt like she finally could breathe, with him close to her she felt like she hold her breath for so long.

"What happens with us now?" Guen nervously bit her lower lip.

" You and your mother can stay here, we will protect you. I promise as long as I'm with you , no one can hurt you. And I intend to stay for a long time by your side."

"No, I meant with me and you, with us?" Guen interrupted looking everywhere in the room except for Quentin.

Quentin smirked as he stroke her face with his fingers.

" Will you look me in the eye? I love how you blush you look beautiful, but I don't want you to be so shy with me ."

Guendolin forced a smile as her eyes like black arrows stared into his blue eyes .

"I don't know either, I can't predict the future Guendolin. But one thing I know for sure, you are my mate and I will never leave you. Or let you leave me. "

Quentin continued while she opened her mouth to say something then changed her mind.

" Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you. What were you about to say Guendolin?"

"I..I ...Isn't it weird? You don't know me that well to decide to spend the rest of your life with me. People get married, then get tired of each other, they divorce each other. We haven't graduated yet high school. I don't know about you but I don't think I'm mature enough at this age." Guen shrugged her shoulders.

" But I am not human Guendolin. I have to be mature enough to take my post as alpha. I have been trained all my life to protect my pack and to make my father proud. Turning into a full wolf was a long and painful process, becoming one with your wolf, controling your hunger and insticts. Controling your rage and anger, not to rip everyone's throat. I don't know what you believe makes someone mature enough. Because you're human you don't feel the mate bond as strong as I feel it. Before I met you I thought that I could control it, I thought that my kind gave a lot of importance to the mate bond, that no one else could fullfill you. Then when I met you I lost control over my own emotions. All I think is you, you are in my mind all day and when I sleep I dream about you. I long for your touch, I want to smell your scent, I want my hands to roam freely over your body, I want to kiss those soft lips of yours. I want so bad to mark you and make you mine !" Quentin let out a growl at the last sentence.

" What do you mean by 'mark you'?"

"It means I find your soft place on your neck and I bite you to make it known who you belong to ."

"To bite me?" Guendolin widened her eyes covering her neck with her hand.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt that much only two seconds at the beggining.". Quentin shook his head laughing.

"How do you know how much it's gonna hurt? Have you tried it? Have you been bitten? No, I don't see some mark. So don't speak for sure." Guendolin crossed her arms with an angry expression over her face.

Quentin smiled amused, that's how he wanted to see her around him, free and not shy. To act as she felt, to say what she thought, to be relaxed and comfortable around him.

"Well no one has marked me because I was waiting for you." Quentin teased Guen.

"Do you mean I have to bite you too? What am I a vampire? You guys are crazy! Are you werewolves or vampires?!"

Quentin was laughing like he never did since he took the responsability of becoming the future alpha . Guen never saw him before laughing like that. Sinthia too who pushed the door opened stood at the door amused smiling at her brothers laugh .

"Thank you Guen, for making my brother laugh this way. I haven't seen him that happy for a long time." Sinthia joined them smiling.

" Did you hear what she just said seconds ago Sinthia? " Quentin asked his sister wipping his tears with the back of his hand.

" No I didn't want to listen to your private conversation, but then I heard you laughing. I didn't want to miss the opportunity."

" She asked if we are werewolves or vampires because we bite the neck of our mate to mark."

" What? Vampires don't exist ." Sinthia laughed as well.

" Well I didn't know werewolves existed too till earlier today." Guendolin responded as they both sister and brother stopped laughing .

" I'm sorry Guen, but it was funny to us." Sinthia went near her as she looked confused and annoyed at the same time .

"Oh don't be mad at me and don't provoke me by pouting those lips , I will eat your baby face ." Quentin pinched her cheecks as she lowered her eyelashes blushing.

" Oh you two will make me cry, you are so cute. Brother can you let us have some girls talk? " Sinthia pulled her brother by his arm to go out.

"Ok , I have to take care of some things now. Try not to miss me ."

Quentin got up lazily winking at his mate.

" Oh and don't eavesdrope!" Sinthia yelled as soon as he closed the door .

" He didn't hear you ." Guendolin smiled .

" Oh he did hear me, our senses are hightened , we are werewolves baby, we can see in the dark, we can hear from large distances, we can smell werewolves or humans scent, to know if they are humans or our kind. Nothing compares to our mate's scent. Oh and we can hear your hearbeat , when you breath, we can smell you fear. We are fast, we run fast ."

Sinthia finished her speech proudly.

" Oh, you guys have superpowers. "

"Well you can call them superpowers as well."

"Since you are a werewolf, have you found your mate too? " Guen asked as Sinthia froze in her spot.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Maybe mates aren't like asking if you have a crush or a boyfriend." Guen continued noticing her reaction.

'Oh, it's ok. I have found him not too long ago."

" Oh, I guess I am happy for you. Is he at our school?"

" No, but you know him as well ."

" Oh is he older than you, is that possible? Is he Dalton?"

" Eww no. Beta Dalton is an old man, and he has your mother so.."

" My mother? Sinthia what do you mean? "

" Ups. I don't know If it was the right moment for you to know."

" Spit it out Sinthia!"

" Easy Luna, you aren't mated yet to my brother and you're using your luna's voice." Sinthia laughed as she stared confused .

" Sinthia what do you mean by beta Dalton has my mother?"

" Your mother is his mate. That's why he brought you here, he smelled her on the buss."

"That doesn't make sense, wasn't he supposed to meet his mate in a young age? No offense but he is an old man."

"It depends when you find your mate, If you find it. Beta Dalton never found his mate. He married another werewolf but she died 5 years ago. She wasn't his mate. Now he has found his mate. "