
In Dragon Ball as Goku

A normal person from Earth was a fan of animes. Especially Dragon ball. He watched Dragon Ball, Z, GT & Super multiple times and recorded his favourite battle scenes in his mobile and watch whenever he was bored. He wanted to always be strong like his favourite characters and one day..... One day, The creator of Moro, enemy of Dragon god Zalama and Zeno, after getting defeated by Goku, travelled back in time and replaced the soul of Goku from a weak world even so far from a different omniverse as to not take any chances to change his future and get his revenge. I DONOT OWN DRAGON BALL FRANCHISE OR ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT THE OC CHARACTERS I INSERT. This Goku will always be ahead of his game and OP because I like OP characters. Genuine reviews are welcome. English is not my first or second language. It’s my third. I also type in my phone very fast and don’t re-edit. So expect many grammar errors and spelling mistakes. There are some piece of sh**s readers who cannot do anything right in their life. And comments from such Mother F*****s will be deleted. It’s because of such as*****s, most of the novels go unfinished as authors get demotivated. English Teachers: If you can do a better job, then write your own novel instead of correcting me in every paragraphs. So just F****off. I’m writing this fanfic for fun & pass time and genuine readers. Advance Thanks for the supporters. Have fun reading.

Crook_Shank · Tranh châm biếm
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75 Chs

Master Roshi

Travelling through Dirt Road, Bulma was riding the motorcycle and Goku had his hands strapped around his waist. He then questioned "So Bulma, how are we gonna find the dragon balls?" Bulma had a smug smile replying "I'm a genius inventor. I created a dragon radar that lets me pinpoint the exact location of the Dragon balls." Goku praised her "Wow you really are a genius to be able to Crete something like this, Bulma." And then he yelled "Watch out!!!" But it was too late as the motorcycle started to fly in the sky after going off a cliff.

"Ahhhhh" Bulma screamed as they were falling down. Goku seeing they were about to crash land, jumped catching Bulma protecting her from the impact of the fall. After that, they both got up and Bulma thanked him. "How did you survive these roads without me before?" Asked Goku dusting off his clothes. "Well excuse me, I had a perfect safer vehicle which was wrecked in the morning because of you". She said. Hearing this Goku had a blank look on his face "How is it my fault? You must have looked where you are driving."

Bulma stopped arguing and said "Drop it. Let's rest out here tonight. The sky was already dark. Bulma took out her capsule box and looked for the one that contained a house. She then pressed the button on the head of the capsule and threw it on the ground. With a poof smoke, a dome shaped house appeared. "Man, can you store anything inside of those things?" Goku was really amazed by the technology of Dragon ball world. Even if he was from the modern world, the technology of Dragon ball world was way different.

"We can stuff in almost anything. The technology is improving and we are working hard to upgrade our capsules as well. So far, living beings and other capsules cannot be stored inside. We probably won't fix the issue of living beings as it's unethical to capsule people and poor animals when they are alive." Goku nodded hearing her explanation. She was explaining while they entered the house. The house was simple like a typical studio apartment without doors to different rooms.

After they entered, Bulma covered her nose and said "You smell like fish Goku. You need a shower. I'll let you take one before me so now go." Goku nodded. He really wanted to have a shower after living all these years in the mountain, he didn't have a decent shower. He only had a good shower when he goes to the nearby village once in a while to sell some vegetables he had grown and buy stuffs after his Grandpa died. So he was really happy with the present development and ran to the bathroom.

As he got back from the long shower, Goku felt cleaner then ever after a long time. He then went out to catch something and prepare dinner while Bulma took bath. After a while, he brought back some rabbits and a giant boar and lit a campfire and started cooking outside. Bulma came back from the shower and followed the smell of food and sat near the campfire. "You know Goku, your cooking was delicious. I didn't know you could cook so well". Goku smiled "I have practiced a lot. So tell me Bulma about the wish, why do you want to wish for a perfect boyfriend? Surely not all boys are that bad so you need to wish for one".

"I get what you are saying. People say that I should not talk too much because my personality is awful and my body and smartness are the only good features I got. And I am also quite mean to people sometimes. So I always try to flaunt my body in front of boys to make them do my bidding. I don't have any true friends." Bulma felt down. She lowered her head and continued "You know, I leave school early because boys at school always eye my body and girls often get close to me for my money. All I wished to have was a person that I could depend on, but all I got around me are selfish people. That's why I decided for the wish".

Goku nodded hearing her. " I don't think your personality is awful Bulma. You just don't think before you speak and say something with your impulse. A girls body is something precious and you should not flaunt it to get things done. You can find many other ways if you think. You are smarter than an average person. You also have all the money you want with those things. So don't care for what others say and be true to yourself. Help others so that you will receive their help in the future. Now the food is ready. Let's eat".

Bulma nodded and said "Thanks Goku. You are a kind person". Goku flashed her a smile. 'Hopefully she acts little mature than before after this. She is a good person at heart and she can change for the better from being the selfish person to someone caring'. He thought. Then they had dinner and went inside to sleep. Bulma slept on the bed while Goku slept on the floor. Bulma smiled seeing Goku's sleeping face and let out a sigh and turned around and slept.

The next morning 997,998,999,1000. Goku jumped up from the ground after doing push-ups. He woke up early in the morning and went out to do his morning workout. After that, he took a shower and Prepared breakfast. Bulma was still getting ready. "Bulma are you not done yet?" Shouted Goku not wanting to wait for her more. "No I'm not. You woke up too early Goku. Do you think it's easy for a girl to look good? I'm almost done". Goku just shook his head. "Fine. I'll wait outside and breakfast is ready".

He then went ahead and checked all the boulders to find the turtle stranded out here. As he was checking, the Boulder he grabbed started to move and limbs and head popped out of the Boulder. "Sorry turtle, but what are you doing here?" He asked as he put down the turtle. The turtle let out a sigh seeing Bulma coming out of the house."A tortoise shouldn't be so far from sea" she said. "Hello miss, do you have some sea water for me to drink?" Asked the turtle seeing her. Bulma nodded "Sure. We'll fix you right up" and she brought a bucket of Sea water for the turtle.

The turtle burped after drinking "So what are you doing here" asked bulma. The turtle looked at her "Long story short, I'm lost and trying to find my way back into the sea. I'm stuck out here for over an year now". Bulma nodded "Poor thing, Hold on. Let me go check my map. Wait here for a second". She said as she went inside the house. After a while, she came back with a book that said Map "Gosh turtle, bad news you are still a hundred miles away". The turtle sighed "That will take me 20 years." Bulma nodded "I wish there was a way we can help you". Hearing this Goku said "I know why don't we carry you to the sea turtle?" The turtle nodded "That would be great. Thank you".

Bulma hearing this, folded her book and shouted "Are you nuts?" Goku lokes at her eyes "Bulma, what did I say about helping someone in need? You didn't forget everything so soon?" Bulma lowered her head "Sorry Goku." Looking at the turtle "Fine turtle. We'll take you to the sea." Goku smiled hearing this. Then they had their breakfast. Bulma gave the turtle some seaweeds to eat and after they were done, Bulma capsules their house and they continued on towards the sea.

After a while, they reached the sea and dropped the turtle near it. "Thanks for helping me. Wait here. I'll give you something in return for your help." Saying this the turtle bade them a short farewell and swan into the water. Bulma changed into her swimsuit and unfolded a beach chair to relax under the sun. Goku started swimming in the sea.

After a while, the turtle came back with a person on its back. He jumped off the turtle and greeted the two of them. "Hello!! Thanks for helping my turtle. I'm the turtle hermit Master Roshi. The turtle here told me that both of you helped him out at the time of his need. So I'll reward you". Bulma asked "What do you want to give us? Hope it isn't a scam because it isn't funny". Master Roshi smiled "Little lass, I wouldn't scam on you. Here let me show you COME TO ME MAGIC CARPET". he shouted. After some time, nothing happened.

"Master Roshi, the magic carpet is at the dry cleaners" reminded the turtle. "Ahahah I remember. I remember now." Said Master Roshi after hearing the words of the turtle. "I knew this old man is a fake. Let's go Goku" said bulma. "Ha little lady, just have some patience" said Master Roshi and once again shouted "Flying Nimbus" right on que, a yellow cloud appeared in the sky and landed in front of them.

"This is flying Nimbus. You can ride him if you are pure of heart. Not everyone is pure of heart. Let me show you." He said and hopped on the cloud only to pass through it and fall down on hit butt. "Let me try. Looks like fun" said bulma and the same thing happened. "Hum... I guess I'm not enough. You try it Goku". Goku was not sure weather he was pure of heart because he was a different person inside, but he tried nonetheless. He jumped on the cloud and was able to ride it. "Hahaha I'm able to ride it". Cheered Goku. "There goes my Nimbus" said Roshi. Goku started riding the cloud in the sky.

Bulma wasn't jealous this time as she knew Goku was a good person with pure heart as he didn't have any nasty feeling towards her and he also agreed to help her for free after she just asked him once. Then she looked at Roshi expectantly "How about me old man" Roshi turned to the turtle "Did she help you?" The turtle nodded "She gave me food and sea water. She also let me ride on her motorcycle". Master Roshi thought for a while "I don't have anything for you young lady, but I'll think of something if you show your panties" he said.

Bulma became angry "How old are you old man. You are old enough to be a grandpa. Shame on you. Is this really your master turtle?" The turtle was also shocked and it reprimanded the old man. At this time, Bulma saw the orange ball dangling aroung Master Roshi's neck. "Wait turtle. Let me have this ball and I'll forget everything he said" Hearing this, the turtle started to coerce him and Roshi reluctantly gave bulma the dragon ball.

"Goku we got another Dragon ball. It's a 3 star ball" Bulma shouted. Goku returned back hearing her. "Great. That's 4 down. Let's go for the rest". He said and they bid farewell to master Roshi and the turtle and moved on. Goku was riding the cloud while Bulma was on her motorcycle as they continued their journey to find the next Dragon Ball.

Phew..... Nearly 2000 words. I’m tired typing. Hope you guys are enjoying. Comment and post some reviews. Also drop some power stones. Thank you.

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