

Gulf is now three months pregnant now and

Mew stopped him from doing any house chore though he do manage to convince Mew to allow him cook sometimes.

He has been going for weekly checkup with Mew to the hospital and the baby is still very healthy. Mew takes care of Gulf and provides everything he needs as he didn't want him to have complications during childbirth like Arti.

Mew was already used to the weird cravings of pregnant people but Gulf's own was something else, his cravings were weirder but Mew doesn't hesitate to provide it.

It's late at night but Gulf couldn't sleep,he has been feeling weird recently, he really wanted to have sex, he then remembered what the doctor said that very soon his sex drive or libido will be high.

He just didn't know how ask Mew for it, he was embarrassed, he didn't ever think that he would want to have sex with Mew again and if he does it, it means he is cheating on his husband so he brushed off the thought.

After a while, he couldn't hold back because it seemed like he would die if he doesn't have sex with Mew now and started wondering why it was hard to ask, he should take responsibility after all he was the one that made him pregnant.

He then stood up and went to Mew's room which was opposite his and knocked but didn't hear a response so he entered, he saw Mew on his bed sleeping soundly with his bare chest which looked so masculine and joined him while covering himself with the blanket Mew was using.

His libido increased greatly because his body was glued to Mew, he then removed his clothes and threw them on the floor and started kissing Mew's chest, Mew then opened his eyes because he felt tingly in his chest only to see Gulf beside him and was more shocked as he was naked, he thought he was dreaming.

"G-Gulf w-what are you d-doing here and w-why are you n-naked?" Mew asked with wide eyes while putting some space between them.

"Mew my sex drive has been high these days, have tried controlling myself but can't hold back today, it's because of the pregnancy" Gulf said while sulking, he was annoyed that Mew was putting some space between them.

"Gulf can't you really hold back,I.." Gulf then cut Mew off

"Mew you have to take responsibility, I'm pregnant with your child remember, would you like me to sleep with someone else while carrying your child" Gulf said pissed off.

Mew couldn't fight it because he really is the one that put Gulf in that condition, he just didn't imagine sleeping with Gulf again, he unknowingly slept with him the first time because he wasn't himself, he silently pleaded with his late wife Arti to forgive him because he is going to break his vow to him once again.

"I'm sorry Gulf, don't be annoyed, come here" Mew said.

Gulf then went to Mew and removed his boxer because he was already naked up, then Mew started kissing Gulf with Gulf moaning because he was really turned on, Mew then started worshipping Gulf's body then parted his legs and saw the inviting wet hole, his dick twitched as he needed release. Gulf looked like sin, he was impatiently waiting for Mew to enter him. Mew then entered him slowly, he didn't need to prepare him as Gulf was impatient and his hole was wet enough, when he entered fully, they moaned loudly

"Arrh Mew you're are so big, I love your dick" said Gulf as he started moving because he was impatient, Mew then chuckled seeing Gulf moving. He then started moving slowly at first and then started increasing his pace

"Argh Gulf..you're so sweet and tight" growled Mew as he was thrusting fast.

"M-Mew faster urrgh harder Mew" cries Gulf as the pleasure was too much, he hasn't felt so good before, Kris doesn't even give him half of the pleasure he's feeling now.

Mew then thrusted deeply but was careful as he didn't want to hurt the baby.

"I'm coming Mew..arrh Mew so good" moaned Gulf then he came and Mew followed and removed himself from Gulf.

"Mew I want more" Gulf said to the surprised Mew

"Are you sure you can handle it?" asked Mew

"Yeah I can, I want you again and again" Gulf said and kissed Mew while stroking his dick which turned Mew on once again and they started another round, after the fifth round Gulf then slept off immediately.

Mew went to clean himself up and also took a wet towel to clean Gulf up,then slept off beside him.

Gulf woke up in the morning to find himself naked beside Mew and remembered what happened cursing himself for losing control, he didn't know how to face Mew now and was feeling very disgusted with himself for cheating on his husband once again, he started blaming the baby for causing this.

Gulf then quickly took his clothes and went to his room to shower, after shower he rested a little on his bed before going out as he was very hungry, he couldn't avoid Mew forever, he left his room praying that Mew won't bring up anything that happened last night.

As he left his room, he perceived a very sweet aroma which led him to the kitchen where Mew was, he was dishing the breakfast out when he saw Gulf.

"Urh Good morning Gulf, how are you this morning" Mew asked awkwardly

"I'm fine, you?" Gulf asked

"I'm good too, go to the dining I'm serving breakfast now you must be very hungry now"

Gulf then went to the dining table while Mew started serving breakfast then they both started eating, none talked while they were eating which seemed too awkward as they always gist during breakfast. Gulf couldn't take it again so he broke the silence.

"Mew about yesterday night..forget what happened okay, don't think much about it and please I don't want you to think of it as a big deal..I was just horny and you're the only person I can have sex with now, it was just the heat of the moment and it was just sex, I'm really feeling bad about this, I cheated on Kris and it's all because of this pregnancy, I hate this” Gulf said paranoid

"Really ruining my life" Gulf then mumbled to himself but Mew perfectly heard it.

Mew felt a pang in his chest, it was the first time of Gulf complaining about the pregnancy and mentioning that he hates it, he felt like maybe he pushed Gulf into this, he didn't even know what to feel again, he felt that him and his baby were really a burden to him and today Gulf couldn't help but blurt it, he also felt bad for sleeping with Gulf but couldn't help feeling sad because Gulf took it as heat of the moment and silently promised never to do it again, he wished it was possible for him to be the one to carry his baby, he wouldn't have burdened Gulf and definitely won't be ruining his life, he lost his appetite and stood up.

"I'm sorry for ruining your life Gulf, if I could carry my child myself, I would have done it, I'm sorry for last night too" Mew said and picked up his plates, washed it and left to his room.

Gulf then realized what he said and felt like beating himself for saying that, he didn't mean what he said.

"Damn this hormones, how am I going to apologize to Mew now, he's really sad now" he also lost appetite too, washed his plates and left to his room while figuring how to apologize to Mew, he didn't mean anything he said.