
In DC with probability manipulation

this is my first attempt at writing fanfic, as English is not the first language I will try to learn and improve along the way. MC lives with constant bad luck that plagued him. he tries to persevere at first but in the end, he gives up and becomes a shut-in. he spends his time lazing around on his computer reading comics, manga, and watching tv shows or movies. in the end, he dies, and giving compensation from ROB he got his wish for probability manipulation power and many more. Follow MC's journey in the DC universe as he tries to live his fullest in his second chance of living.

GarudaTranslation · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: Tragedy Struck (Re-Write)

Years 1987 Wayne Foundation Orphanage Gotham City

Arthur is now 7 years old. In his time, Arthur was able to absorb all the knowledge he can get from the orphanage library.

Arthur also finishes and graduates from elementary school and soon will join high school.

With his intelligence and maturity, Arthur became the unofficial leader of the kids in the orphanage. Many younger kids admire him and the older ones respect him.

Over the years, Bruce often came to the orphanage to visit Arthur with his butler Alfred. Bruce see Arthur as his older brother, and soon with Arthur's guidance Bruce too able to skip grade early.

Arthur's relationship with Bruce came with its own advantage as the Wayne often offers Arthur to their home. And with that Arthur was able to gain access to the Wayne library.

The Wayne once offers to adopt Arthur, but he declines the offer. Arthur wants to be independent and survive with his own effort. Making the Wayne respect his choice.

Arthur now starts to help out in the orphanage. He began using the photographic reflexes mimicking the orphanage caretaker's cooking skill combining with his knowledge, he became a fantastic cook.

One time in the Wayne manor, Arthur and Bruce saw Alfred's exercise routine. With puppy dog eyes from both Arthur and Bruce, they ask Alfred to demonstrate his skill. Earning Arthur some basic arm-to-arm combat early on.

He still wasn't able to fully master his probability manipulation power, but his power does happen subconsciously sometimes.

It happened when he was in elementary school, and the older kid came to try to bully him. They try to mock him at first but with Arthur just ignoring them, they start getting physical with Arthur.

But to only fail miserably as soon as they began to approach Arthur, one of the kids slip on a wet floor and fall under his own punch, while the other one knock from the body of his friend on the floor falls only to face head on to a suddenly open door by some random student that just happens to pass by.

Later on, the bully kid tries to get Arthur in trouble by telling their parent what Artur did to them and making Arthur become the bad guy, but the parent never came to school. One was captured by a cop for speeding while the other was chased by a pack of dogs while going to the school.

When Arthur learns what his luck can do, he began to study everything he can get about probability and luck in general. He even began to start working out.

Time skip 3 years

Arthur was now 10 years old and starting to work out from 7 years old. Arthur's body began to show.

He was now graduating from high school. He's also become the school valedictorian. As Arthur began to walk to the podium, there Arthur stands in the podium.

Arthur is now 5.3 foot (161 cm) tall, with a significant proportion body to match with. A golden hair with blue eyes.

On the podium, Arthur began his speech, and there he see one of the caretakers from the orphanage and even Bruce and Alfred in the field.

Arthur is now becoming one of the prodigal sons of Gotham and having many scholarships offers from many universities.

Time skip 1 year

Arthur was now attending class in university. While he's in the physic class, a piece of sudden news came from one of the students. The information was about The death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

The news hit him quite hard as the Wayne has been one of the closest people he has known, but he knows that he cannot help them. He knows that this accident was not really an accident but a ploy by the owl court to eliminate the Wayne. He really wants to stop the shooting, but he knows the owl will not stop the assassinate attempt and try again, maybe with an even more harsh method that can endanger Bruce.

With that news, Arthur dash to the Wayne manor, there. He see Bruce still sleeping in his bed with tears on his face.

Arthur, later on, see Bruce at the funeral, but he saw that Bruce began to change. He was not the cheerful kid he was before.

Later on, Arthur really tries to cheer Bruce up. Still, he is so obsessed with his parent's case that he keeps trying to investigate himself and find the culprit. Ending wilt Alfred finding the young bruce cover in blood. What happens was Bruce gotten some intel of where his parent murderer was located and went ahead alone with a gun. But it was not what Bruce imagine. The location is just a gang hideout. Bruce tries to fight with the gang but only chickens up, pulling the gun and getting himself beat up.

He was saved by a young girl wearing a black jacket and around goggles in her head. When Arthur hears this news, he sprints to the manor and finds Bruce in the bed injured.

Arthur began to lecture Bruce for his misconduct. But Bruce snapped and got angry with him.

"you don't get to lecture me, you don't know my pain at all, you don't know the feeling of losing those who you care, they were never your parents, so stop lecturing me like we are family because you are not my family." Yell Bruce to Arthur.

"you are wrong Bruce, even if they are not my parents, they are still the closest people I know, and I do care about them. But you still have people who care about you. You have their legacy to live up to. Don't be hole up in this petty revenge scheme. But who am I to lecture you Bruce. Just like you say we are not family" Arthur answers as he leaves the room.

"master Arthur, please don't take young master Wayne word to hard. He was just in a bad place right now." Say Alfred outside of Bruce's room.

"it's okay, Alfred," Arthur answers. " I'm going away for a while Alfred, please don't tell Bruce just yet for now. And do take care of him Alfred."

"I will always do sir."

Not long after the event in the manor, Arthur finished college and went away to start his journey.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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