
In DC with James Lee’s perfect body and skills

this is not a reincarnation thing

Fuqyou · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

The test drive

The school bell rang, signaling the start of the lunch period. Students dispersed and made their way to the cafeteria. Among them was Casey, a small boy with pale skin, purple painted nails, and long, dark hair. His unique appearance caught the attention of many as he entered the cafeteria.

Casey's delicate features, including full, pink lips and long lashes framing his bright blue eyes, made him stand out even more. He walked over to a table where Sincere, was sleeping with his head resting on the lunch table.

"BOO!" Casey exclaimed, smacking his hand on the table to wake Sincere up. Startled, Sincere jolted awake and let out a yell. "I thought you only did 'hero' work during school. Why are you so tired?" Casey asked, concern evident in his voice. He began picking grass out of Sincere's hair.

Sincere, still rubbing his eyes, explained eagerly, "Well, you know how I'm basically a hero during school? Helping nerds, beating up bullies, and discovering the school's 'mystery meat.' Batman took me out for a test drive to see how I fight." He groaned, feeling the soreness in his body.

"Wanna be a real superhero? You don't even have any powers. You could really get hurt!" Casey expressed his worry, his tone reflecting his concern for his friend's safety.

Before Sincere could respond, a gang wearing purple bandannas approached the two. A huge, muscular boy with red eyes, who seemed to be the leader, grabbed Sincere by the shirt collar. "Oh, wassup bloodshot?" Sincere said nonchalantly, but both he and the leader exchanged angry glares.

Suddenly, laughter filled the cafeteria, and the leader, known as Bloodshot, released his grip on Sincere. "Always good when the acting chief gets here!" Casey chimed in, laughing as he scooted over to make room for the other gang members to sit.

"So what's the word on today, second in command?" Bloodshot asked Casey who was eating. Casey swallowed his food before responding, "Nothing much, just the usual drama between the jocks and the drama club. Oh, and the new kid, Alex, got into a fight with a group of seniors."

Sincere was just about to respond to his friends when his watch, a sleek silver timepiece with a digital display, suddenly began beeping. He let out a frustrated expletive under his breath and quickly tapped the watch to silence it. "Sorry guys, I'm being called in for a medical check-up," he explained, standing up from his seat and swiftly grabbing his backpack.

The rest of the group didn't seem too concerned and simply nodded in understanding, but Casey, who had been absorbed in his own thoughts, looked up at Sincere with a puzzled expression. "Wait, what's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion.

Sincere grabbed Casey by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up, surprised by the slight weight of his friend. "Casey's also being checked out," he clarified, his tone urgent.

"I am?" Casey squeaked, his eyes widening in surprise as he was easily lifted off the ground. Sincere quickly made his way out of the cafeteria, with Casey dangling in his grip, and headed towards the exit.

"Your body is the epitome of perfection, a flawless vessel that never succumbs to illness. AND RELEASE YOUR HOLD ON ME!" Casey writhed and struggled against Sin's grasp as Sin strode confidently towards a sleek motorcycle.

"Duh, it was a diversion, I can't let the guys know I'm a real vigilante now can I? Batman needs me and " He sat Casey in the front seat and he sat behind him. "Why am I driving?" Casey asks as he started the motorcycle.

"Don't worry, I'll be the one behind the wheel. You're the only one with a valid driver's license, so we won't have to worry about getting pulled over. Trust me, I've got this." Sincere reassured as he confidently reached for the bike handles and smoothly pulled off.

After traveling for approximately 45 minutes, the two finally arrived at the batcave. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by Alfred, who immediately ushered them to the headquarters.

"Sir, your guest has arrived," he announced as Batman swiveled his chair to face them. "What? I specifically instructed you to come alone," Batman exclaimed, striding towards them. "But you said 'bring a friend', so I brought a friend," Sincere tried to explain, showing Batman and Casey the text message.

"Holy shit," Casey exclaimed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "What is it?" Sin asked, genuinely confused. "Sin, you're dyslexic," Casey clarified. "Ah, I always forget," Sin replied with a nod, finally understanding the mix-up.

"So who is this your boyfriend or something? You know what, doesn't matter." Batman asked but then changed his mind as it wasn't his business. "You were able to defeat Croc with pure strength alone, so I wanted to see how you did against someone who's not already tired."

Sin scratched his head in confusion until he heard a slight thud behind him. "You're-" He said in a surprised voice. "Don't worry Batman I won't go to hard on him." Nightwing said with a cocky smirk as he held his sticks. "You want him to fight nightwing?!" Casey exclaimed worriedly. "Don't worry it's just a little light-sparring." Sin assured him and went to the training area.

"Ready?" Nightwing asked as he set his hands up in a fighting position waiting for Sin's go. "Y-yeah-" As soon as He said that he was swept over by Nightwing. "Too slow." Nightwing said cockily, but with Sin's body still in the air he executed a kick that hit Nightwing down. "Whoa!" He gasped in surprise as he was able to block the kick it still caught him off guard. "The way you move, it isn't normal."

Sin smirked, his confidence growing as he heard Nightwing's words. "Normal is overrated," he replied, quickly regaining his footing and launching into a flurry of punches and kicks. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike landing with calculated force.

As the sparring session continued, Casey watched in awe, his eyes glued to the intense battle unfolding before him. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing - his friend, who he knew was always strong, was holding his own against one of Batman's most skilled proteges.

Nightwing, impressed by Sin's agility and fighting prowess, decided to up the ante. He skillfully dodged Sin's attacks, countering with lightning-fast strikes of his own. The two combatants danced around each other, their movements a blur of speed and skill.

"You're getting sloppy, your moves are getting easy to anticipate." Nightwing then went for a punch to Sin's chest to knock him down. "Is that so? Well…" Sin said as he slightly raised his leg and hit Nightwing with 5 consecutive invisible kicks.

Nightwing flew back a little but landed on one knee. "You got potential kid, but…" Nightwing complimented but struck Sin down with his Sticks. "You got a lot to-," He was about to finish the sentence until he coughed a little blood and fell down due to the aftermath of the kicks. "Bruce…who is this guy?" He asked himself before he fell unconscious.