
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Tranh châm biếm
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311 Chs

Level up part 2

Hello, my friends!

Finally, my exams are over.

Now I can work as per normal, at least until next month when my exams start again XD.

Until then, we'll have normal chapter releases.

I'll now proceed to edit my other Novel chapter and release it, so be attentive!

With that out of the way...


Join my Discord!

If you wish to support this series, take a look at my P@treon.

And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)






'Silver got up from the ground and went to open the door.'

'But he suddenly remembered something...'

"Oh yeah… I'm still a bit smelly…"

'He turned his face to the door and said loudly:'

"Wait a bit, I need to do something first."

/Knock knock knock!/

"What are you doing there! Open the door!" She asked as she banged on the door impatiently

"... I'm making myself presentable…" He said in a low tone

'He took out his armor and tattered clothes in an instant before giving himself a super fast bath using his Plasmids, it was uncomfortable but if he made the loli wait for too much he would suffer.'

'He switched to a pair of thin pajamas and brushed his own hair and teeth…'

'All of this within half a minute.'

"Now I can snuggle…" He said with a smile


'He went to the door and opened it with a smile, and immediately after that, Hestia entered the room without a shred of politeness.'



'He let out a sigh as he checked the corridors for people and closed the doors.'


'Silver also locked the door in case something happened…'

"Aren't you a bit brazen getting in my room like that?"

'But Hestia ignored him, she laid in the bed and stayed there hugging the pillows. She looked at him for a split second before she turned her head to the side like a spoiled girl.'


Did I spoil her too much or did I…

'Shaking his head, Silver went to his bed, he used telekinesis to close the curtains and laid on the bed, hugging the embarrassed Hestia before he gave her a head pat and proceeded to kiss her again and again until she said:'

"E-Enough… I pardon you… Just a little bit."

'Smiling, Silver laid on the bed and turned his back to Hestia.'

"Humph… You only talk to me when you want to have a status update and talk about the Familia…"

'But despite saying that, she still sat on his back and updated his status.'

"That's a bit of an exaggeration..."

'But before she got more pissed, Silver said:'

"Sorry about that, you know how things have been recently… I literally have no time to rest… Although hopefully, I will be able to rest a little this week." He said in a pitiful tone

'Silver then said again:'

"Be it helping everyone train and study, keeping an eye out on the Ishtar Familia, making sure our contracts are going well, doing the commissions to get enough money, and also getting stronger so we aren't pushed around…"

"These aren't things I can leave to others right now and I have to do them nonetheless. And I like doing it, don't get me wrong. It's just that I am not omnipresent…"

"And the result of this was… Me having to cut down the time I spend with other people… I mean, it has been almost a month since I went to the bar with Loiju, he is super pissed and he told me I will pay for everything for the next month… Bastard."


'As Hestia heard him talk, she smiled slightly, although she caused a bit of a scene just now, she is not exactly angry with him… She is just a bit clingy as she needs her daily dose of love.'

'Her eyes opened as she looked at the stats, she opened her mouth and said:'

"Before I say anything, I bet you don't want to Level up yet right?"

"It depends, but yeah, let's leave it for later."

"Sigh… Okay, here you go…" She said as she transcribed the runes into the paper

"I swear I can't get used to these numbers…"

'She got out of his back but she didn't hand in his paper, confused, Silver turned around and sat on the bed, and Hestia took this opportunity to sit on his lap.'

(Not the lewd version, but the family-friendly version)

"Alright, much better now." She said as she rested her head on his chest

"... Feeling comfortable?"

"Very much so… Hum!"

'Silver dropped his head and kissed her again, making her blush and drop her head, Silver took this opportunity to take the paper off her hands and read it.'

"That's cheating!" She said out loud

"There is no such thing… Oh! This is new…"


Mellios Silver

Level-2 (Last official update)/(Before)/(Now)

Strength A-891 -> SSS-1397 -> SSS-1492

Vitality SS-1032 -> SSS-1482 -> SSS-1499

Dexterity C-725 -> SSS-1370 -> SSS-1476

Agility S-903 -> SSS-1434 -> SSS-1499

Magic SSS-1310 -> SSS-1499

Evolved body I

Perseverance H -> G


>Magnum Opus Ambrosia


>Vit Alhjin

>Infir David Missimus

>Neo Stur

(Timeline-wise, the last official update was before the 2-week time skip, and the one week time skip, so it was 3 weeks ago)


"My Development Ability… It rose again?" He asked in disbelief

'Hestia shrugged and said:'

"Well, it increased to H from I over 2 weeks ago suddenly, and now that you spent a week in this 'Super high-intensity grind' of yours, it has increased again…"

"Yeah…" Said Silver as he went deep into thought

Perhaps I took it too far...

It depends on what each person does as how they act and train greatly influences their Development Abilities' growth.

Someone may gain 'Fist strike' as soon as they become Level 2 and spend every day in the Dungeon striking monsters…

And if they are talented, growing at the same rate as Ais and the others, then by the time he reaches Level 6, he may raise to E…

Taking the Loki Familia top executives as a base, who are Level 6 veterans and have E for their top DA's, and several G's, having one so soon is rather incredible.

G is what a Level 5 or 6 adventurer would have for their Development abilities, and it's something Ais and the others on the same level as she has.

It took me less than a month and a half to get perseverance to H from I and a bit over 2 weeks to get it from H to G, but one of these 2 weeks was spent observing the Ishtar Familia rather than full out hell training...

What is even Perseverance? And what is causing it to grow so fast? Or did I just strike the right spot?

It seems different from something like Swordsmanship, as I don't need to train it…

Or do I?

How do I even train my perseverance? By standing tall in adversity? By taking blows to the face from strong monsters?

It makes me wonder, but one thing I am sure of is that I am on the right track.

Although it makes me think about how I actually train in the Dungeon...

'Hestia got enough of seeing him think, so she pinched his legs and said again:'

"Do these stats even make sense to you? I saw what you did to get these, any words of apology?"

'Silver thought for a moment and said:'

"Are you proud?"

"NO!... I mean, Yes! But this isn't what I wanted to hear!"

"So what do you want? Oh! I think I know…"

'Silver hugged Hestia, making her blush again.'

"No!... I…"

This is unfair!...

'He stayed there hugging her for a little while before he said:'

"Now it's time for my last experiment as a Level 2? Are you ready to welcome the first Level 3 of your Familia?"

'Hestia rolled her eyes and said:'

"Do what you wish! But… Be careful…"

"Don't you get tired of saying that?" He teased

"HUMPH!... Wait! What are you… Hahahaha!"

'Silver thought she was too cute so he started to tickle her, making Hestia burst into laughter.'

"You are very sensitive… What about here?" He asked as he tickled her waist

"HAHA!... N-o! haha… Stop!... There… AHAHAH!"

'She couldn't escape, and she didn't want to, and soon enough, Silver pushed Hestia into the bed and things went from playtime to 'hot time'…'

'But after a few minutes of kissing he said:'

"We shouldn't take too long here, else those guys are going to get suspicious…"

'He whispered in her ears:'

"After we come back from the colosseum, how about a Date?... Just the two of us?"

'Hestia was incredibly depressed from having to stop at that, but she nodded shyly to his words.'

'Silver got up from the bed and took out several things from his inventory.'

'A few books, potions, tools… And even a syringe?!'

"Si-Silver… What are you doing?"


I feel as if this already happened before…

"I'm going to do something similar to what I did last time before I leveled up…"

"What?! That again?!" She said as she remembered what happened last time…

'It wasn't an experience she wanted to live through again…'

"Sigh… I'll tell you the same thing I said last time…"

"As you know, my power allows me to change my body… In a variety of ways."

"By manipulating my own body, I get access to these special abilities you are already used to… Not precisely but think of it like that since it's still a form of magic… It's complicated."

I have already realized my Plasmids aren't exactly coming mainly from my body modifying itself, as they should...

The source... The process... And the results, are all different from what they should be.

But I have to research more on that before I can draw any conclusive evidence.

... Something that is hard to do when I don't even have time for myself…

"Normally, these changes are temporary, disappearing once I stop feeding them with Mind." He said as he showed his hand to Hestia

'His finger suddenly separated into two parts, and green light started to gather between the two parts…'


'Hestia looked at it and couldn't help but tense, she wasn't used to this yet and she even gasped a little.'

"Don't do that again…" She said seriously

"Sorry, sorry…" He said apologetically

"Like last time, I had long ago theorized that it was possible to change my body permanently… In a good way okay! Just to be clear..."

"Or at least give my body an effect that could last for very long periods of time without forcing me to spend a lot of Mind to keep it up."

Just a fancy way of saying Gene modification though...

Although a month or two isn't exactly enough time for me to affirm that with certainty… But since there is no irregularity in my status, I guess this is fine.

On the contrary, I was rewarded positively for it.

"And this proved effective as you can see from my current status… So in other words... It's like receiving a magic Buff permanently."

"I know what I am doing, Hestia."

This time, I will fix my previous mistakes and fill in the holes I left due to my lack of knowledge, capability, and tools at the time when I leveled up to Level 2

I don't have access to Gene Tonics in this world, neither do I have the time to rebuild the tools from scratch nor do I have the materials to make it happen.

But I can somewhat simulate their effects since they come from the same source as Plasmids… Well, they can be considered Plasmids...

Improving my body, step by step so that I can live longer and healthier… And now, to survive the future calamities this world holds within its shadows.

If I don't risk myself now then I will just die and lose everything at a later date.

Well… This isn't a risk but a very calculated scenario.

If it starts getting dangerous and side effects start to appear, I can just stick to the conventional path of increasing my stats to their limits.

Although it would be a shame.

'Silver got up from the ground and looked at Hestia with a smile.'

"I'll start right now, so like last time, hold onto this, if anything goes bad, just feed it to me and I will be fine." He said as he gave her a gray bottle filled with a strange purple liquid

"I… Alright. You can count on me!" She said with a smile

"I know."


'Silver bent his back and kissed the worried little goddess, making her calm down a little.'

This should be enough to make Hestia happier and less anxious compared to last time…

Like last time, I could do it by myself. What I gave her was simple sweet colored water… And even if something went wrong the side effects wouldn't be significant...


There is always the chance of critical failure, and albeit extremely low, I have my plans for that.

It's not like I would die immediately if I messed up my DNA, my mind won't just shut down if I fail, at most, cancer may happen and that is why I always start small, and if something goes wrong with it, I can isolate it before fixing my mistake.

It takes time for things to start crashing down… From Micro to Macro.

"I'll be starting with Hestia." He said as he lay on the ground

This past month was very hectic, but I still put aside some time to study and research the body and Magic.

I am ready to take my body a step further… Although I believe it will take much longer for me to do this once more.

'Silver took out a red potion and used his syringe to inject it into his bloodstream… But nothing happened after that.'


Please be safe…

'Hopefully, the prayers of a Goddess would be enough…'

/15 minutes later…/

'Time passed, and nothing happened. The silence was such that Hestia started to get worried… Rather ironically, she wanted nothing to happen but now she is worrying since nothing is happening.'

'In the middle of this process, someone knocked on the door and Hestia opened it, it was Daphne and Cassandra, they had come to check things out since they were away for quite some time.'

'When they saw his body on the ground, Cassandra's first action was to rush to him, however, she saw there were no abnormalities but she was still confused as to why he was sleeping.'

'Before she could wake him, Hestia stopped her and tried to explain the situation without revealing much.'

'She doesn't know what Silver would want, so she decided to go with the safest option.'

'Hestia gave them a lackluster explanation saying it was Silver's experiment and that he was fine, and they believed her.'

'And to be honest, Silver was always doing something crazy, so an experiment is not exactly out of the window of possibilities for them.'

'They stayed there observing his body for a few minutes until Daphne left and Cassandra went after her.'

'And like that, Hestia returned to her job observing Silver, waiting for him to awaken…'





Now it's time for me to go back and finish writing more chapters...

There are many things I would like to ask, I think I'll make an auxiliary chapter later to ask them.

But one of them is:








Can someone clarify to me what happened in regards to the Loki Familia raid on Knossos?

And also, how do you think I should introduce the Xenos?

They seem quite easy to introduce, I mean, the Mc's actions on the Middle floors are easy to track and would surely attract their attention.

And since most Xenos are quite positive, Silver wouldn't need to do much to receive their trust.

The problem is creating a situation for that to happen...

And also, a reason for that as well...

Anyway, peace!