
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Tranh châm biếm
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311 Chs

Ingenious Plan…

Half a day late...

But Enjoy!

Make sure to read my other works if you are bored, and to seek my other novel in my other account!

If you are interested, you can always hop into Discord, and P@treon.

Now, for the chapter





"Damn aphrodisiacs..."

'As time passed, Silver's libido decreased, he even drank an antidote to decrease the effects and his big brother calmed down...'




'As Silver waited, he heard people talking down the corridor…'

"Is there anyone in Room 3-07?" Asked a girl

"Yes, Hivis is in there with someone already… Booked her for the entire night." Replied another girl

"Oh! How lucky of her… But I don't hear any sound… Are they already over?"

"Hehe… Perhaps he is one of those men? Quickshot?"



'Silver's face became incredibly dark as his veins almost jumped out of his skin due to how tensed his body was.'

"Sigh, it doesn't matter anyway." He said out loud



'Silver suddenly felt a cold thing on his neck, it was a knife.'

'He instantly realized what was going on, so he asked:'

"So you were an adventurer? I should've expected it since this is a high-end brothel near the Belit Babili, but why are you doing this? I did absolutely nothing to you."

She should be pretty decent, waking up so soon despite being knocked out like that...

No matter, it isn't really a problem, I was bored anyway.

"That would've been fine if you didn't drug me, besides, anyone spying on my family can't be a good person. So, surrender."


'She also screamed calling for support.'


Sigh, how unlucky of me, there are only a few dozen Amazons who are strong enough to wake up this soon from the drug, and from the dozens of brothels around this area, I was lucky enough to order one of them… Fucking hell.

Or perhaps my sense for choosing places is simply that bad, I just wanted a place with a decent view of the entrance but I choose this one...

Perhaps it was to be expected that one of the closest brothels would be filled with more capable people.

'The girl screamed another time, but no one came.'

"No one will come, so stop since it's hurting my ears, instead, I will give you a choice, go back to the bed and drink that cup of wine, and forget this ever happened."

"The other option isn't pretty."

'The girl scoffed.'

"Why should I fear? I have you on hold! Don't forget that brat!"

"Well, I am younger than you but not enough for you to call me a brat, auntie!"

'She got pretty pissed off, so she decided to scare him a bit by moving her knife on his neck…'


'But instead of blood, the sound of metal scraping against metal was heard.'


'When the woman looked at his neck, there was a small scale in there, and a thin white line where she passed her knife.'

"So you chose the second option, fine." Said Silver as he got up



'The girl immediately changed the grip of the dagger and swung it at his head. But Silver did not even move.'

"What is…"

'But before she could even move, her body was frozen by an outside force. Piercing cold soon chilled her to her bones...'

'Silver looked at her and forcefully fed her something.'

'And while he held her chin forcefully he said:'

"Previously you would've slept for at most a few hours, waking up without me and a bag of Valis, but now, you won't even wake up tomorrow… There won't even be compensation, I was even thinking about taking up some compensation...."


'Her sight started to get blurry and she soon collapsed on the bed, looking at Silver with a defying glare.'

"Sigh… Amazons are so fucking annoying sometimes… What a terrific race."

Most of them are so… Over the top… But it makes sense I guess, their growing environment is quite bad.

"Hum… Should I make some sounds to make things more believable?... Yeah."

I'll also feed the girl something to make her forget this… She'll wake up thinking she had the best fucking time of her life, just that she couldn't remember it.

Even if she does, she will think it was a nightmare.

'Silver's hand started to change as he prepared his act...'

'Soon enough, sounds of moaning and vibrations came from the room, the other girls were impressed by how loud and strong they were…'

/Half an hour later/

'As Silver looked at the people getting in and out of the tower, he finally saw a group of 7 people walking slowly towards the gates. They were all undercover, but it was clear they were badly hurt by the way they walked.'

"About time, I can't stand the smell of this place anymore."


'Silver's arm split into two starting from his middle finger.'

'And strangely enough, thin white mist was slowly released from his exposed bones, condensing into a translucent cloud in front of him...'

'His face relatively pale, the white mist turned transparent as it made its way inside one of the man's clothing.'


'Silver drank a Mind potion and waited… Waited for the fish to come to him…'

(Oh yeah, image for the tower)

'The 7 guys slowly made their way inside the tower, they fell to the ground a few times due to their injuries, but they continued on their march.'

'No one helped them, and in fact, most of the girls seemed to look at them with disdain, this was the sad reality of males in the Ishtar Familia.'

'Not all of the girls treated them like this of course, but it was the general thinking. They were servants, loyal slaves to please them. Not the other way around.'

'After a lot of difficulties, they were finally helped by a few girls who were tired of seeing them take so long to move and brought them to Ishtar who wasn't sucking D this time.'

'Ishtar was currently waiting for them in her throne room, she was surrounded by her executives who stayed in two lines next to her throne.'


'She was patiently waiting for the arrival of her messengers in with her 'reward'.'

'But instead, she was met with disappointment and 7 badly hurt warriors.'

"How did this happen?" She asked as she looked at the bad state of the 7


'She snapped her fingers and the male servant behind her fed them potions as she looked at their sorry state.'


'She waited until they were recovered before she asked her question again.'

"Can anyone tell me how a simple reconnaissance mission ended up like this?"

'The first of them, what seemed to be their captain, kneeled on the ground and said:'

"We were tricked, as per your orders, we followed Melli... The target around Orario…"

'He started to explain detail by detail what happened.'

"... And like that, we followed him as in the plan and prepared to capture him… However, that was a trick as he had long detected us and in the end, we were lured into his own trap and this is our state."

'Ishtar raised her hand and stopped him.'

"Why did you act when I gave you strict orders to not move in public so as to not attract her attention? It hasn't even been a day!" She said as she slammed her hand on her chair

'The man remained silent. Making Ishtar's face contort a little, but she managed to maintain her composure.'

'The girls around her, the executives of her Familia, looked at the boys with mixed expressions.'

"Ishtar! Give them to me! I will properly punish them… I am not into older guys, but it doesn't change what has to be done." Said an extremely fat woman, it was Phryne Jamil, Captain of the Ishtar Familia as she scratched her chin


"We can think about that later Phryne." Said Ishtar as she looked at the frog girl

"Continue." She said with her poker expression

"... He tried to interrogate us but we didn't disclose anything, but the end result was that everyone was tortured…"

"He must've left to learn more on his own… We made sure to not be followed on our way back, using everything available to us to lose any possible pursuer."


'Ishtar did not doubt them, she was just massively disappointed that her plan was foiled so easily because of their incompetence, this could cost everything she had been planning for the past few years!'

'That was why her expression was so serious.'


I thought 7 Level 3's would be enough for such a simple thing.

It doesn't matter if they are recent Level 3 or not, a Level 3 is still a Level 3...

But I guess I trusted too much on these hotblooded males… What a disgrace, I barely made a move and yet this happened.

I was hasty, I wanted to learn more about him and figure out why Freya had her eyes on him, and in the end, I did not make a proper plan and almost had everything that I'd previously accomplished turn into smoke…

It wouldn't be surprising if that bitch already knew about this now… I'll have to plan ahead with the possibility of this being a fact.

What to do…

'Ishtar's face was serious, not as relaxed as before.'

But that was also pretty interesting, a team of 7 Level 3's wasn't enough to even faze him…

I didn't watch the War game as it didn't interest me in the least on what would happen, but I did hear he defeated everyone alone…

Is she attracted to his overwhelming strength? A bit too basic perhaps, but I can't lie that it isn't interesting…

Potential as always? His good looks? What has caught her attention this time?

But that doesn't matter in the end.

'Ishtar was extremely displeased with his development, so she looked at the 7 and said:'

"This time we can't fail, and since there is no way to confirm when this information is going to get into her hands, we need to act as soon as possible no matter how unprepared we are."

"Understood Ishtar-Sama!" They said in unison

'Ishtar stopped for a moment to take a whiff of her smoking pipe.'

'While she and everyone else was distracted, a faint white mist traveled from one of the male servants' clothes into the furniture, disappearing out of their sight...'

"If he becomes my slave, I wonder what she will think?" She said with a carefree smile

'One of her executives, a girl with Silver hair said jokingly:'

"Uaa… Ishtar-Sama is so unpleasant…"

'Another girl said with a smile:'

"How scary."

'But Ishtar said once more:'

"One more thing, don't try to taste him when he arrives, especially you Phryne."

"If you do, he won't be useful anymore and this will become meaningless."

I need to capture the boy and use him to lure that bitch, but if he breaks before then...

My efforts will go down the drain.

'The frog girl turned to Ishtar and laughed:'

"Kekeke, don't talk with me like that, men in general just can't stop looking at my sexy body, if he advances first then it isn't my problem anymore as I can't do anything…"

'Ishtar's expression did not change as she took another whiff and said:'

"It doesn't matter, and in any case, I will go first. After that, you can do whatever you wish."

"Fine." Replied Phryne

'She looked at the window of her room and into the pale moon in the sky.'

(I changed the previous 2 moons to one, very minor detail but yeah)

"But how do we get the boy?" Asked Phryne

'Ishtar smoked a bit more and replied:'

"I'll leave that to you all, I trust you for this, different from these clowns…"

Freya is very possessive of her things, once she learns about my interference even though she protected him during the Deenatus, she will definitely move and investigate.

I can't allow it, I need to move first.

"Besides, I've been thinking about it, but this might be the perfect opportunity."

"The moon ritual is going to be brought forward. We should use this operation's momentum to give Freya a big hit." She said with a smile


'On the side next to the throne was an Amazon with long dark hair.'

'When she heard Ishta's statement, her eyes unconsciously trembled, but she remained composed.'

"However, if we are going to bring it forward, it means we will have to prepare for War sooner, isn't that a bit too soon?" Asked one of the executives

"That is true, however, the original plan was to wait at least another year or two to prepare, but do you think that we gain more by acting now or within a year?"

"Can you guarantee me more high-Level adventurers within this time? If the numbers are not consistent, then the best time to act is now." Said Ishtar

I also think this is a bit hasty, however, an extra few Level 3's or even a 4 won't make much of a difference in the scale of the fight, especially after the ritual is done.

It would be overkill, but I wanted to make sure of my victory... A perfect and crushing victory.

But that is but a dream, so I'll need to prepare for the possible losses.

The best would be to wait and observe the boy for a little longer, find out what makes him special in Freya's eyes, but since leaving him alone is now a variable, it's better not to.

Because if Freya catches wind of this and starts sniffing around, she may find more than she should, and things it would get problematic as we would lose our element of surprise.

It won't be a problem since I got that cutie and the curses are ready… Although I would like to get a few more to use against Ottar…

I hate to speed things… Good things should be enjoyed for long periods of time...

"I want everyone to train really hard in the following month, that is when the next full moon will appear in the sky since this month's one has already passed."

"I'll allow you all to use more resources, just make sure everything is ready, double-check if needed."

'Ishtar got up from her seat and left. Leaving the girls to discuss… Her male servant followed her while the 7 warriors were escorted out of the room.'

"This leaves us with a single option KEKEKE…" Said the frog girl with a twisted smile

'Slowly, the white mist moved from furniture to furniture until it arrived at a window as it flew towards another floor...'





We are starting to arrive in a territory where I lack a lot of information since this matter of the Ishtar Familia is actually cut from the anime.

There is a lot that is only shown in the light novels, and I would be glad if someone helped me with those.

Because there is even a connection between her and the Dungeon monsters of Sword Oratoria...

Ishtar wasn't merely a fool as depicted in the anime, she had actually prepared a long list of things to win against Freya, and funny enough, her chances of winning now are bigger than in the future.

Why? Because most of her top fighters have yet to Level up lol.

And Ottar has yet to get his big'ol sword, I could add a few more but I am not acquainted with the information of each of Freya's warriors, much less the information that only appears in things like episode Freya and the light novels.

Still, if Ishtar had 3-5 more Level 5's and a dozen more Level 4, I imagine she would have a chance due to all of her preparations and Freya's arrogance.

But she only has a Single Level 4 and 5...

Oh well, it is indeed an Ingenious plan...