
Chapter 43

About a month after the hospital stint, he’d moved in with Mike. They explained it away to colleagues as a mutual support thing where he kept an eye on Mike whose seizures seemed to be controlled by medication for now. In return, Mike helped him out with the daily living chores made difficult by being on crutches.

Mike had returned to work, strictly desk duty. Technically, he was on TDRL, but since his symptoms were under control at the moment that left him in the odd limbo of neither being allowed field duty nor being processed out as PDRL, permanent disability retirement. His language and analytical skills were far too valuable for SPAWAR to let him go without bending the rules in eighteen different ways to continue to make use of his knowledge.

Kurt walked down the hallway toward the kitchen. “I swear if I make it through the end of this week without punching that PT guy in the face, it will be a miracle.” As he rounded the corner, he stopped dead.