
In Callans Academy

After experiencing a tragedy, Blue passes out only to awaken in a strange place. For her to be watched, she is made to be a part of an academy where she meets with beings she cannot classify to be humans. Eventually, she makes friends amid the distrust of her being human. Unknowing to her, she isn't human at all, once she and everyone get to know her true self, she becomes a threat, an asset and wanted. She goes on to battle envy and what-ifs and along the line falls in love with the one they all call Master— Alpha Edric who reciprocates the feeling despite how much he tried to prevent it. Trying to save their love, the academy and the Ark, the enemies won't back down. Will there be a need for sacrifice? Find out by making this book your addiction and experience the romance, betrayal, hate, vengeance and impossibilities becoming possibilities. Disclaimer; Cover photo not mine.

Jonnie · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Don't let me go

She was sure she would crash. 

Ignorant of how the strange umbrella worked, fear made her find it hard to gain balance and so she just kept being tossed about by the strong breeze. 

"Just—stay steady!" Rockie spoke loudly. 

He was just above her and tried stretching his right hand to reach out to her but she was too scared to look up at him. 

She had her eyes shut while she kept screaming. He feared they were getting too close to the top of the shield for it was semi-circle in shape about the ark. 

He kept trying to reach her with all of his might, realizing he wouldn't make it, he caused his hand to grow bigger and rock—like, With a serving motion, he caught her in his palm along with her umbrella. 

"You are fine." He said, with his other hand still holding onto his umbrella. 

He controlled his rocky hand to return to normal and he pulled Blue to himself before she could fall. 

He had his hand wrapped around her waist. With his eyes pinned on her face. 

It was just like the first day. He could tell she was never trying it again. He smiled at her but her eyes showed she was dizzy already. 

He waited for her to show signs of recovery. 

"Hey. I've got you." He said to her, 

As these words slowly cleared up in her ears, her mind passed the information that she was safe. She opened her eyes slowly and they met with his. 

His curly hair danced behind his head in the wind and it revealed his face the more. She didn't know if it was the after-effect of the fall or if it was happening but at that moment it felt like she was in the arms of an angel. 

She embraced him tightly.  Maybe too tight 

"Don't let me go. Please don't." She begged with her eyes shut. 

"I won't. I promise." He replied to her softly. 

"Are you two okay down there?" Nova's worried voice filled their ears which caused Rockie to look up seeing she wasn't descending with her sister. 

"We are good. Where are we landing?" He inquired. 

"Oh, we are going over the shield to the other end, over there." She pointed. 

"I couldn't entirely copy the abilities of her umbrella, only the one we need. 

The umbrellas allow us to breathe this air and go unnoticed because it belongs to one who has already been bathed in the moon river and one with a higher authority." Nova said, loudly. 

"Nova, please do something to get us over there already," Rockie said, 

"Oh, there are buttons somewhere, just press the blue one," Nova responded. 

Once Rockie located the buttons, he pressed the blue one and like the speed of light, they moved. Blue's screams resumed,  

Rockie had his entire face distorted by the velocity as he tried to hold onto both Blue and the umbrella as well as holding back his screams. 

But in no time, he heard Nova's voice in his head. 

"Press the red one now." She said, 

He struggled to do just that and instantly, the rate at which they moved normalised and he could see trees which meant it was time to land. 

"You can open your eyes now." He said to Blue. 

"Really? Are you sure?" She needed to verify. 

"I am." He replied to her. 

She was sceptical but then again, he had proven to be trustworthy. Little by little she opened her eyes and freed his neck from her arms as she turned her head to look. 

"Wow.." She voiced, 

"It's—beautiful." She added, lost in the sight of the terrain. 

She hadn't taken note he was starting. The way her blonde hair surrendered to the caressing of the cool breeze, he was captivated. 

He could only perfectly look at her from the side and the way her lash curled upwards and her nose perfectly pointed followed by her succulent pink lips, he was lost in the view. 

"Yes—it is. Beautiful." He muttered, With his eyes still fixed on her. 

"Are you going to drop down already or do I have to wait all day for you?" Nova spoke in his head again. 

Quickly, he snapped out of it and could see she was down already, standing with her hands on her waist and her eyes dimmed from waiting. 

"Sorry. Sorry, had no idea—" He tried to speak. 

—"hmm-hmm. " Nova voiced, turning towards her right. 

It was a clear path within the trees that showed they were on a lower ground because what was ahead was almost above them giving the perfect view of an entire country. 

"Sweet lord.." He voiced, having turned towards his right as well. 

"Is that?" Blue stepped forward. She was greatly amazed. 

"Yes. That is— the ark." Nova responded, nodding her head affirmatively with a smile of pride. 

"It's. Phenomenal.." Rockie said, 

"And we aren't even close," Nova stated. 

"It looks exactly like—" Blue said in a tone of disbelief. 

—"home." Rockie completed. 

"How long do you think it would take to get there?" Blue inquired turning towards Nova. 

"With our umbrellas? Shouldn't be long." Nova responded. 

"I don't know Nova. It all looks too good to be true." Rockie said in an unsure tone. 

"You shouldn't worry in the company of a witch," Nova said, 

"I don't think that came out right," Blue stated. 

"Oh don't let Rockie corrupt you with his pessimism. How hard could it be? " Nova urged as she opened up her umbrella and was ready to take off. 


Back in her room,  Noella walked towards her bed and angrily threw herself on it. If it was sleep she thought she needed, it wasn't forthcoming and it annoyed her the most. 

'Maybe a potion.' She thought but then remembered their rooms could detect any foul magic and so she gave up before she even tried. 

'A cool bath then'  She thought 

She stood up and headed for the bathroom sluggish and having turned on the tap to fill up the tub, she returned to the room to undress. 

"Hello, Noella." Madam Claris greeted. 

In shock, Noella heaved a sigh as she saw Claris standing by the window in her regular outfit. 

"What do you want?" Noella asked with folded arms. 

"I don't know but maybe you could tell me," Claris responded. 

"Tell you what?" Noella asked in a rather defensive tone. 

Claris smiled briefly and then walked towards her. 

"Not quite long, I took notice of something, I was wondering if you knew about it— my umbrella." She said, 

"Pss. Everyone knows about your umbrella,  nothing new to take note of." Noella said, 

"Yeah. So I thought. Except that today was —different. It had a print. Someone's fingerprint." Claris told her. 

Standing eye to eye, Noella blinked at this juncture. 

"Guilty blink?" Claris asked, 

"Blinking can be a reflexive" Noella said, walking away. 

"Oh enough of this, was it you or your sister!" Claris lost her cool. 

"So what if we played around in your office and must have carelessly touched your precious umbrella? Every student here is curious about it." Noella responded. 

"Why you two then? Why not every—student?" Claris inquired with judgemental eyes. 

"Not everyone has the balls," Noella replied. 

"Where is she?" Claris inquired. 

"I don't know." 

"She is not— on the raider,  my umbrella was touched, and—" Claris paused, and heaved a sigh. 

"I could have made this easier for you two but if I find out It is what I think it is, I will enjoy putting you two where you belong." She added, walking out through the door. 


Books fell, pens scattered on the floor, the more Edric cleared his desk having placed Guin on top of it, the more noise they heard. 

They didn't seem to mind, lost in the burning desire to have each other right there, their lips remained locked as their hands moved all over each other's bodies. 

Somehow they had to be cautious. They couldn't go about their normal activities in school with torn clothes and so each one focused on what was important. 

She impatiently was unbelting his trouser and he in turn pulled her skirt up and tore her undies apart. 

He bent over, having her rest her back on the table. Kissing her with pauses, she held on to his head signalling she didn't want the pauses, she wanted it all. 

She had clipped his waist with her long legs and had moved her right hand to press his waist against her pelvis. 

She felt how hard he had gotten. The size of it was good to feel. She groped him from underneath. He pushed her down because she had curved up again in desperation. 

He held both her legs and pulled her downwards to himself. Slowly, his fine rod made its way in, it pleasured her the most. He went on with the strokes but then her face flashed through his mind — Blue. 

He breathed, opening up his eyes at once. 

"What? What is it?" Guin inquired in a whisper tone, more worried that he would stop than that something may be wrong. 

He paid no attention to her even though he was bothered by what was happening. 

He stroked her again. She tilted her head upwards with the company of a soft moan. The flashes kept coming, a flash of her eyes then of her lips and her entire face. 

It felt really strange.  He shut his eyes tighter and tilted his head up as well and for every time the flash came afterwards, he thrusted Guin. 

She was losing it. Probably had crossed cloud nine. Her hands grabbed onto her hair as she turned her head side to side amidst moaning. 

He didn't know he was screwing her so fast, so hard, so crazily for he was just more focused on keeping Blue out of his head. 

The speed at which he thrusted her was going beyond normal, she loved it very much, but he knew he had to stop,  something was wrong. He withdrew and turned away heading to the bathroom in the corner of his office for a wash-up. 

"How did you do that? It was way better than every other time. Why did you stop… I still want more of that. Come on." Guin whispered in his ear from behind. 

She had followed him and embraced him warmly. 

"We will be having our wedding next week. Let's save the best for the honeymoon." He said, 

Just then, they heard a knock on the door. 

"Expecting someone?" She asked him. 

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. I invited Leo over." He responded, pat-drying water off his hands with the hand towel while walking back into the office. 

She followed him and with magic arranged the entire place till it was sparkling clean. Tidied herself as well and stood behind while he went on to open the door. 

"Hey.." Leo greeted Edric with pats on the back. 

"How long has it been? If I don't send for you, you won't come." Edric said, walking towards the bar area. 

"Come on, its work I assure you," Leo said with a smile. 

"Indeed," Edric responded,  filling the glasses up 

"You remember Leo, don't you? My blossom friend I always talk about." Edric said to Guin while returning with the glasses 

"Oh, yes,  nice to see you again" She greeted Leo with a smile. 

"Likewise," Leo responded with a smile. 

"Here you go." Edric handed her a glass, 

She refused it. 

"No. I have to get back to work 

And let you two catch up." She said, 

"So soon?" He responded, dropping the glass on the table. 

"Bye Leo." She said and left. 

"Just like that," Edric said, taking his seat. 

"Women are unpredictable," Leo said, 

"I guess so and I wasn't planning to drink. Well, I'll have hers then." He said, 

They laughed a bit. 

"So what was urgent?" Leo inquired, having gulped his drink. 

"Oh, you know I am not the romantic type so I need you to help me do something romantic for Guin. 

Like a wedding present before the wedding. Elegant and let's just say something to make her really believe I love her and to reassure her that love never died and will never die." Edric replied, 

"Oh. That's cheesy." Leo sounded surprised. 

"That a yes?" Edric asked, 

"I got you, bruv" Leo responded in an excited tone.