
In Boruto as Sasuke Uchiha

This FIC is set a few months after the start of Boruto. MC has been transmigrated into the body of Sasuke Uchiha and retains all his memories and abilities. Disclaimer : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OR IMAGES USED.

Ghoul410 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

2: Father and Daughter

[Next Day]

It had been a day since i had come back to the leaf and i decided to spend the day trying to bond/ connect with my daughter.

Last night after i came back, Me, Sakura and Sarada finally had dinner as a family after a long time and i could tell both of them were really happy that i was finally back and that i could stay for a long back home for a while this time.

After dinner Me and Sakura talked for a while and i informed her about the threat of the Otsutsuki's and we also discussed the possibility of me getting a Prosthetic Arm made of Hashirama Cells.

I had decided that i will get a new arm but i was still not sure if i wanted to get a Prosthetic Arm made of Hashirama cells or make a mechanical arm for myself using the Rinnegan.

Getting the Prosthetic Arm made by the Hashirama Cells gave me no real advantage as i already had Hashirama Cells implanted in me and due to this i could use wood style and i also had a healing factor, but regenarating a mechanical arm with the Rinnegan would allow me to shoot out things like rockets which would help against normal shinobi for sure but a mechanical arm would be very weird.

I wanted to try and regenerate my normal arm by somehow combining the effects of the Hashirama Cells with my Rinnegan but i hadn't quite figured out how to do this yet.

But the main problem on my mind right now was that i didn't really know how to be a proper father for Sarada, i was never a father in my previous life and sasuke hasn't been present in Sarada life for most of it so even he didn't really know what to do and since he lost his parents at a very young age i couldn't really try to be a father using my dad as an example, but me and sakura also talked a lot about Sarada last night and she gave me a lot of advice on what to do.


Sakura had told me to just be myself with Sarada and she also told me that the two of us were very similar and had similar interests and should try and bond over that which is why i decided to take her to the Training grounds and teach her a few things.

"Alright, so the Jutsu i will be teaching you is called the Fire Style : Great Fireball Jutsu this is a jutsu which is taught to all Uchiha's, i am one of the few Shinobi who can use jutsu by using one handed handsigns so you will have to make the handsigns in both your hands to activate the Jutsu."

I then performed the handsigns and used the Fireball Jutsu.

"Did you catch the handsigns?" I asked Sarada

She quickly nodded her head and performed the same set of handsigns and used the Jutsu, i did know that she will do better than what i had done in my first try mainly because i was still a kid when i learnt the jutsu but this was not what i had expected, she made a Fire Ball which was of the same size that i could do when i was her age but i had a lot more training than her at that time.

"Was that good?" Sarada asked looking at me innocently.

"That was excellent, your fireball is as big as what i could do at your age, but i learnt the Jutsu when i was a lot younger and i also had more training." I said with a smile.

"Since your doing a lot better than i expected we can still work on a few more things, let's work on your Sharingan, what all have you figured out about your eyes so far?" 

Sarada then activated her two tomoe sharingan and said "I can see Chakra in different colors and also see the flow of chakra and also see how much chakra a person has left."

"That's good but there are a lot more things you can do with your Sharingan, you can use your eyes to mimic your opponents movements and also copy your opponents Ninjutsu and Taijutsu and you can even use your eyes to cast a Genjutsu on your opponents, we can work on your Genjutsu later for now i will teach you how to read your opponents movements and also copy their movements and their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, the best way to train your sharingan is by actual combat so let's spar!"

For the next few hours we kept sparring and i taught her how to use the Sharingan to mimic her opponents movements and copy their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, and by the end of our training session she had a good understanding of how to use her Sharingan.

After we were done training and Sarada was catching her breath she asked "hey Dad, i heard that your Sharingan is called the Mangekyo Sharingan, so does your sharingan have any special abilities different to the normal abilities of the Sharingan and do you think i will be able to awaken it?"

I was silent for a few seconds thinking about whether i should avoid her question or tell her, after thinking about it for a few seconds i decided to tell her.

"Do you know how your sharingan evolves?" i asked

"huh? can't you just train to evolve your Sharingan?" Sarada asked

"No that's not how it works, no matter how much you train your sharingan won't evolve, there is only one way through which your sharingan evolves and that is when you experience powerful emotions, and as for the abilities of my mangekyo sharingan yes i my Mangekyo Sharingan gives me access to two very powerful abilities, my left eye allows me to cast a powerful ability called Amaterasu, it is a Fire Style ability that burns anything it touches into ash and the fire keeps burning for 7 Days and 7 Nights no matter what you do the fire can't be put out by anyone but me."

To show her a demonstration i cast Amaterasu on tree a few meters away from us.

"And my Right Eye allows me to use an ability called Flame Control, this allows me to shape the flames of Amaterasu." i then used flame control to spread the flames around the tree and the whole tree was instantly turned to ash.

"however using the abilities of your Mangekyo Sharingan comes at a cost, the more you use these abilities the more you lose your eyesight."

"Huh does that mean your eye sight is damaged?" Sarada asked

"No, there are ways to counter this, but lets talk about this someother time, its getting late for lunch lets head home im sure your mom will be waiting for us."


A Bit of a bonding chapter with sarada but we will get back to action next chapter.