
In Boruto as Minato

There aren't many Boruto fanfic. So, I thought why not. Mc reincarnated as Boruto with some wishes. I hope you like my work. MC looks like Minato. But they named him Boruto so don't get confused. The story is a little slow-paced. ~ THANK YOU FOR READING ~

Fire_Phoenix_02 · Tranh châm biếm
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62 Chs

Chapter 45

Today is the first day of the academy, and my class is the same as in the canon, with Shino Sensei as our class teacher.

I sat on the same place the cannon Boruto sat, and with me was Shikadai on my right and Denki on my left. Denki and I were friends from the beginning, and as for Inojin, that guy was playing a mysterious guy role or something and sat at the end.

After some time, Shino Sensei entered the class and introduced himself. " Hello, students. My name is Shino Aburame, I am from Aburame Clan and a Jonin rank ninja. From today onwards, until you graduate, I'm your Homeroom teacher.

Now introduce yourselves, starting from you. " Shino said, pointing his finger towards me. ' Why me? You have to start from the students that sit at the corner, you Robocop wannabe. '

" Hello everyone, my name is Boruto Uzumaki. I like eating new foods, training, and spending time with my family. I hope we all get along. " I said with the most charming smile I can muster.

" Kyaaaa... he's so handsome. " " I am glad he is in our class. " " Will he date me if I ask? " some of the girls shouted behind me.

' WHAT THE FUCK? I got scared when they shouted like that. ' I turned back my head to see that some girls were talking and taking glances at me.

' I don't mind this, as it feels good. ' I said and waved my hand with a smile and sat on my seat. " Ha... you sure are famous like always. " Shikadai said while smiling at me.

After everyone introduced themselves, he started teaching us what a Ninja does. The basic stuff. He also instructed us to buy 10 Shurikens and 10 Kunis for practice.

Now it was lunch break, Mom gave me a big Bento box today, and I am thinking of eating it on the rooftop. ' Let's invite everyone too. I hope they have tasty food to share. '

" You all, get out of the class. " before I could ask everyone, a guy who looks older than us said with an annoying tone. Everyone in the class was looking at him and started whispering.

" Hey, that guy is Iwabee. The one who failed twice. " a fat boy said.

" Yeah, some say that he can use Jutsu's. " a boy with a weird hairstyle said.

Iwabee sat up and said out loud. " Get out of the class, or else I will beat you to a pulp. From now on, this class is mine on lunch breaks, you weaklings. "

No one retaliated, as all of them were about to leave, I voiced out. " Hey, guys, why don't we all go near the training and eat together. "

" Yeah, sure. " "Lets' go. " "Count me in. " all the boys agreed. I looked towards the girls and said. " Hey, if you want, girls can come too. After all, we are in the same class. "

" Sure. " " Let's go. " " Kyaa... Boruto's inviting me. " girls started to come towards us.

" Ha... as expected of the coward who hides behind the Hokage, didn't even dare to retaliate. " Iwabee said with a smug face.

I was about to go out of the class until this guy spoke. ' Ok, I am not prideful or anything but, this guy touched my sore spot. I am being low-key these days. Even though I am strong, some people could squash me like a bug.

But no way I am taking offense from a filler character mob like you. '

" Oh... says the one who failed to be a Ninja twice, Uncle. " I said with a sly smile. Some boys and girls laughed beside me.

" Un...UNCLE!!!? YOU DARE CALL ME THAT. " he shouted and jumped at me to punch my face. ' Hmm... this guy is low-Genin level, in speed. I guess he is a power-type Ninja with Earth release. '

I just tilted my head to avoid his punch and kicked him on his abdomen. " AHHHH... " he went flying towards the wall. I didn't kick him that hard. I just used mid-genin level strength.


" ... "

The whole class was silent. I waited five seconds for Iwabee to wake up, but that guy was not moving at all. I went near him and saw that he was unconscious. ' THE HELL? I only used mid-genin level strength. Is this guy's defense that weak, or did I accidentally use more power in that kick? '

I lifted him and placed him on my shoulder. " Hey, guys, this guy got knocked out. You guys go on. I'm going to take him to the infirmary and join you on the way. "

I said and passed through them as they were all still in shock of what happened. As I was on my way with Iwabee on my back, many students and teachers were glancing at me weirdly.

On top of that, Sarada was following me. " Hey, Sarada, you suck at hiding. " I said out loud, without turning back, and entered the infirmary.

As I was in, I placed Iwabee on the bed. " Yo kid, what happened to him? "

" I don't know. He was unconscious when I found him. " I lied. " Oh... you sure are a good kid. Here take chocolate. "

' Wow, this guy's nice. I will surely visit this place for some chocolates in the future. ' I thought and took the chocolate and went out. As I was out, I saw Sarada standing near the door. I already sensed her there anyway.

" I didn't know you could lie," she said, making it sound cool. " Who wouldn't lie? " I said with a dull tone.

" Let's go. We don't have all day. Our break ends in an hour. "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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