
Big 3

Not expecting anyone to come from the ground, they were all hit with Madaras bright red fireballs. Vetto was the first to get hit because Madara was curious if he would catch on fire. Sadly, there was only a burn mark where the fireball hit.

Fana didn't take too much damage because she had some fire resistance. Ryha, on the other hand, was quick to think and used to his to dodge. The fireball just barely grazed him.

Seeing that Ryha could move at light speed, Yami got serious once again. Madara then disappeared back into the ground, then reappeared next to Yami, Finral, Asta, and Gauche.

"Don't let him touch your grimoire," Madara said pointing to Ryha. "He can copy magic."

'How did he know?! Who exactly is he?" Ryha thought on the inside.

"Flame Recovery Magic: Phoenix Feathers Robe," Fana said as orange flames surrounded Patolli. He was then brought into the air, where he was going to start talking.



Madara created a large water bubble and put out the flames surrounding Patolli. When the flames were extinguished, Patolli fell to the ground with a loud thud. Even if it was a serious matter they couldn't hold their laughter.

"Pfffttttt hahaha!" Yami laughed with tears in his eyes seeing Patolli fall from the sky.

"Ba ha ha bahahaha!" Asta laughed after hearing Yami laughter.

Eventually, Gauche, Finral, and Madara started laughing as well. Hearing the laughter amongst them, their hatred and anger grew.

Fana again then used flame recovery magic, but this time, Madara let him speak.

"Allow me to introduce them. They are the strongest three in the Eye of the Midnight Sun." Patolli said shocking Asta.

"The strongest?!" Asta asked astonished that the strongest was in front of him.

"Yes... In combat, they surpass me. The Third Eye!" Patolli said declaring them the strongest. Madara only smiled hearing his claim.

'I wonder what Sally is doing.'

"He has to be bluffing when he says they're stronger than him," Finral said nervously.

"It too much trouble to bluff," Ryha said while yawning. Occasionally, he would glance at Madara who always met his gaze with a fiercer one.

'He reminds me of someone.' Madara thought seeing Ryha's lazy attitude.

"Just as the name suggests, your kingdom takes the clover as Its symbol. Within the clover's leaves are pleasant words that do not suit up. Namely: faith, hope, and love. I've given them names that mean the opposite of those." Patolli said.

"With a name meaning the opposite of faith, Ryha thee Disloyal," Patolli said while Ryha was yawning. "With a name meaning the opposite of hope, Vetto the Despair," Patolli said while Vetto had a big smile on his face. "And the name meaning the opposite of love, Fana the Hateful," Patolli said while Fana had an emotionless lifeless look in her eyes.

"I will kill those who have hurt Licht. I will kill you." Fana said almost making Madara laugh.

"That doesn't tell us how strong you are," Yami said with a cigarette in hand.

"I guess I have to prove it to you then," Ryha said as he moved at light speed and touched Yami's grimoire.

'He had one job...'

Ryha then coated a katana in dark and shot a dark slash at the four. Yami retaliated by using the same slash to cancel the attack.

"I'm going to sue you for copyright infringement!" Yami said after seeing Ryha use his magic.

"Beast Magic: Bear Claw!" Vetto came from the sky with an aura surrounding his arm shaped like the paw of a bear.

Madara looked the Finral, Gauche, and Asta and said, "I handle this. Go take care of the girl with daddy issues."

Before they could move, a large stream of fire came rushing at them at immense speed. Luckily, Madara was there. He took the fan from his swung it.

The force from the fan turned the for into wind and was sent to Fana. She was engulfed in the large tornado. Madara then took it one step further.

[Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu]

[Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu]

Two large spherical fireballs shot toward the tornado at great speed. When the fireballs touch the tornado, immense heat started to emit from the tornado.

The bright red tornado spun for what seemed like hours, but only for thirty seconds. Seeing this, Ryha and Vetto became a little cautious of Madara.

When the fire tornado disappeared, Fana came falling from the sky with but with burns all over her. She hit the ground with a loud thud and seemed not to be moving.

Madara then looked to Vetto with a sadistic look on his face. He was ready to see blood, ready to hear screams. Killing intent started to pour from Madara as he walked toward Vetto.

"I can't wait to see the look of despair on your face!" Vetto said as he ran toward Madara.

"Captain, You can handle Ryha, right?" Madara asked not taking his eyes of Vetto.

"Yeah, yeah. If you get yourself killed, I'll kill you." Yami said looking toward the flying Ryha.

"Beast Magic: Bear Claw!" Vetto tried to close Madara, but Madara just ended up dodging every attack. Seeing how he was landing anything, he took it up a notch.

Moving faster with his attacks stronger, and more precise. Madara saw many openings and decided to exploit them.


Madara hits Vetto right in his gut. It was clear that Vetto was stunned from this punch, so Madara did a follow-up.

Madara does a roundhouse kick to his right temple. He then does a front flip that led to a monstrous axe kick on his skull.

'Why... Why... Why...'

"Spirit Magic: Salamder's Breath," Fana said aiming the attack at Yami. Madara grabbed Vetto and through him to where the track would hit. Before he three him, he said something to him.

"I want to see that look of despair."


Taking the attack head-on, Vetto's body was burned and some parts chard. Smoke was coming off of him and he smelled terrible.

"I HATE YOU!" Fana yelled after her attack hit Vetto. Ryha then at light speed, came and retrieved Vetto's body. He quickly healed his wounds and he was back to normal.

"What happened out there?" Ryha asked looking at Vetto.

"That kid. He's not normal." Vetto said a little shaken up remember his words.

"No matter. We'll kill him with our final attack." Ryha said making Vetto snap out of the daze he was in.

"Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath."

"Ha!" Ryha released a dark slash toward Yami and Madara. Vetto sent a large beast claw at them.

While everyone had a look of fear of shock, Madara had a look of difference. If reinforcements weren't coming, Madara would've taken all three attacks head-on to see how durable he was.

Just as the three attacks were to hit, briar with blue roses appeared, mercury arrows, and green slashes canceled the attacks.

There stood three figures and each of them Magic Knight Captains. Madara only cared for one and that was Charlotte.

"Looks like you're having fun, Yami. Let us play, too. Stronger than a Magic Knight-Captain? Why don't we teat out that theory?" Orochi- Jack said while licking the scythe on his forearm.

"Aw, man... Another second or two, and something would've awakened in me. What're you going to do about this, you lousy so-called friends?" Yami asked sitting on some rocks.

"I'm amazed you can even say those words when you look like that. And you, to think staying on the front lines when we show up to proclaim you did something. Despicable." Nozel said looking at Madara with disgust.

Madara looked to Yami, then to the three in the dark cocoon, to Jack, to Charlotte, then to Nozel. All of them made eye contact, Madara was about to say something but Yami said something first.

"I don't like the way you're talking to my squadmate," Yami said getting up from his spot. "How do you know he hasn't done anything?" Yami asked Nozel.

"Look at him. He barely has a scratch on him. Look at you. Now don't tell me he did something when he is nothing but a fake, and a fraud." Nozel said shocking everyone who could hear him.

Yami took a long drag on his cigarette and said, "I don't know where you got that Idea, maybe you lost a few brain cells when he kicked your ass." Yami said making Nozel grit his teeth.

"This kid right here. Fought Licht, that despair guy, and did that to the depressed girl." All three of them looked over to see Fana with serve burn marks, and Patolli heavily injured.

"He even saved our lives, twice. If you hadn't shown up, it would've been three times. Now don't go disrespecting Madara when he's done more than you." Yami said Jack silently acknowledge him.

'For Yami to praise and have his means he has done great in his eyes. Not everyone can say they achieved that. Just how amazing is he?' Charlotte thought after hearing Yami.

I don't have anything to say, so tell me about your day.

TruePlugcreators' thoughts