
episode 1

(The episode opens with Grace, Will, Jack, and Karen are gathered in the living room, excitedly discussing their plans for the day)

Grace (excitedly): Alright, everyone, listen up! I have someone I want you all to meet. She's a new friend of mine, and I think she'll fit right in with our crazy bunch.

Will (raising an eyebrow): Oh, really? Another addition to our chaotic lives? I can't wait.

Jack (enthusiastically): Ooh, is she single? I'm always looking for new friends 

Karen (sipping her martini): As long as she doesn't mess with my shoe collection, I'm fine with it.

(Just then, the door opens, and Kanisha an African American woman in her late twenties, walks in with a warm smile)

Kanisha (greeting everyone): Hey, guys! Grace has told me so much about you all. I'm Kanisha, and I'm thrilled to be here.

Grace (excitedly): Everyone, this is Kanisha. She's a talented writer, has a heart of gold, and is completely unfazed by anything that happens in people's lives.

Will (curious): So, Kanisha, what brings you here

Kanisha (grinning): Well, I love writing, and Grace and I connected over our shared passion. Plus, I'm always up for new adventures and meeting interesting people.

Jack (winking): Interesting people, huh? Well, you've come to the right place, Kanisha. We're the epitome of interesting

Karen (raising her glass): Cheers to that, darling. Welcome to our dysfunctional family.

(The screen shows Grace, Will, Jack, Karen, and Kanisha are gathered in the kitchen, preparing a meal together.

Grace (teasingly): Kanisha, you're going to fit right in with us. We're a bunch of misfits, but we have a lot of fun.

Kanisha (laughing): I can already tell, Grace. You guys have such a unique dynamic. I'm excited to be a part of it.

Will (raising an eyebrow): So, Kanisha, you mentioned you date both men and women. How does that work for you?

Kanisha (confidently): Love is love, Will. I believe in being true to myself and following my heart. Gender doesn't define who I'm attracted to.

Jack (excitedly): I love it! Kanisha, you're like a breath of fresh air. We need more open-minded people like you in the world.

Karen (smirking): Well, as long as you don't steal any of my eligible bachelors or bachelorettes, we'll get along just fine.

(The episode ends with They are all laughing, while enjoying the camaraderie)

(The episode opens with Grace, Will, Jack, and Karen are gathered in the living room, excitedly discussing their plans for the day)

Grace (excitedly): Alright, everyone, listen up! I have someone I want you all to meet. She's a new friend of mine, and I think she'll fit right in with our crazy bunch.

Will (raising an eyebrow): Oh, really? Another addition to our chaotic lives? I can't wait.

Jack (enthusiastically): Ooh, is she single? I'm always looking for new friends 

Karen (sipping her martini): As long as she doesn't mess with my shoe collection, I'm fine with it.

(Just then, the door opens, and Kanisha an African American woman in her late twenties, walks in with a warm smile)

Kanisha (greeting everyone): Hey, guys! Grace has told me so much about you all. I'm Kanisha, and I'm thrilled to be here.

Grace (excitedly): Everyone, this is Kanisha. She's a talented writer, has a heart of gold, and is completely unfazed by anything that happens in people's lives.

Will (curious): So, Kanisha, what brings you here

Kanisha (grinning): Well, I love writing, and Grace and I connected over our shared passion. Plus, I'm always up for new adventures and meeting interesting people.

Jack (winking): Interesting people, huh? Well, you've come to the right place, Kanisha. We're the epitome of interesting

Karen (raising her glass): Cheers to that, darling. Welcome to our dysfunctional family.

(The screen shows Grace, Will, Jack, Karen, and Kanisha are gathered in the kitchen, preparing a meal together.

Grace (teasingly): Kanisha, you're going to fit right in with us. We're a bunch of misfits, but we have a lot of fun.

Kanisha (laughing): I can already tell, Grace. You guys have such a unique dynamic. I'm excited to be a part of it.

Will (raising an eyebrow): So, Kanisha, you mentioned you date both men and women. How does that work for you?

Kanisha (confidently): Love is love, Will. I believe in being true to myself and following my heart. Gender doesn't define who I'm attracted to.

Jack (excitedly): I love it! Kanisha, you're like a breath of fresh air. We need more open-minded people like you in the world.

Karen (smirking): Well, as long as you don't steal any of my eligible bachelors or bachelorettes, we'll get along just fine.

(The episode ends with They are all laughing, while enjoying the camaraderie)