
In Between Fantasies,Fairytales & Realities Written by: A.R.D.

The world has become a dark place.It has long sunken deep in the dark abyss.It becomes void and dull,an empty space with not a single ray of light looming from above.

There was no creatures roaming around,only a field of silence,and a mass of fog can be seen, if that counts...

"Everything was gone .." resounded a grief stricken voice.

"All of my beloved creatures were gone.T-they j-j-just all disappeared..." the cries of a grieving heavenly being echoed all over the place.

"I'm all alone again..." From his gigantic tears, of extreme sadness an entity emerged . This liquid creature's womanly curves can be distinguished.Comforting it's creator with her magical voice.

"Don't cry father.For you are not alone anymore,in this vast world."She sing sang in a warmth tone.

The celestial being find himself relieved at the quick turn of events.Smiled joyfully to himself

"Thank you for being born child,now I can feel a glimmer of hope in this world,a new beginning and the returning of it's previous beauty".From his happiness,another entity appeared before his eyes.A beautiful male forest nymph with a picturesque appearance awaken from thin air.

"I humbly thank God for giving birth to me,and for having endless faith of all specks of living matters in the universe in spite of the current circumstances." The water goddess also find herself bowing full of gratitude in return.

"I,too am very grateful for being born in this world, creator".

Silence only followed, indicating that if the heavenly being were to have a physical form,it was probably smiling from boundless joy.Both of them thought happily.

Until, a loud bang can be heard,making the two spirits believe that the silence must be a reaction because of something else they are gravely mistaken.

"I see"... A tall humanoid robot walked up to them, carrying a small but seemingly deadly gun in it's hand.Now aiming it's trigger to the new borned creatures.

"My,my isn't this a pleasant surprise?" it's voice seething with mockery.

"You are foolish so-called creator.No wonder humans went extinct from your rule."

Laughing maniacally, the robot sighed lightly.

"What? Robots-cut your tongue?"

Or should I shoot these children of yours for you to turn your full attention to me? I believe this "Universal Exterminator" would work on these two just fine.Haha ".

The water and forest sprit confronted the arrogant robot calmly.

"No it won't." they both retorted back.

"Yes it will.Ignorant babies! how would you like it for me to test this gun to you as a proof?" Clicking it's tongue in annoyance.It proudly replied

"Tsk,never underestimate the power of science.Never."

The atmosphere suddenly shift timidly.

"You never told us about this before.Whoa re these "HUMANS"? they referred to?" the two wondered out loud,pausing for a while in complete ignorance.

"My children, there's no time for me to explain everything.Time is passing by at the moment.And doom is coming near.We must save this planet before anything else."

Their shoulders tensed.Now fully grasping the situation at hand.

The World is about to end.And they don't even have a single clue how did everything come to this.