
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Rob a supermarket

"Brother , what are we having for dinner tonight?"

Just as Gu Lin was about to respond with full force, Gu Xue's voice rang out, her gaze at him clearly showing a hint of confusion.

Putting down his phone, Gu Lin's eyes softened slightly.

"Let's have hotpot."

Hearing the suggestion of hotpot, Gu Xue was delighted.

Seeing her adorable expression, Gu Lin's unusually cold demeanor softened a lot.

"I just went out to buy it, but I forgot it in the car. I'll go get it later. You prepare the other ingredients for now."


With a slight curl of his lips, Gu Lin returned to his room, closing the sliding door behind him.

From the space, he retrieved his purchase contract.

These important documents had always been kept in the bedroom on the second floor of the bamboo house.

Now they were coming in handy.

Gu Lin raised his hand and took a photo of the page specifically mentioning "Roof Usage Rights," cropped out some unnecessary parts, and sent it to the homeowners' group chat.

At the same time, he individually tagged those who were making a fuss:

[Gu: Take a good look, it's a contract written in black and white.]

[Gu: Can't read the law but can read words, huh?]

After tagging the chaotic homeowners, Gu Lin also tagged the Property Management named Huang:

[Gu: If you're so free, go play a game. Don't mess with my nickname anymore, thanks.]

With this statement, the chat fell silent for a moment.

But it was just a momentary pause; before long, those people started shouting even more fiercely:

[2901 Song Yiran: Even if you bought it, can you use it all by yourself? What difference does it make if you share some with us?]

As soon as this was said, someone immediately chimed in:

[2801 Song Jia: That's right, let me tell you, neighbors are better than distant relatives. We live upstairs and downstairs, always seeing each other. If you let us use the rooftop now, and if you encounter any difficulties in the future, we can also help you, right?]

[2702: Yeah! What's the harm in letting us use the rooftop? It's not like you'll lose anything!]

[2802: There are only a few households here, just storing some inconvenient items indoors. It won't take up much space for you. If it's really not possible, we can pay rent.]

This instantly sparked even more voices of support.

With a mountaineering backpack on his back, Gu Lin went out again, walked to the staircase leading to the rooftop, and pressed the voice key.

His voice was extremely cold: "If things are inconvenient to store indoors, just throw them out. Throw them wherever you want."

"It's my rooftop, how I use it is my business. Even if I lay soil and plant vegetables on it, it has nothing to do with you. Stop poking your noses into my affairs. I don't need your help."

This statement was, of course, from the heart.

What distant relatives?

The end of the world is imminent, and you're still talking about neighbors?

The ones snatching away your survival resources are precisely the neighbors you usually interact with!

With the apocalypse looming, it's already a good thing if they don't ask Gu Lin for help, so why would he expect anything from them?

Is he lacking clothes or a place to live?

Their lofty words are just a guise for wanting to freeload rooftop space, aren't they?

Now they want to store coal; in the apocalypse, they'll want to store other things, or come to collect clean snow.

If they don't have anything, they'll shamelessly come to Gu Lin to borrow this and that.

Gu Lin won't indulge these people. And there's another point: it's about the safety of Gu Lin's own home.

He welded a large iron gate between the elevator, staircase, and his front door, along with a heavy steel security door, just to ensure his family's safety.

These two layers of doors, plus the expensive security door he installed, although inconvenient to pass through, are enough to deter most troublemakers.

Unless someone uses concentrated sulfuric acid or explosives to blow up the surrounding walls, Gu Lin and Gu Xue inside the door are safe.

The staircase to the rooftop is also behind these two doors, located at opposite ends of the hallway from the elevator.

To access the rooftop, one must pass through these two doors and Gu Lin's front door.

If he let those ignorant people downstairs onto the rooftop, wouldn't these two high-security doors be rendered useless?

If the rooftop were really filled with their belongings, after the apocalypse, they would want to retrieve things today and tomorrow...

Not to mention the repetitive opening of the door being annoying, what if they took this opportunity to invite trouble and collaborate with criminals to try to take over Gu Lin's house?

Therefore, this "good person" decided not to do it from the beginning.

As long as he has no morals, no one can morally blackmail him!

He saves himself the trouble and ensures that his home and Gu Xue are in an absolutely safe environment.

Hmm, tomorrow is the apocalypse, so I'll fill both refrigerators at home now.

It can allow the siblings to live comfortably for a while!

Deciding to act, Gu Lin stealthily made his way from the rooftop to his doorstep.

Scanning with his psychic power, he found Gu Xue washing vegetables in the kitchen.

After washing the vegetables, she went to the fridge to get sesame paste and dipping sauce.

Gu Lin's lips curved into a faint smile as he silently called out to the "little steward" in his mind, instructing the steward to help him pack up the supplies in the space.

He brought out two large boxes of freshly slaughtered and cleaned poultry—chickens, ducks, and geese—all frozen goods stocked by Bai Weiwei.

Gu Lin also brought out two large foam boxes for insulation.

Next were the long-lasting vegetables—pumpkins, winter melons, radishes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

Since Gu Xue loved pumpkin pie, Gu Lin took out three or four large pumpkins and instructed the little steward in his mind.

"Plant pumpkins on the 50-square-meter area."

"Understood, master!"

After arranging the long-lasting vegetables, Gu Lin started to take out more long-lasting meats—sausages, salted meats, dried meats, salted fish, and ham.

Gu Lin commanded the little steward in his mind to pack them up in the space.

Once packed, Gu Lin directly retrieved them for a seamless coordination.

Then came the fresh vegetables—lettuce, spinach, okra, kale, and green beans—all of which Gu Xue loved.

Gu Lin also took a box each of chicken, duck, and goose eggs.

He didn't take bags of rice and flour since they were already in the storage room, which was usually locked, so Gu Xue didn't have the opportunity to wander in and rummage around.

He could retrieve them temporarily.

Everything he took now was to ensure that Gu Xue could maintain a good mood amidst the sudden changes in the world and bone-chilling cold.

As for seasonings, the house already had them, as Gu Lin had stocked up the kitchen with plenty of them earlier.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Lin had the little steward pack two shopping carts full of snacks.

These items almost filled up the area in front of Gu Lin's door.

If it weren't for the two layers of security doors nearby, he wouldn't dare to take things out like this.

Just as Gu Lin was about to take out the keys to open the door, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

He had forgotten about beverages and fruits!

Gu Xue was a fruit fanatic and loved all kinds of fruits.

Gu Lin retrieved a large organizing box from the space and squatted beside it.

As he lifted his hand, various fruits began to appear magically in the box.

He placed four or five pressure-resistant watermelons at the bottom, followed by apples, pears, pineapples, pomelos, and oranges.

On top of that, he added bananas, plums, kiwis, and grapes.

He took three or four varieties of grapes, each with four or five bunches.

Then he brought in several crates of drinks.

Soon, the large organizing box was packed to the brim.

Up to now, the open space in front of his house has been filled up.

After getting everything ready, Gu Lin put on his backpack, knocked on the door, and rang the doorbell: "Xue, come out and pick me up!"

Gu Xue opened the door and was immediately shocked by the mountain of goods in front of her:

"Brother, did you rob a supermarket?"