
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

Back to before the apocalypse


Gu Lin rubbed his slightly sore head and surveyed the surroundings.

Was he reborn?

Gu Lin was excited beyond measure. When he looked at the date on his phone, he became even more certain that he had indeed been reborn two months before the apocalypse arrived!

Right, his younger sister!

Separated from the little girl, Gu Lin scrambled out of bed without even bothering to put on his shoes, and hurriedly rushed upstairs.

It wasn't until he saw Gu Xue diligently doing her homework, counting on her fingers, that Gu Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness, his sister was still alive. There was still time to make things right!

"Brother? Do you want to check my homework?I wrote it very seriously~"

Gu Xue tilted her head and saw Gu Lin barefoot, pouting slightly, feeling a bit unhappy.

"Brother always said Xue doesn't wear her shoes properly, how could I forget yourself?"

"Mm, Brother was wrong."

A wave of bitterness washed over Gu Lin's heart. He had been terribly wrong. In the previous life, when the apocalypse arrived, he had believed the lies of the deceitful woman and lost the only chance to bring his sister back.

The little girl, only eleven years old, might have become someone else's food long before the disaster struck!

Looking at the little girl's bright eyes, Gu Lin's emotions were somewhat calmed. He walked over and gently, yet restrainedly, hugged her in his arms:

"Xue, be good. Brother will protect you."

Gu Xue didn't quite understand why Gu Lin would say this, but she still nodded obediently:

"Mm!I will be good and won't hold Brother back!"

With the determination to protect his sister, Gu Lin rubbed her little head and let her continue with her homework.

Since he had been reborn, Gu Lin needed to prepare for the impending apocalypse.

Gu Lin closed his eyes and furrowed his brow, recalling those terrifying natural disasters.

Extreme cold, extreme heat, acid rain, massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... In the face of nature's fury, human survival was becoming increasingly difficult.

Gu Lin had once struggled to survive in the apocalypse, relying on his girlfriend for ten years. However, in the end, she betrayed him by revealing her ability to manipulate space. Together with the base leader, she seized his powers and even cooked him into soup!

Seething with boundless hatred, every cell in his body clamored for revenge. Gu Lin pressed his temples, trying to calm himself down first.

With the apocalypse imminent, he needed to be rational. While revenge was important, both siblings needed to survive first.

Suddenly, he noticed a jade pendant with a safety buckle placed on his bedside table.

This is his spatial jade pendant! Although it looks very ordinary, as long as it's smeared with blood, it can turn into a vast space, capable of storing anything other than living creatures.

With this space, he can stock up on supplies for himself and his sister after.

Since in his previous life, Bai Weiwei treated his ten years of dedication as worthless and tortured him to death, in this life, he must make that damned bitch regret it!

Just as Gu Lin had made up his mind, his phone rang at this moment, and it was a message from Bai Weiwei:

[Gu Lin? Are you there? I've thought it over. I was wrong just now. I really like the jade pendant you gave me. Can you give it to me?]

Seeing the words on the phone screen, Gu Lin was momentarily stunned, then his eyes turned cold.

But after a moment of thought, Gu Lin realized that something was wrong.

In the previous life at this time, he did give Bai Weiwei this jade pendant, but she was flirting with several wealthy second-generation gold-diggers and didn't care about such shabby things at all.

So Bai Weiwei had a big fight with him, threw down the jade pendant, and stormed out.

It wasn't until three years into the apocalypse that the space in the jade pendant was unlocked.

So at this moment, Gu Lin can be sure that Bai Weiwei couldn't possibly know there was space inside it since it hasn't reached the time for his jade pendant's space to unlock yet!

But Bai Weiwei's messages kept coming one after another on his phone, revealing her clear intention of wanting Gu Lin's jade pendant.

Gu Lin remembered clearly that after their argument in the previous life, Bai Weiwei had ignored him completely, only seeking refuge at his door after the apocalypse arrived, which caused him to miss the only chance to bring Gu Xue back.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Lin suddenly smiled, attempting to use his consciousness to control the spatial jade pendant in his hand.

Before long, the successfully manipulated jade pendant flew up and down according to his will, even spinning a circle in his hand, while a brand new double-layered space appeared in Gu Lin's mind!

This was the next layer that had never been unlocked in the previous life. With a sweep of his consciousness, Gu Lin discovered that there seemed to be vast land inside!

Although no blood was shed, it was unquestionable that this space was now completely under Gu Lin's control.

Looking at the spatial jade pendant in his hand, a plan quickly formed in Gu Lin's mind, and he immediately replied to Bai Weiwei:

[This is my family heirloom. What do you want to exchange it for?]

Bai Weiwei's reply came quickly: [Gu Lin, aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend?]

Boyfriend and girlfriend?

Gu Lin couldn't help but laugh at this self-righteous tone.

In the previous life, despite struggling for ten years in the apocalypse, he had always taken good care of Bai Weiwei. He would give her the best food first and even gave her all the privileges he received as a spatial ability user.

As a boyfriend, he was already much better than those men in the apocalypse who abandoned their wives and children just to survive.

Yet, Bai Weiwei was still not satisfied. She was truly an ungrateful ingrate!

The water glass in his hand suddenly shattered, glass shards and water splattered all over the floor, but Gu Lin paid no attention, indifferently replying to Bai Weiwei:

[One million. You pay, and I'll immediately send it to you.]

Bai Weiwei replied quickly, her anger palpable even through the screen: [Gu Lin, are you robbing money?]

Gu Lin's gaze instantly became profound, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he chose not to reply.

Since Bai Weiwei was also reborn, with the apocalypse approaching, she must be extremely eager to obtain the space within this jade pendant, allowing her to hoard goods without restraint.

Gu Lin had grasped this point. If she wanted the space, fine, she could pay for it!

One million was just a drop in the bucket for Bai Weiwei. Being able to get a spatial jade pendant for just one million, she would definitely be willing. She wouldn't want any more entanglements with Gu Lin.

Gu Lin's guess was indeed correct. Before long, Bai Weiwei showed up at his door, her face looking rather unpleasant:

"Give me the jade pendant. I'll transfer the money right away."

Gu Lin grinned and tossed the jade pendant in his hand:

"Once I see the transfer, I'll give it to you immediately."

Bai Weiwei's lips moved slightly, but in the end, she transferred the money to Gu Lin without saying a word. She took the jade pendant and walked away without even looking back.

Gu Lin watched her leave, sneering coldly, his gaze deep.

What Bai Weiwei didn't know was that the spatial jade pendant was already in Gu Lin's possession. Not only could he use it at will, but he could also reclaim it at any time. He wasn't afraid that Bai Weiwei would run off with the supplies herself.

Even if Bai Weiwei died, it wouldn't have any impact on the spatial jade pendant.

Then, Bai Weiwei will be dumbfounded when the supplies suddenly disappear!

But for now, the most important thing is to stock up, to gather enough supplies to ensure that he and Gu Xue can have no worries about food and clothing amidst the continuous natural disasters!