
In another world with stando power

Dan was an average anime fan who spent every single day absorbed into the beauty which was anime . But there was an anime and manga that he loved above the rest JoJos bizzare adventure it had been memed so hard that it had been turned into an utter cess pool with people calling it gay and such . But if you looked past that it was an actually good series some parts of it weren’t the best but it was mostly good . And so to try and rebel against the jojo haters he went to a jojo hate group meeting and when he finally arrived he was dead . This entire thing is just a joke and absolute garbage so criticize it as much as you want

Animecormade · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Five years later

I walk down a cobble stone street as I walk down to my schools village where I soon spot a few punks in an alley . Well it's time to beat someone I enter the alley as these punks say the most cliche things I've ever heard . " Give us your money or you know what happens" one of them says while licking a knife.

Time to make my entrance I think I make my presence known by saying the iconic line . Yare yare daze look at what I found here . "What you talking beat who do you think you are your still wet behind your ears so we're go a little easy on you t".

They say ho I say your approaching me instead of running away . In return one of them says " little brat I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer ".

Your next line is "now are you prepared to learn a lesson now brat" ." Now are you prepared to learn a lesson now brat ".

I always wanted to do that well if your looking for a fight I'll give it to you Golden experience I yell out . I then do the iconic Giorno pose before saying seven page muda . I quickly approach and near my target before the muda starts .

Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda . In to the air into the ground normal backwards sideways I barrage him in every direction before hitting the final muda .

Muda I then say Heavens door I start using my pen to draw a picture of heavens door cause I can't just use it immediately right now .

And have the man look at it his face then turns into a book . I then rip out his memory of me before looking at the others who are trying to scream before I use golden experience to transform some blood puddles from the man I barraged . Into vines which quickly drag them back so now I use heavens door on them too before using it to heal them and smacking them out of the alley .

Before looking at the person I saved when I realize oh crap why do they look like Lisa Lisa . Hey don't fucking tell me am I in Italy or New York or something like that bruh .

All I ever asked the god was a somewhat different jojos bizzare adventure . I never said I wanted everything to be different so I say to them . Are you Lisa Lisa and I get surprised face and I seem to fall on the ground and die as I think bruh .