
Chapter 4

After buying and paying for the clothes Hina and I went back to the Inn and paid for another stay, after that we went to our own respective rooms.

--Suzuki, Hina's perspective--

After buying the clothes and going back to the Inn, I was tired I'm still having troubles making sense of things right now. I woke up on a white room naked while Uncle Shino was inside the room, then got turned into an 11 year old child got magically transported to somewhere, getting strong all of a sudden, seeing a bottle of red liquid appear out of nowhere, getting magically transported to a town.

Uncle already explained some of those things but there are still things I can't understand. I know Uncle works for a game company and has to endure a lot of things but he seems to be taking all of this as if it was just natural.

He casually just takes some copper coins out if his pocket and pays and I dont even know where he got those coins, or maybe he made it with his powers. Yesterday he said he can make and change things out of nothing just as long as he knows how it works and what it looks like, he called his power as RECALL.

I'm not really used to being small again, I cant run becuase I cant balance myself and when I walk I sometimes sway side to side which leads me to bump into other people.

Its quite scary outside, people carry weapons while walking and were heavily armored, Uncle called them adventurers. I was so scared so I kept holding Uncles hand when we went to the clothing shop.

I bought 5 kid sized clothes and Uncle bought me 2 adult sized clothes that looked the same. The shop owner said that the clothes cost extra because they can change their size to fit the user, at first I didnt believed it so does Uncle, but when he tried wearing the clothes it started adjusting to fit him.

I guess this is a magical world the one that only exist on books which means I have to brace myself for Dragons and other magical beasts.

---writers note (haha sorry I just realized I have been using the wrong word Nephew means- a son of one's brother or sister. I should have used Niece instead of Nephew I just realized they refer to different gender/sex. Sorry for the Inconvenience maybe I'll edit the words or I will just stop using nephew on the coming chapter, I'm really new to this webnovel thing and I can barely connect to the internet so forgive me for not noticing right away.)

I'll ask uncle tomorrow to turn me back to normal, I'm just not used to being small again.

-----Shino's perspective----

It was early on the morning Hina started knocking on my door ( I wonder what she wants?).

I opened the door and a small voice came out of her "Uncle can you turn me back to normal now?" Oh yeah she's still in her small form I believe there's another term for this, what was it oh right it was "Loli" wait were getting out of track here.

I let Hina enter the room and asked "why?". It seems Hina can't fully control her entire body, I did notice that she keeps swaying side by side yesterday and she tires quickly.

But first I need to ask her height and size including the two mountains in her chest.

So she was 1.50 meter tall or 150 centimeters tall she didnt tell me her body size though she said that as long as its not to fat or to slim shes okay with it, but she did tell me she was C-cup.

With this information I started using RECALL and Hina's body started to shine and became taller and taller until she was 1.50 meter tall and on her chest two mountains started growing rapidly her body was like a super model which is what I recall.

I covered my eyes so that I won't see Hina naked. But it seems her clothes is also included on the transformation.

"Anouncement: Individual Suzuki, Hina Has Now Acquired BODY MANIPULATION skill."

( Body manipulation? Whats that?) While I was thinking Hina already started testing her new Skill.

Her hair started turning blue then red then black and her hands started turning into what seems to be a monsters hand with long nails and it was covered with scales. I moved towards Hina and started investigating her hand, the scales were hard and it seems it can deflect any bullet her nails were also hard and sharp as if it was a real thing, no maybe it was a real thing.

The Skill's name was Body Manipulation maybe it can turn the user's body to anything according to what the user wants, if the user wants to have wings he can have wings. But what is its condition to activate? My Skill's condition is to only know how something looks like and how it works.

Since Hina can already use her Skill I asked her how she can activate it "You didnt hear it Uncle?" Hina seem to have heard something she said somebody explained how her Skill works.

Hina's Body Manipulation skill conditions to activate is to have the body parts to manipulate and to have sufficient energy. I can understand it now but why Manipulation instead of Transformation though?

Lets think about that later, because I have decided on something "Were going To Become Adventurers!!" I said with a hypened voice. "What do you mean?" And again Hina doesnt understand so I'll have to explain why.

"Think about it, we dont have problems with money because I can just make some, but if people start asking us where we get our money we cant possibly say that we can just make them."

"So in order to avoid those kinds of problem we need a job to cover up our money problem and the only job that can earn us money quick is being an adventurer, that way people will just think that we get our money through Quest's, thats why I want us to become Adventurers." Well one of the reasons why I want to be an adventurer is because I want to see dragons and other creatures but I'm not gonna say that to Hina.

"I understand what you mean Uncle, but cant we just sell things instead of adventurers?" Ah thats possible but "you mean like Merchants, no I dont wanna" no way I'll become a merchant I want see dragons. "Why Uncle?" Hina doesnt seem to accept my idea but I always have a plan hehehe.

"I told you the only job that can raise us money and cannot cause suspicion is being adventurer's." Haha how do you like that! Thats why I explained it to you in the first place!

"Y-you got a point uncle" got her! "Okay with that decided lets register as adventurers!!".