
The unexpected encountered

"So, did you find anything?"

Anne looks up to see Andy. He pointed at the door and said, "Two hours were up. Your escort is waiting."

Anne muttered while putting together the documents, "Wait, I need more time, there was…"

"Anne, we need to go back to the room." Hector was calling for her from the door of the room. "Come on, you can go back here when you have the time."

"But Hector, I need to read all of this thoroughly." Anne was practically pleading with the man.

"You need to see the patients as well, not just the report, right?" Said Hector. He then walks away while his hand waves at Anne to follow him outside.

Andy tried to console her, "You should follow Hector, for now. Don't worry, I could lend you the report so you can read it in your spare time." Andy trusted her because of how kind Anne was when they were on the journey together.