
The recurring nightmare

The moonlight lit up in the sky. Brom was sitting on the east gate post, waiting for the permit. When Chikara comes, he knows what exactly he was going to say to him. Choosing to have a discussion with Anne immediately, he asked for an unexpected mission to the mage's house.

Tonight, the guards were taking a little breather. Since the infected case went around the kingdom, fewer people were entering the capital. One guard came to Brom and gave him a cup of caftea. He gratefully took the cup and take a sip. Looking at the moon with a cup of caftea in his hand was surely a good moment to cherish. He always loves the moonlight, especially on these rare quiet nights.

"Sorry for the wait, captain Brom." The guard who took his permit to be signed finally back with the signed permission for him.

He smiled at the guard while shaking his head, "It was quite alright, I was the one who complicated things for you."