
The Best Kept Secret

"What happened? You seem tense."

Anne was looking at Justice. The crown prince took his time of having a conversation with his father. Anne, Vale, Henry, and Xavier have a look at the two of them from afar. She was curious about the conversation between the father and son.

"I can't tell you anything right now, since my father told me that he needs to investigate further about this." Said Justice while taking a glance at his father.

"Do you have to be so mysterious about it?" Asked Henry, a bit annoyed by his secrecy.

Justice glared at him. "For this conversation, yes, I need to."

Henry raised his hand and did not even try to argue with him. Anne, who's still treating everyone's wounds, can't even push him any longer. Justice excused himself and took another seat with his father. He then closed his eyes and took a nap.