
Making Connections

"Kusanagi!! As in the Kusanagi clan of demon hunters!" Shiro exclaimed inside the church dining area.

"The who?" Shura asked.

"Legends! It's said that a long time ago, a clan of humans fought against demons that had the ability to reincarnate themselves after death and sealed the demons into their bloodline to stop them from reincarnating and terrorizing the mortal world!"

"Whoa really! How come I've never heard about them!?"

"*Sigh* The demons weren't from Gehenna so the True Cross Order doesn't really pay much attention to them or collect any data on them either."

"That's quite narrow-minded." Jun butted in.

"I know... but the order's focus is on stopping Satan from entering into our world. Learning about other demons isn't really a factor to them... Plus there are other types of exorcists to deal with that."

'Like the church from DXD.'

"That's good and all, but is it okay to be talking about that stuff around me?" Jun asked wondering if this was a normal thing for exorcists to do.

"Hmm? Well I don't see why not. Just think of it as my thanks for sparing Shura's life." He smiled and sipped his tea.

"Cheap thanks! Don't you have anything more liquid!?" Jun complained and rubbed his fingers together.

"Cheap! Is my life only worth information that even the lowest class of exorcists know!"

Ignoring the rambling Shura, Shiro paid close attention to Jun as if he was afraid he'd disappear.

"To think that a member of the Kusanagi clan would be in my home! Now I can die with no regrets!"

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit!?

Shaking his head Shiro proceeded to explain that the Kusanagi clan were idols in his hearts. Sacrificing their bloodline in order to keep the world safe. Only the most honorable of people deserve his respect, and the Kusanagi clan was on the top of that list.

"Speaking of which, how can you be a demon and a member of the Kusanagi clan?" Shiro suddenly asked.

"I'm a half breed." He explained.

Shura stopped her ramblings when she heard him say this while a faint glimmer flashed past Shiro's eyes.

"Half breed?" Shura said with a weird look on her face.

"Yeah, half human half demon."

Shura looked at Shiro to see his reaction, and to her surprise he was completely composed.

"How old are you?" He suddenly asked.

"I recently turned 6."


Putting his hand on his chin, Shiro went silent and started contemplating something.

"Erm? Shiro?"




Not getting an answered out of him, Shura turned her attention back to Jun with a slight scowl on her face.

"Cough it up brat, why were you following me?"

"I wanted to see your demon sword." He replied with no hesitation.

"Demon sword? You mean Fang?" She said pulling the sword out of the mark on her chest.


"But how did you know I had a demon sword in the first place? It was stored away without any of its demonic aura leaking out, so you're either lying to me about your reason for following me or you have a way to sense demon swords... So which is it brat?"

Annoyed at the fact that she kept calling him brat Jun put on a smiling face to hide his displeasure.

"Well I certainly didn't come to see your saggy tits, and if it makes you feel any better I can also sense a demon sword below us."



Jun's words seemed to snap Shiro back to reality as he shot to his feet and remembered the Kurikara sword sealed in the basement.

"W-What did you just say."

Making a puzzled face Jun turned to look at the somewhat frantic Shiro.

'I've got him where I want him.'

Putting the smile back onto his face he answered the exorcist politely.

"I said that I felt a demonic aura coming from below us. Its extremely faint but its definetley there."

"I-Impossible! No one should be able to sense it!" Shiro yelled gripping the table.

Of course Jun couldn't sense any demonic swords, if not for the fact that he had already seen the anime and read the manga, he wouldn't even know about Shura's fang or the sword in the basement.

"You feeling okay? You look a bit pale." He said faking concern over someone who was destined to die in 10 years.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy." He smiled.

"Shura, can you go and check on the Kurikara? Key's in the same place."

Nodding her head she gave Jun one last glare before leaving.



"I would like to ask a favor of you." He said in a solemn voice.

"Sure." Jun answered with an innocent smile.

Breathing in a lungful of air, Shiro locked eyes with Jun as he prepared his next sentence.

"Please become friends with my sons!"

'And there it is!'


"Yes, I have two twins, Rin and Yukio. Please be their friend." He lowered his head.

"Um... sure... but why do you need me to do that?"


For the next 10 minutes Shiro went over the prequel of the blue exorcist story-line and explained that Rin and Yukio were the twin sons of Satan but only Rin seemed to inherit his daddy's power which was currently sealed away in the sword in the basement.

"So what you're basically saying is that since I'm a half demon like the two of them, you'd like it if we could form a long lasting friendship?"


"And the boys don't know about their heritage?"


"And you don't want them to know?"

"Not at the moment."

"...I see... So what do you hope to achieve by doing this?"

"I would just like them to have someone they're able to relate to." He sighed.

"You do realize that the only thing we have in common that they know about is that our ages are nearly the same."

"I know... but I think it would be good for them to have a friend like you."

"Oho? Now why do you say that?" Jun smiled lightly.

"You're confident, intelligent, strong and a half demon. I couldn't think of a better friend for them."

Putting his hand on his chin, Jun pretended to think about his offer.

"Well I don't see why not." He shrugged.

"But before that I have a couple of questions."


Smiling at his response Jun started his list of questions.

"Where are the two of them?"

"They're currently playing at the park with a couple of priests in training."

'Well that sounds like the start of a rape story.'

"How come no one came to see what was happening when me and Shura started to fight?"

"I can only guess that Shura knew you were tracking her so she preemptively created a barrier to ensure that ordinary people wouldn't get involved."

'I guess that makes sense.'

"Do you plan on training the boys into exorcists?" He continued.

"Not at the moment."

"Okay... Last question. Can you get me a gun?"