The train had just left the station and me, Kariya and Sergei were sitting happily in the first class cart. Kariya hadn't told me where we were going, and I forgot to check the board when we were at the station so I'm currently flying blind.
Sitting in my comfy seat, I pulled out my phone and played a couple of games I downloaded from the web. They weren't anything special or innovative, but I had to admit that they were good time wasters.
While I was doing that, Kariya was too busy meditating to pay any attention to me. According to him, keeping his mind clear purifies his swordsmanship. It all sounded like bullshit to me, but then again what does it matter. Sergei was similar to Kariya as he also had his eyes closed, the only difference was that I knew that Sergei was using his other senses to monitor our surroundings. Apparently it helped him survive back in Russia.
Both of them were in their respective outfits that suited their professions. Compared to the two elderly men, my outfit was less impressive, all I wore was a standard black hoodie and jeans that would be easily lost in a crowd.
'Well its not like I want to stand out anyway.'
Since the journey was going to take a while, I decided to try to activate my mystic eyes again. And considering that the only two people who were meant to observe me currently had their eyes closed, I thought why not.
Closing my eyes I focused my concentration on my eyes and tried to recall the feeling I felt when I had first activated them.
2 hours later, I sat there in complete silence trying to focus my energy around my eyes. Thinking about how Shiki Tohno and Shiki Ryougi manifested their mystic eyes, everything finally clicked. Both owners of the mystic eyes of death perception only obtained their power after having a brush with death. As someone who has already died and been reincarnated I already know what death looks like. Not to mention that God himself personally gave me the mystic eyes. Slowly putting the pieces together, I started to visualize the moments before my death back in my old world.
Feeling a weird fluctuation in my body and a slight itch around my eyes, I slowly opened them and found myself gazing at numerous black lines littered around the train.
'The lines of death…'
Just as I was about to touch one of the lines on the table in front of me a sudden pain shot through my eyes and forced me to grit my teeth.
'FUCK! Not again.'
Taking in deep breaths, the pain started to recede, but at the same time so did the lines of death.
Pulling out my phone, I enter selfie mode and checked the colour of my eyes, and to my surprise they were back to being grey.
Thinking back on it, God did say that he would limit my use of the ability. But never did I imagine that he would do it in such a way.
After trying a couple more times, my hypothesis was proven correct. I can activate my mystic eyes by gathering that weird energy around my eyes and visualizing death and deactivate them by visualizing the present and blocking off the flow of weird energy. By doing this, I can activate and deactivate them on a whim without any trouble. The only problem is that the longer they're active the more pain I will feel in my eyes. And if that pain becomes too much for me to handle, I'll pass out and my mystic eyes will naturally deactivate.
1 hour later, we finally arrived at our destination and I saw the arrival sign.
Karakura town
Walking out from the train station with Sergei and Kariya, I etched the scenery into my mind, I can't believe I'm really here. Taking in the air and releasing it back out again, my white hair blew in the wind and made me look extremely dashing for a 6 year old.
'So this is Karakura town.'
"So where we going first master?" I asked walking next to Kariya.
"Hmm… we're going to meet an old friend." Kariya said stroking his beard.
After saying that the trio walked in silence as little Jun caught the eye of many women of varying ages who passed him by.
[2020 A/n: Yeah... Real annoying...]
Ignoring all the weird gazes directed at him, he put his earphones back in and listened to whatever was on the radio.
Humming to himself, he didn't realize that there was something following him from behind.
After a bit of walking, the trio found themselves standing in front of a home clinic.
'We came all this way for a clinic? Is master sick?'
Walking up to the door, Kariya pressed the doorbell and waited for a person to answer. After about a minute, the trio heard the sound of a latch being unhooked and the squeaking sound of the door being opened.
At first, I didn't really care about who it was because knowing my master it would probably be some old ass martial artist or someone from the government. But when I saw the woman who opened the door I was left dumbstruck.
She was a woman of average height, not especially beautiful or stand outish, she had shoulder length light brown hair and unremarkable brown eyes. Compared to the women he'd seen his mother work with, she was completely ordinary. But ignoring her looks, she had something that all those other women lacked.
Taking a step back I finally saw the sign on the clinic.
'You have got to be kidding me.'
"Mom! Karin is crying again!"
A sudden shout echoed out as a small orange haired boy came running out of the door carrying a black haired baby in his arms.
Turning my attention towards the boy I almost lost control of myself as I was facing the future strongest Shinigami.
[2020 A/n: Y'know, I read the entire manga, and I'm actually not sure if Ichigo was the strongest shingami.]
"Ichigo we have guests. What do you say." The brown haired woman said somewhat sternly.
"Oh!" Finally realizing that there were people standing at the door, he gave a small bow and introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." Turning to me he smiled.
"Will you be my friend?"
His eyes shone with such innocence that didn't suit his character.
Standing frozen, I struggled to keep up with what was happening in front of me. I mean I always planned to come here if this place was real, but never in my wildest dreams did I think the first stop on our journey would be the Kurosaki household.
"S-sure…" I managed to squeeze out.
"REALLY!!" He smiled with the brightest smile I'd ever seen in this life and my last.
Grabbing me by the hand, he dragged me inside the house while Kariya and Masaki spoke outside.
After introducing me to his 1 year old twin sisters, he finally let me go to the toilet by myself.
Slamming the door behind me, I splashed cold water on my face and did my best not to scream out of annoyance.
'My god, children are annoying as fuck!'
Looking into the mirror, I activated my mystic eyes and saw a bunch of squiggly black lines sprawled out across the room. Feeling the pain coming from my eyes I managed to calm myself down. Deactivating them, I felt an unnatural presence coming from outside.
'What is it this time?'
Turning towards the window in annoyance, I closed my eyes and locked down on the presence scanning the house.
'Found you.'
Considering how the presence isn't concealing their intent in the slightest, I'm pretty sure Masaki has already realized that her house is being targeted.
Jumping out of the window, I climbed to the rooftop before jumping from building to building in the direction of the presence.
In the distance a large building was crumbling to the floor while the people in the vicinity were running away in fear of being crushed. Watching from the distance, I saw another building in the vicinity start to crumble. Seeing that the destruction spread towards my direction, I furrowed my brows and tried to find the presence I felt earlier. Focusing on the unusual energy in the air I turned towards the newly destroyed building and saw the outline of an invisible figure raise a small child into the air.
'What is that?'
Realizing that I was in Karakura Town, I remembered that this place was basically the epicentre for spirits and spiritual beings to wreak havoc. Without any hesitation I activated my mystic eyes in order to perceive death. And just like I expected, a grotesque monster with a white bone-like mask was the cause of all this destruction.
'So this is what a hollow's presence feels like.'
Observing the hollow, I saw its ridiculously long arms sweep the building away like a plaything.
Normally I wouldn't get involved since this was a Shinigami's job… But I haven't fought anything supernatural yet, and I'll be damned if I let such an opportunity to gain experience slip me by.
Just imaging slaying the hollow caused me to smile in excitement.
'I wonder if demon energy can kill a spiritual being… Well I still have the lines of death to fall back on.'
Our first stop is Karakura town!!
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Masaki Kurosaki (Bleach)