

Swaying his head to the right, Jun easily dodged Saeko's sword slash while keeping his eye on the other three girls who were rapidly approaching his position.

Grabbing onto Saeko's wrist he pulled her forward and buried his knee deep in her stomach before jumping out of the way of Nobume's threatening strike.

'Damn, these girls have some killer instinct!'

Creeping up on him from behind, a flash of intent crossed Kisara's eyes as she slashed her sword at Jun's unprotected back.

Performing a 10/10 backflip, Jun's small body flew over the bladed part of the wooden sword as he proceeded to mercilessly landed multiple kicks on Kisara's back until she was laying flat on her stomach. Just as he was about to eliminate her from the spar, a red streak of light came crashing into him and sent him sprawling backwards.

'The fuck!'

Looking up from the ground he saw the ever quiet Ayase staring at him with a look of hunger in her one eye that wasn't covered.

'Great! Another battle junkie.'

Taking a closer look at her he noticed that her breathing was slightly hurried as her physical condition had somehow risen from what it had been five minutes ago.


Not giving him time to comprehend what had just occurred, the duo of Saeko and Nobume kept him on his toes as he was forced to split his mind in order to focus on both of them at once.

'*Sigh* Fighting without using any of my abilities and keeping my body on the level of a normal human is tiring.'

Parrying another one of Saeko's slashes, Jun countered with a strike of his own only to be blocked by Nobume's sword.

'These sisters are annoying.'

Without him realizing it, Kisara and Ayase had made their way over and joined in on ganging up on him.

As time passed, deflecting their strikes became increasingly harder as he felt that the girls were only getting faster while he was quickly tiring.

'Shit! FUCK IT!!'

<<Dark Edged Style – Soumatou>>

The world instantly slowed down as Jun felt his brain functions accelerate to a level that most humans wouldn't be able to handle. Using this technique gave him breathing room as he was able to react to the four-way onslaught without having to throw off his disguise of a normal human.

In this state he was able to fully see the expressions on all of the girl's faces. And to be completely honest.... it freaked him out! Nobume had her famous sadistic smile as she relished in his hardship, Saeko was laughing like madwoman as this was one of rare times where she could let her violent side run wild, Kisara had a look of delight on her face as she felt that she was getting her revenge after losing to him during their last spar, and Ayase... Well Ayase was exuding an aura of malice that didn't suit her shy temperament.

'*Sigh* Even though I'm holding back... to think that I'd be desperate enough to use this technique... well I guess it counts as training.'

Thanks to the Soumatou state Jun was able to boost his comprehension ability as his accelerated brain was able to analyse everything at a faster speed.


"This doesn't look good for your student." Kaito commented seeing the girls gang up on Jun.

"Mmm, he's not used to fighting more than one opponent and is getting confused." Kariya gave his analysis.

"But I have to say, that daughter of yours is quite the talent. For a girl of her age to have such physical abilities is amazing... You haven't been juicing her have you?" He joked.

"Of course not!" Kaito defended. "She's a blazer."

"A blazer? They're real!?" Kariya said sounding surprised.

Putting on a smug expression, Ayase's father felt pride well up in his chest.

"Less than 0.5 percent of the population are blazers yet my offspring easily fits into that category. With my training she'll easily become one of the strongest people in this world."

"Is that so." Kariya said not fully believing him.

"What are blazers anyway? I've heard about them but never truly understood what people meant."

"Hmm." Nodding his head, Kaito proceeded to explain what he knew about blazers.

"According to scientists, they're a group of humans who are able to utilize the energy inside of them that we call the soul and are able to manifest it in the real world as weapons with special properties."

"Special properties?"

"Like enhancing the users speed, turning ablaze, creating illusions etc..."

"Sounds hard to believe." Kariya said dismissing his friend's claim.

"I thought so to until Ayase materialized a sword out of thin air."


Deactivating Soumatou, Jun felt the world return to its normal state as he casually deflected the swords coming at him.

'Thanks to Soumatou and my instant comprehension I've seen through their footwork and attack patterns.'

Swaying his body to the side in a rhythmic tone he easily walked through all their attacks without letting them ruffle the ends of his clothes.

'Forward, left, right, stop, right, stop, twist right, bend forward, step back, turn right, forward, left, right, stop, right, stop, twist right, bend forward, step back, turn right, forward, left, right, stop, right, stop, twist right, bend forward, step back, turn right, forward, left, right, stop, right, stop, twist right, bend forward, step back, turn right, forward, left, right, stop, right, stop, twist right, turn left, back step.'

Continuously avoiding every attack sent at him, Jun felt that things had become too easy as he was no longer being pushed into a corner.

His opponents on the other hand were starting to feel the effects of their adrenaline wear off as a huge amount of fatigue hit them. In comparison, Jun was practically shining.

"How! HOW ARE YOU NOT TIRED!!" Kisara lunged at him.

Sidestepping her attack, he karate chopped the back of her neck and watched as she collapsed before returning his focus back onto the other girls.

"Give up yet?"

"No." Nobume said in a monotone voice.

"Then step forward."

Nodding to each other, the three girls spread out and surrounded him.

'Going for a pincer attack eh.'

"No matter how good you are at parrying, there's no way you'll be able to block all three of us." Saeko said.

"You're right about that. But you're forgetting something important."

"What's that?"

"Now that you three have separated... You've left yourself wide open!"

Vanishing from their sight, Jun charged straight up to Saeko.

Feeling their eyes widen, the girls watched as Jun smacked Saeko around before disarming and eliminating her.

"2 down."

Dropping her sword on the floor Jun turned to face the last of his opponents.

"Ready when you are."

The two girls looked at each other and nodded before simultaneously charging him.








Dodging and parrying their attacks, Jun started to circle around the dojo with the other two following him. From Kariya's and Kaito's point of view it looked like he was leading them in a dance.

Takeru and Daruku were watching with stars in their eyes for very different reasons. Daruku was just happy to see her friend in a winning position, whereas Takeru was etching every move into his mind in hopes of one day being able to replicating them.

Sweeping his sword upwards, Jun broke Nobume's guard and took the opportunity to send her flying with a kick to her stomach.


Blocking Ayase's attack, he locked swords with her and used his superior strength to push her back before sweeping her off her feet and pointing his sword at her throat.

Surprised by the sudden development, she was unable to understand what had just transpired as she suddenly found herself flat on her back while the white haired boy towered over her. It was only after her initial shock wore off that she realized that she had been defeated.

"....You win."


"You used Soumatou didn't you." Takeru questioned Jun while the girls were arguing over whose fault it was that they lost.

Taking a sip of water he shrugged his shoulders.

"They said I can't use Mujushin Kenjutsu and Iaido, they never said anything about the Dark Edged Style."

"You know you shouldn't use that technique! The amount of strain it puts on your body is too much for you!"

"Don't worry about it." Jun said patting his shoulder.

Since his body was naturally stronger than a humans, he didn't need to worry about any kind of backlash even if he was limiting his abilities to the level of normal humans.