
Skywalker lizard

The guild head stared at Alex in the eyes.

"You are a space mage, right?" He asked. He had only seen Alex deal with the green snake and mantis before getting distracted by whatever made him look so miserable, since then, he had been unable to watch the rest of Alex's fight so he was unaware of his sword mastery and shocking speed.

"Yes, I am," Alex replied. He was aware that the guild head had already killed the gray wolf so he stopped paying attention to him, Alex was surprised to see him in such a state. Did he go fight a horde of beasts by himself?

"There is no time to chit chat. A skywalker lizard has appeared at the back of the beasts and is currently approaching the city. We have to stop it. Don't worry, you only need to stall it while I prepare an attack to finish it in one strike" the guild head grabbed Alex before jumping away.